General enhancements

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

General enhancements

A number of general enhancements have been made for Tedds 2022. (Note that some features documented below were included in previous updates to Tedds 2021).

Identity Sign In

When you are required to sign in to Trimble Identity to use your Tekla Online License or to access Tekla online services the default web browser is now used. This means you are signed into all Trimble products and online services which use the default web browser for sign in, which significantly reduces the frequency that you are asked to sign in.

Windows 11

When using Tekla Online licensing, Tedds 2022 is compatible with Windows 11.

When using On-premises licensing, Tedds 2022 is not officially compatible because a version of Sentinel RMS which supports Windows 11 is not yet available.

Tekla Tedds API

Enhanced the Tedds application API to include the following new features:

  • Save documents in the active project to PDF.

  • Determine whether an active project exists

  • Link the active project to an online BIM project

  • Application events for ProjectCreated, ProjectOpened and ProjectClosed

Fixes and Other Enhancements

  • [TEDDS-6276] Modified the default colours used for drawing the axis on drawings to the same colours used by Tekla Structures (X=Red, Y=Green, Z=Blue).

  • [TEDDS-5619] Modified the behaviour of the developer commands for creating calculation examples to always save the variables in SI units so that numeric precision issues are avoided when saving US examples using US units.

  • [TEDDS-5620] Enhanced VerifyEqual so that when the result is different the warning message indicates the percentage difference between the two values.

  • [TEDDS-5546] Fixed the Data List design application not initialising the "Hide grid" and "Fixed splitter" options correctly which resulted in these options being applied randomly when building a data list.

  • [TEDDS-5842] Fixed all functions which expect dimensionless values (e.g. exp) from throwing an error if a computation results in a value with very small dimensions close to zero (< 1e-15).

  • [TEDDS-5748] Fixed Section Properties Calculator not importing Continental Tee sections.

  • [TEDDS-5761] In the Library Access System enhanced the Manage Libraries dialog so that when the SHIFT key is pressed the Copy command on the list views context menu will only copy the library file names.

  • [TEDDS-5849] Added a warning shown in the progress log when Debug mode is enabled for when a variable is assigned or referenced using a name which exceeds the maximum variable name length of 32 characters.

  • [TEDDS-5687] When editing a document header the label for the "Save these settings as the default for new documents" may have been truncated depending on the Windows DPI settings.

  • [TEDDS-5923] Fixed Project Manager window in Tedds application not redrawing correctly if the window is shown after being hidden and a project is already open.

  • [TEDDS-5937] Optimized calculation performance when WatchVar and WatchFunction are not being used.

  • [TEDDS-5938] Fixed the logging of WatchVar events for variables with a value which is a string or expression so that if the variable is deleted the logged event states "deleted" and not "modified".

  • [TEDDS-5939] When an undo save state is restored or discarded, do not log delete events for variables which have WatchVar enabled.

  • [TEDDS-6072] Fixed input controls in calculation user interfaces redrawing incorrectly on Windows 11.

  • [TEDDS-6027] Fixed the User Interface Designer sometimes crashing with a "System argument out of range exception" when changing the Type of an input control from Edit to EditDropList.

  • [TEDDS-6033] Updated the Tedds Add-In so that the location of the Tedds for Word templates is included as a trusted Microsoft Word location. This prevents Microsoft Word showing an unnecessary security warning when creating new Tedds for Word documents “This document contains fields that can share data with external files and websites. It is important that this file is from a trustworthy source”.

  • [TEDDS-6166] Fixed the ListAllUnits function not working correctly due to always reporting the error “unable to enumerate units in the unit database”.

  • [TEDDS-5989] Improved the loading of add-ins for the Tedds calculator so that if a user written custom add-in fails to load it does not stop the system add-ins from loading which previously resulted in an undefined variable error “DListSetFile and SolvCreateSolver” when attempting to calculate any calculation which uses DataLists or the solver functions.
