Design Settings > Sway & Drift Checks

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Design Settings > Sway & Drift Checks

Sway & drift check settings

Setting Description
Merge short stacks

With this setting off the Sway/Drift, Wind Drift & Seismic Drift checks are performed for all column stacks and wall panels irrespective of their stack lengths.

With this setting on you can specify a minimum stack length.

Note: The ‘Merge short stacks’ option does not apply to columns/walls where you have elected to merge stacks manually (via the column/wall properties).

The following logic is applied to merging stacks when the setting is on:

  1. Start at the topmost stack of the column/wall.
  2. If the stack length is less than the merge limit then merge with the stack below.
  3. Check again to see if then new length exceeds the merge limit, if not then merge again with the next stack below.
  4. Repeat step 3 as required until the stack length exceeds the merge limit.
  5. For subsequent stacks repeat steps 2 and 3 as required until the length exceeds the merge limit.
  6. When the bottommost stack is reached, if this needs to be merged, merge with the stack above.
Note: If a single stack column or single panel wall length is less than the merge short stacks limit it is not considered for sway/drift, wind drift, seismic drift checks.

Check wind cases only

Allows you to set that the wind drift check performed on all columns only considers the effect of the wind loadcases in each wind combination.

Clear the setting to consider the effects of all loadcases in wind combinations, such as drift induced by gravity loads.

For more information, see: Consider wind cases only for the wind drift check

Wind Drift Limit
The limit applied to all columns and walls.
Note: This can be overridden for specific members as required in the member properties.
Note: A re-analysis is required if the limit is changed.

For more information, see: Set the wind drift limit

Check for Resultant Wind Drift

The wind drift check can either be performed in two directions (Dir 1 & 2), or for the resultant wind drift direction only. For new models the default is to check for the resultant direction only.

For more information, see: Choose resultant or directional wind drift checks
