Add a purchase order item

Tekla PowerFab
変更済み: 8 3月 2024
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Add a purchase order item

Most items are added to purchase orders by loading the material items from combining, estimating, or production control jobs to purchase orders. You can also add new material or subcontract items to an open purchase order manually.

Add a material item

Note: All material items on purchase orders are also inventory items.
  1. In the PO # dialog, on the Material tab, click New.
  2. Define the item properties in the input fields.

    The fields available and their order depend on the settings that you have defined in Maintenance > Purchase Orders > Edit Input Fields. See Customize input fields.

    The properties marked with an asterisk (*) in the following table are mandatory information.

    Option Description
    Base Price*

    The base price of the item

    Type in the base price.

    To change the base price units and to convert the current price to the selected units, right-click the Base Price field, and select an appropriate option in the context menu.

    Category, Sub-Category

    A keyword used for sorting items in the PO # dialog box. Categories and sub-categories can be used for filtering information in the PO # dialog box.

    The Category and Sub-Category fields are automatically populated by the linked items in Production Control.


    An optional comment that you can type for the item

    Cost Code A code for classifying costs to match your accounting system

    Select a cost code from the drop-down menu.

    For more information about cost codes, see Manage cost codes.

    Cost Type A category for each classification of cost

    Select a cost type from the drop-down menu.

    For more information on cost types, see Manage cost types.

    Date Promised

    The date when the supplier has promised to deliver the item

    Do one of the following:

    • Type the date in the Date Promised field.

      The acceptable formats are YYYY/MM/DD, YY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, and MM/DD/YY.

    • Select the date in the calendar.
    Date Required

    The date when the item is due

    Do one of the following:
    • Type the date in the Date Required field.

      The acceptable formats are YYYY/MM/DD, YY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, and MM/DD/YY.

    • Select the date in the calendar.
    Dimensions *

    The material dimension, or material size, of each piece

    Depending on the shape, the dimension can also be mandatory information.

    Click the Dimensions field to select an available material dimension, and double-click the desired dimension in the list.

    You can also use a custom material dimension. Note that the dimension is not automatically added to the material database.

    To use a custom dimension:

    1. Click in the Dimensions field.
    2. Click Add Size.
    3. Define the dimension properties.
    4. Click Save.

      You can now select the dimension and use it.

    Grade *

    The material grade of each piece

    Depending on the shape, the grade can also be mandatory information.

    Either select the grade from the drop-down menu or type the grade indicator in the field.

    Item # *

    The item number

    You can modify the item number manually or use the item number automatically determined by Tekla PowerFab.

    Job # *

    The number of the production control job the material item is reserved to.

    Type in the number.

    Length *

    The length of each item

    Default length input settings are set in Company Standards, but you can modify them for each job.

    Lot #

    The lot identification number of the item

    The Lot # field is automatically populated by the linked items in Production Control.

    Mill Mark

    The mill mark that identifies the mill that produced the steel

    Type in the mill mark.

    PRC Cost, PRC Date, PRC Unit Cost

    The current pricing information of the selected item from the selected supplier

    If no date is displayed in the PRC Date field, the material does not exist in the selected supplier's pricing data set.

    Double-click one of the fields to open the Pricing Maintenance dialog box and enter pricing information.

    PRC Supplier

    The supplier warehouse whose pricing the item uses

    Select the supplier from the drop-down menu.

    The PRC Unit Cost, PRC Cost, and PRC Date fields are updated to show details about the pricing of the selected pricing supplier.

    Purchasing Notes

    A longer description of the item

    Quantity *

    The number of pieces to be added

    Use the numeric keypad to add, multiply, divide, or subtract number of items.

    Reference Number

    A reference number that links items in inventory or purchasing to the production control job

    The reference number can be different depending on the case:

    • If an item is sent from Production Control to Purchasing or Inventory, Tekla PowerFab creates a copy of the record, and the item is linked to include the reference number.

    • If an item is sent to Purchasing from an advanced bill of material, the system mark number or a combination of the page number and the item number in the combining job (for example, 1-30) becomes the reference number.

    • If the item is sent to Purchasing later in the process, the reference number is the mark or piece mark number.

    Requisition #

    The number of the requisition from which the item was loaded to the purchase order, or the requisition which the item can be sent back to.

    Type in the number.


    The sequence number assigned to the item

    The field is automatically populated by the linked items in Production Control.

    Shape *

    The material shape of each piece

    Either select the shape from the drop-down menu or type the shape indicator in the field (for example, HSS).

  3. Click Add.

The new material item is added at the end of the purchase order.

Add a subcontract item

  1. In the PO # dialog, on the Subcontract Items tab, click New.

    You can select if the tab is available in Maintenance > Purchase Orders > PO Type Maintenance.

  2. Define the item properties in the input fields.

    The fields available and their order depend on the settings that you have defined in Maintenance > Purchase Orders > Edit Subcontract Input Fields.

    The properties marked with an asterisk (*) in the following table are mandatory information.

    Option Description
    Area * User-defined area of the item
    Base Price *

    The base price of the item

    Type in the base price.

    To change the base price units and to convert the current price to the selected units, right-click the Base Price field, and select an appropriate option in the context menu.

    Category, Sub-Category

    A keyword used for sorting items in the PO # dialog box. Categories and subcategories can be used for filtering information in the PO # dialog box.

    The Category and Sub-Category fields are automatically populated by the linked items in Production Control.


    An optional comment that you can type for the item

    Cost Code A code for classifying costs to match your accounting system

    Select a cost code from the drop-down menu.

    For more information about cost codes, see Manage cost codes.

    Cost Type A category for each classification of cost

    Select a cost type from the drop-down menu.

    For more information on cost types, see Manage cost types.

    Date Promised

    The date when the supplier has promised to deliver the item

    Do one of the following:

    • Type the date in the Date Promised field.

      The acceptable formats are YYYY/MM/DD, YY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, and MM/DD/YY.

    • Select the date in the calendar.
    Date Required

    The date when the item is due

    Do one of the following:
    • Type the date in the Date Required field.

      The acceptable formats are YYYY/MM/DD, YY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, and MM/DD/YY.

    • Select the date in the calendar.
    Description Type a description for the subcontract item. The description appears on the purchase order.
    Item # *

    The item number

    You can modify the item number manually or use the item number automatically determined by Tekla PowerFab.

    Job # *

    The number of the production control job the item is reserved to.

    Type in the number.


    The length of each item

    Default length input settings are set in Company Standards, but you can modify them for each job.

    Lot #

    The lot identification number of the item

    The Lot # field is automatically populated by the linked items in Production Control.

    Quantity *

    The number of pieces to be added

    Use the numeric keypad to add, multiply, divide, or subtract number of items.

    Requisition #

    The number of the requisition from which the item was loaded to the purchase order, or the requisition which the item can be sent back to.

    Type in the number.


    The sequence number assigned to the item

    The field is automatically populated by the linked items in Production Control.

    Surface Area The surface area of the service
    Weight The weight of the item or service

    Type a value in the field.

  3. Click Save.

You can also add a subcontract item from a load. See Add subcontract items to a purchase order from a load.
