Import an IFC file to a combining job

Tekla PowerFab
変更済み: 21 8月 2024
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Import an IFC file to a combining job

You can import IFC files to the Combining module to be used for a preliminary list or for advance bills of materials.

As a comparison to Microsoft Excel worksheets, or KISS files, using IFC files allows revised items to be updated, and you can report the changes (material size, quantity, and so on) during the import process.

We recommend that you use the Steel fabrication view or 2x3 EM11 IFC format, but the Coordination view or the standard IFC2x3 format works as well.

Before you start importing, ensure that you have created preliminary marks (PRELIM_MARK) in Tekla Structures, and included those in the IFC files. In Tekla PowerFab, map at a minimum the PRELIM_MARK to Reference Number. Other mapping is optional. For Tekla Structures instructions, see Export in IFC format.

  1. Go to File > Import.

    The Import dialog opens.

  2. In the navigation tree , select IFC under Combining.
  3. Browse to find the file you want to import.
  4. Click Import.

    The Import dialog opens, and shortly after, the Combining Job Edit dialog.

  5. Select the job to which you want to import the IFC project and click Save.

    The Import Field Map dialog opens. See also Import field mapping.

  6. If the mapping is not automatically done, map the selected information from the IFC file.

    We recommend you to map at a minimum PRELIM_MARK to Reference Number. Other mapping is optional.

  7. After selecting the field to be mapped to, for example to Reference #, click Set Field Mapping and OK.

    The Import log is displayed.

    Ensure there are no errors, warnings, or unsuccessful files.

  8. After a successful import, go to the Combining module to review the bill of materials.
  9. In the Select Combining Job dialog, select the job, and click Open to open the job.

    The job shows the imported records, as well as the mappings.

If you import the IFC file to the same job, you can use the Add & Replace option.

If you have changed some fields in some of the records in the job, such as quantities or grades, the import reverts the changes made in the job, and the Import log shows that a number of items were updated.

For further information, see also the following videos:
