Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

Reinforcement Strand Layout (66) creates straight or depressed prestress strands for flexural reinforcement in a beam.

Objects created

  • Straight and depressed prestress strands.

Use for



Straight strands.

Selection order

  1. Select the beam.

Strand template tab

Use the Strand template tab to define the vertical strand positions with grid points in a beam. Strands may only be located at the positions defined in this template.

Grid spacing along X

Use to define grid spacing values for the x axis. Strands are defined by their row and column number within the grid.

Separate values with commas or spaces. The first value is the distance from the left edge of the spandrel. Each successive value is the distance to the next grid point.

Grid spacing along Y

Use to define grid spacing values for the y axis. Strands are defined by their row and column number within the grid.

Separate values with commas or spaces. The first value is the distance from the the bottom edge of the spandrel. Each successive value is the distance to the next grid point.


Use multiplier to define a repeating series of values. For example, 8*2 indicates eight holes with a two unit spacing.

Strand pattern tab

Use the Strand pattern tab to define the placement of the strands at the grid points.

External file

With an external CSV file you can define an unlimited amount of individual strands.

Select to use an external file from the Use external file list.

Select an external CSV file by clicking ... button.

Rebar end is same as start

Define the strand input.

  • Select Yes to use the row and debond information of the strand start for the strands at the strand end.

  • Select No to define an alternate row and debond information at the end of each strand.

Strand pattern definitions

Define the row and column for each end of the strand using the strand template positions in the strand grid. Strands may have different grid row positions at each end, but a strand cannot cross grid columns.



Strand start - Row

Define the horizontal row number in the strand template for the start of the strand.

Strand start - Debond

Define the debond length at the start of the strand.

Strand end - Row

If Same as left is No, define the horizontal row number in the strand template for the end of the strand.

Strand end - Debond

If Same as left is No, define the debond length at the end of the strand.

Middle debond - To start

Define the debond length from middle to the start of the strand.

Middle debond - To end

Define the debond length from middle to the end of the strand.


Define a list of one or more column numbers and/or column ranges in the strand template at which a strand should be created.


Define the size of the strands by selecting if from the reinforcing bar catalog.


Define the strand grade.


Define the pull force of the strands.

Strand profile tab

Use the Strand profile tab to define the profile for strands.

Strand depression

Strands can be straight or depressed. Use one or two control points to depress the strands. All strands use the same general profile.




Depressed in 1 point

Depressed in 2 points

Depressed in 2 fixed points

Depress position

Define the depress positions A and B either as a fixed distance or as a percentage of the member length.

Strand ht @ position

Define the height of the strand.

Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to define naming and numbering of the strands.




Prefix for the part position number.

Start number

Start number for the part position number.


Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.


Use Class to group reinforcement.

For example, you can display reinforcement of different classes in different colors.

Strand code

Store strand code – With option Store strand code you may choose to store (or not) a user-defined textual attribute TS_STRAND_CODE to part.

Strand code – In field Strand code you may enter a string template for the value of the above mentioned user-defined attribute. The default template is the total number of created strands. The template may contain any text and the predefined fields for:

  • %NUMBERS – is the numbers of created strands with different sizes and/or grades e.g. 10 (for one size & grade) or 6+4 (if two sizes and/or grades has been used).

  • %SIZES – sizes of the strands e.g 1/2 or 1/2 + 3/8.

  • %GRADES – grades of strands.

Strand creation at voids

Create strand at voids – The option Yes will show the strands even though the voids are present. The option No will not show the strand if void is present at any location along the strand path.

Select to cut the strands at void locations from Cut strands at voids.

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