Punching shear check fundamentals
Before you check punching shear in Tekla Structural Designer you should familiarize yourself with some concepts that apply to the punching checks generally and others that apply when the checks are being used to design shear rail reinforcement.
When punching check items are designed/checked an applied load on the slab/mat foundation is calculated accounting for the difference in column/wall axial load and bending. The slab shear stresses are then checked, accounting for the reinforcement present (background and column/general patches).
All columns and walls that are not perpendicular to slabs are treated as if they are for the punching areas developed. The relevant load is resolved to act perpendicular to the slab for punching checks. This is conservative as the punching area/perimeter will be smaller than that for the angled column or wall.
Column head drops and the presence of openings within a certain distance of the punching shear boundary are taken into account in the punching shear calculations.
Where punching checks are closely spaced and the perimeters overlap the checks are beyond scope.
If working to the Eurocode or ACI head code, the punching reinforcement can optionally be designed at certain locations as an orthogonal or circular arrangement of stud rails. For details of the locations, see: Applicability.
Punching shear can be checked at the following locations:
In flat slabs
Concrete columns supporting a flat slab with and without drops
Concrete columns supported by a flat slab
Concrete columns through a flat slab with or without drops
Concrete walls supporting a flat slab
Concrete walls supported by a flat slab
Concrete walls through a flat slab
Columns in other materials supported by a flat slab
Point loads at either face of a flat slab
In foundation mats
Concrete columns supported by a foundation mat
Concrete walls supported by a foundation mat
Columns in other materials supported by a foundation mat
Point loads on a foundation mat
individual piles supporting a foundation mat (but only if designing to Eurocodes, or ACI 318)
In flat slabs
Concrete columns supporting a flat slab without drops
Concrete columns supported by a flat slab
Concrete columns through a flat slab without drops
Columns in other materials supported by a flat slab
Point loads at either face of a flat slab
In foundation mats
Concrete columns supported by a foundation mat
Columns in other materials supported by a foundation mat
Point loads on a foundation mat
Punching shear check axis system
- Punching checks applied to point loads - by default the check Y and Z axes default to align with global X and Y. The Loaded Area Orientation angle can then be used to rotate these in relation to the global Y axis.
- Punching checks applied to columns - as the following image illustrates, the check Y and Z axes are aligned and locked to the local axis system for the column elements so it is easier to relate forces in both objects.
Global coordinate system Punching shear check axis system Note: The punching shear check axis system and the column 1D member local coordinate axis system are locked together, so if the column is rotated, the punching check axes also rotate.Column 1D member local coordinate system
Punching shear perimeters
Can have different shapes based on the check location, column/wall/point load section and/or type of reinforcement if applicable
Can be interrupted by openings or slab edges
Length can be adjusted by the user through the punching check properties grid
Every punching shear perimeter is positioned at a distance from column face which is a multiple of the effective depth found at the first punching shear perimeter (control/critical). This results in evenly spaced perimeters either inside and outside slab patches where reinforcement can vary.
- Loaded, critical and outer perimeters (ACI 318)
- Loaded, control and outer perimeters (Eurocode)
The effect of slab edges on punching shear perimeters
- Edges: perimeters have three sides or less
- Corners: have two sides or less
- Perimeters use the slab edges as a boundary until the length of the full internal perimeter is found to be smaller than the edge/corner perimeter
The effect of openings on punching shear perimeters
User perimeter reductions
If you want to consider the effect of openings, but do not want to place them in the slab, this can be done by specifying a user reduction in the punching check Properties window. When applied, the length of the perimeter is reduced by the specified amount.
- adjust the length of perimeters of irregular section shapes.
- if designing to Eurocodes - obtain the reduced loaded perimeter for edge and corner cases as suggested by EN1992-1-1:2004 clause 6.4.5(3).
Reinforcement type and properties
Stud reinforcement uses the same material database as ordinary concrete reinforcement. New steel grades and bar/stud sizes can be defined by clicking Home > Materials > Reinforcement
Reinforcement design settings
If you are using the Eurocode or ACI head code, and have specified stud rail reinforcement when creating the punching checks, you should review the reinforcement design settings by selecting Design > Settings > Concrete > Punching Shear > Reinforcement Layout.
These settings are used to control:
- Minimum and maximum bar sizes
- Minimum and maximum spacing values
- Auto-design method, and the “Starting number of studs per face” in auto-design
These settings only apply to slab punching checks and not the punching checks applied to isolated foundations.
For further details, see:Punching shear design settings
Reinforcement auto-design
When auto-design is selected you are can choose to select reinforcement from Minima or from the Current reinforcement layout.
- Minimize Number of studs on the first reinforcement line used in the design (equivalent to number of design rails), or
- Minimize Size of the studs used in design
- Number of stud rails per column face starts at 1;
- Number of studs per rail starts at 2;
- Number of rails or stud size - depending on the design option - increases along a peripheral line until a pass is obtained;
- Number of studs per rail increases until reinforcement is no longer required.
Reinforcement layout
- Reinforcement arrangements - the following arrangements are available:
- Circular arrangement (predominantly used in EC design)
- Orthogonal arrangement (predominantly used in ACI design)
Reinforcement lines are:
peripheral lines around the loaded area passing through stud positions of the same index along all “design rails”
reinforcement lines are not shear perimeters
- Rail positions - Within the circular and orthogonal arrangements the rail positions are:
- Face rails
Positioned between column bounding rectangle projected boundaries and aligned with the check local axis
Arranged symmetrically in relation to the section bounding rectangle centerline, except at edges where the edge rail can be offset to the inside of the slab by a minimum value equal to the slab concrete cover.
