Modify a production control job

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Modify a production control job

Use the Edit command in the Select Production Control Job dialog box to modify the properties of a production control job. You can also adjust the combining optimizations, suppliers, input and display units, pay categories, and shipping routes that are used for the job.

  1. In the Select Production Control Job dialog box, click the job that you want to modify.
  2. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Edit.
  3. In the Production Control Job Edit dialog box, modify the production control job settings according to your needs.

    The available properties are:



    Job Date

    The date your company received the job. Tekla EPM automatically uses the current date.

    If necessary, change the date by clicking the arrow on the right side of the Job Date field and selecting a date in the calendar.

    Shipping Date

    The estimated shipping date of the job.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Shipping Date field, and select a date in the calendar.

    Job Description

    The description of the job.

    Type a description in the Job Description field.

    Job Location

    The city or town of the production control job.

    Type the appropriate location in the Job Location field.

    Job Status Select if the job is still in progress (Open), or if the job has already been finished (Closed).

    You can filter the Select Estimating Job dialog box, so that only open jobs are shown.

    ERP Job #

    The accounting system job number.

    Typing the accounting system job number in the ERP Job # field allows you to link material items properly when you export information to the accounting system, such as Trimble Viewpoint.

    Job Group

    The first and second job groups that the current production control job belongs to.

    Click the arrow on the right side of Job Group fields and select existing job groups in the list, or type new job groups directly in the blank fields.


    Comments on the job. The comments will be visible in production control reports.

    Type comments in the Comment field.

    Shipping Comment

    Comments on the shipping of the job.

    For example, you can add information on shipping restrictions.

    Project Management Job

    The project management job that is linked to the production control job. Selecting an project management job allows you to import useful information from the selected project management job.

    The related project management job needs to be linked to the production control job in order to access the drawings in the Production Control module.

    You can also load general information from the project management job to the production control job. Tekla EPM will fill the related fields on the General tab with information from the selected project management job, and load the addresses from the first company tab in the project management job on the Sold To/Ship To tab.

    To load information from a project management job, do the following:
    1. Click the arrow on the right side of Project Management Job field, and select the project management job in the list.

    2. Click Load Info on the right side of the Project Management Job field.

    3. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Save.

    4. To further modify the properties of the production control job, click the production control job to select it, and click Edit.


    The estimating job that is linked to the production control job. Selecting an estimating job allows you to apply the labor from the estimating job to the production control job.

    Click the arrow on the right side of Estimate field, and select the estimating job in the list.

    You can also load general information from the estimating job the production control job. Tekla EPM will fill the related fields on the General tab with information from the selected estimating job.

    To load information from an estimating job, do the following:
    1. Click Load Info on the right side of the Estimate field.

    2. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Save.

    3. To further modify the properties of the production control job, click the production control job to select it, and click Edit.

  4. On the Sold To/Ship To tab, modify the client details:

    Note that only companies and contacts that have already been saved in the Address Book as Client can be selected.

    1. Click the arrow on the right side of Sold To field, and select the buyer in the list.
    2. Click the arrow on the right side of Ship To field, and select the receiver in the list.

    The contact information is automatically added to the fields, but you can still modify the details according to your needs.

  5. On the Input Settings tab, adjust the input settings used in the job.
  6. Click the buttons at the bottom of the Production Control Job Edit dialog box to adjust the combining optimizations, suppliers, input and display units, pay categories, and shipping routes used for the current job.
  7. Click Save to update the job properties.
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