View the production schedule

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

View the production schedule

To view the projected hours for jobs, use the Production Schedule dialog box. The hours are loaded from the project schedule.

  1. In the Select Production Control Job dialog box, open a job and click the Production Control ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Production Schedule.

    The Production Schedule Filters dialog box opens.

  3. Filter the production schedule information as needed:
    1. In the Start and End fields, select suitable start and end dates in the calendars.

      The default time between the start and end dates is three months.

    2. In Scale, select if you want to view the information by day, week, or month.
    3. To only include particular resources in the production schedule, click Resource, and click the arrow buttons to move the resources that you want to include to the Included list.

      For information on resources, see Modify resource capacity.

    4. To only include particular jobs in the production schedule, click Job #, click the arrow buttons to move the jobs that you want to include to the Included list.
  4. Click Apply Filter.

    The Production Schedule dialog box opens.

    (1) The resources and any tasks assigned to them.

    For each task assigned to a resource, the production schedule shows the regular and overtime hours, the percentage completed, and start and end dates. This information consists of the schedule task in the project schedule and the production status information. To update the information, click Update Status in the Project Schedule dialog box. See Manage the project schedule and Modify resource capacity.

    (2) The default capacities of the resources and the time for those resources by tasks.

    The default capacity for each resource is displayed at the top in bold. Any hours highlighted with red indicate that the station is over capacity. You can modify the resource capacity in the Resource Maintenance dialog box. See Modify resource capacity.

    Below the resource, you can see the released and unreleased hours of each task, and the regular and overtime hours. This information reflects the information in the Resource Maintenance dialog box. To update the information, click Update Status in the Project Schedule dialog box.

    (3) The sections represent a block of time by the scale that you selected in Step 3.

    • Cap = capacity
    • Plan = the hours planned against the resource
    • % = the percentage of the capacity that is planned
    • Act = the actual hours used
  5. If necessary, do any of the following:


    Do this

    Change the filters or scale of the production schedule

    Do either of the following:

    • To change the filters that you set in step 3, click the Set Filters button and modify the filters according to your needs. Then, click Apply Filter.
    • Click on the right side of the Resource / Task column. Then, select the resources and tasks that you want to see in the production schedule, or type the resource or the task that you want to see in the Filter For field.
    View more or fewer details about a resource or a task
    • On the left side of the dialog box, click + or - on the left side of a resource or task.

    When you click +, the task or the resource expands, so that you can see the task or resource details by the set project breakdown categories.

    When you click -, the task or the resource collapses and the details are hidden.

    Collapse or expand all tasks
    1. Right-click anywhere in the production schedule.
    2. In the context menu, select Collapse All or Expand All.
    Modify a task
    1. Double-click a task at the lowest level of the hierarchy.
    2. In the Task Schedule dialog box, do any of the following:
      • To change the start or end date of the task, click Set on the right side of the start or end date, select a new date in the calendar, and click OK.
      • To move a task forward or backward in the production schedule, click Move, select an option in the menu, and click Yes to confirm the changes.
      • To modify the equally divided working hours, click Manually Schedule, type the number of manually scheduled hours, and click OK.
    Print the current production schedule
    1. Right-click anywhere in the production schedule.
    2. In the context menu, select Report.

      The production schedule opens in the Print Preview dialog box.

    3. Adjust the printing settings according to your needs, and click Print.