The minimum number of rails is 1
The maximum number of rails is 20
Diagonal rails
Positioned at corners and at an angle with the check local axis
Placed at equal angles from each other and the two orthogonal directions starting at 45 degrees for a single corner rail
Angles are measured with center at the origin of the two closest face rails
The minimum number of rails is 0
The maximum number of rails is 10
- Face rails
- Rail positions within arrangements
- Circular arrangement
Face rails and corner rails
Can have edge rails as well
Provided uniformly around the shear perimeter
Shorter rails might be used to fulfill spacing requirements
- Orthogonal arrangement
Face rails but no corner rails
Can have edge rails as well
Non-uniformly around the shear perimeter
- Circular arrangement
- Number of studs per rail
Minimum number of studs = 2
Maximum number of studs = 20
The actual number of studs per rail depends on the design, user editing and punching check characteristics (position, presence of openings, spacing of rails)
- Rail types
- Design rails
- Identified in red in user interface
- Full length rails
- Rail properties are user editable
- Considered in the design
- Identified in red in user interface
Detailing rails
- Identified in blue in the user interface
- Used to fulfill spacing requirements (circular arrangements only)
- Used to fill distances to edges
- Shorter rails interrupted by opening dead-zones
- Shorter rails interrupted by edges
- User has no direct control over these but they respond to changes to design rails
- Not considered in the design
- Identified in blue in the user interface
- Design rails
- Types of detailing rail
- Rails used to fulfill spacing requirements (circular arrangement)
Can be shorter or have similar size to “design rails”
Will occur in circular arrangements only
Automatically added if the spacing of the “design rails” is larger than the maximum allowed along the first reinforcement line
Automatically added if the spacing of the “design rails” is larger than the maximum allowed at reinforcement perimeters beyond the first reinforcement line (shorter rails).
- Rails used to fill distances to edges
Will in most usual cases have the same length as “design rails”
Can have different length if affected by opening dead-zones or angled edges
Can occur in both circular and orthogonal arrangements
Placed between the column section boundary and the slab edge
Only get used if “Design rails” are added
Automatically added if the column is eccentric to the slab edge by more than the maximum allowed rail spacing
Spacing between edge “detailing” rails is equal to the maximum allowed rail spacing in the given direction
- Shorter rails due to interruption by an opening dead-zone
Will be shorter than “design rails”
Can occur with “design rails” and “detailing rails”
Can occur in both circular or orthogonal arrangements
- Shorter rails due to interruption by edges
Will be shorter than “design rails”
Can occur with “design rails” and “detailing rails”
Can occur in both circular or orthogonal arrangements
- Rails used to fulfill spacing requirements (circular arrangement)
Use of property sets to standardize checks and reinforcement
The benefits of using property sets with punching checks are:
- Quick reinforcement standardization - allows to have a standard reinforcement arrangement (rails/spacings) checked at various positions throughout the model
- Ensuring the same user property overrides are used at identical positions
- Applying point load loaded area properties quickly to any point loads
- from the ribbon,
- by clicking Home > Manage Property Sets > New... > Punching Check
- from a scene view,
- by right clicking on an existing punching check item and selecting Create property set
Creating a punching check property set will save the following properties:
- Tension reinforcement surface (top/bottom);
- Point Load Breadth;
- Point Load Depth;
- Point Load Orientation;
- Beta - user limit for EC;
- User factor for Vt for BS design;
- u0 user reduction for EC and BS design;
- u1 user reduction for EC and BS design;
- bo user reduction for ACI design;
- Slab override and the associated flags for slab in y+/y-/z+/z-;
- Slab override (drop) and the associated flags for slab in y+/y-/z+/z-;
- All reinforcement design data (everything under "Design Input" in the properties window)
Once created, a punching check property set can then be applied to other punching checks from the Properties window.
- Tension reinforcement surface (top/bottom);
- Point Load Breadth - point loads only;
- Point Load Depth - point loads only;
- Point Load Orientation - point loads only;
- Beta - user limit in EC design;
- User factor for Vt in BS design;
- u0 user reduction in EC and BS design;
- u1 user reduction in EC and BS design;
- bo user reduction in ACI design;
- Slab override and the associated flags for slab in y+/y-/z+/z-. If not overridden the slab presence flag statuses are not passed;
- Slab override (drop) and the associated flags for slab in y+/y-/z+/z-. If not overridden the slab presence flag statuses are not passed;
- Reinforcement design data - Will apply only where reinforcement arrangements can be designed.
Note the following:
- Punching check property sets can be edited at any stage between creation and application;
- Only property fields available in the destination check get populated by the property set;
- It is not a reinforcement copy feature. As an example, applying property sets from edge or corner checks to internal checks will result in a different number of rails with the same properties being used;
- Adding a column drop hides but does not delete the reinforcement data if it exists and this will reflect in any property sets saved at this position afterwards;
- Inconsistent slab presence flag statuses may occur between slab and drop when a property set from a punching check without a drop is applied to another at a different position and with a slab drop;