In Model Reviewer: Setting up BlueBeam Revu with Tekla Structures

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures
United States (Imperial)
United States (Metric)

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All that needs to be done for BlueBeam Revu (BBR) to open PDFs stored in the Tekla Structures model, is to install BBR and make it the default viewer of PDFs.

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Setting up Tool Chests

In BBR, you can set up a TEKLA Tool Chest containing the approval stamps you wish to place on to the PDFs.

  1. Go to the Manage Tool Chest icon
  2. Go to the Import…icon at the lower left.
  3. Browse to the provided tekla.btx file. It is installed in your usimp\<role>\system folder)


For more information on using Tool Chests, go to the Help area of BBR and search of Adding Tool Sets. It will guide you through the steps of importing toolset files or creating your own tool  sets. Here is what the imported TEKLA Tool Chest will look like.


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Defining Date Stamps

Users can apply a date and time stamp to the model as well. Below are some options for doing this, either as a separate time, or built into the approval stamp itself. What is the shown below is how to add the individual.
Separate Date & Time Stamp.
  1. Markup/Stamp/Create Stamp
  2. Select the DateTime.brx
  3. Place stamp in the drawing.

Defining Rights & Privileges

When edits are made to the PDF and saved, the PDF can be written such that the comments can be saved permanently (i.e, cannot be changed by others) or saved but can be edited with authorization.

Under Help, search for Security and information is provided on how to set up such privileges.
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Combining/Merging Redlines

With BBR, it is possible to merge redline comments from one PDF into another. This would apply where the detailer or contractor wishes to merge in the architect’s redlines of a given piece mark drawing to those of the engineer’s redlines. Also, changes between different PDFs can be compared as well. See the BBR Help information for how to access these features of the software.

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Additional information

Instructions on using the In Model Review extension are available here.


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