2022 SP8: Miglioramenti importanti e correzioni

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2022 SP8: Miglioramenti importanti e correzioni

Il Service Pack di Tekla Structures più recente e gli installer d'ambiente aggiornati sono disponibili in Tekla Downloads.

Come sostituire le tabelle nel layout disegno

Con il nuovo Editor layout comando del menu di scelta rapida Sostituisci tabella è possibile sostituire le tabelle nel layout. Per sostituire una tabella, cliccare con il pulsante destro del mouse sulla tabella nel layout e selezionare Sostituisci tabella.

La sostituzione di una tabella conserva tutte le impostazioni definite per la vecchia tabella. Il nuovo comando elimina la necessità di rimuovere prima una tabella nel layout, quindi aggiungere un nuovo template, impostare il punto di ancoraggio e l'allineamento e infine collegare altre tabelle attorno a quella nuova.


Modifica del controllo della visibilità delle entità gettate in Organizzazione

In Tekla Structures 2022 è stata introdotta l'impostazione Entità gettate abilitate in Organizzazione, consentendo di controllare se le entità gettate o le unità di getto in opera sono utilizzate come livello gerarchico gettato in opera più alto in Organizzazione. L'impostazione Entità gettate abilitate si trova nella scheda Sincronizzazione in Organizzazione Impostazioni.

A partire da Tekla Structures 2022 SP8, per utilizzare l'impostazione Entità gettate abilitate, è necessario impostare l'opzione avanzata XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT su TRUE. Se l'opzione avanzata XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT è impostata su FALSE, l'impostazione Entità gettate abilitate non viene visualizzata in Organizzazione e non è possibile utilizzare le entità gettate come livello gerarchico gettato in opera più alto in Organizzazione.

In precedenza, l'impostazione Entità gettate abilitate era sempre disponibile in Organizzazione Impostazioni, indipendentemente dal valore dell'opzione avanzata.


Possibilità di utilizzare il testo di riferimento della saldatura nei componenti personalizzati

È ora possibile utilizzare il testo di riferimento della saldatura nei componenti personalizzati. Il testo di riferimento della saldatura può essere rappresentato solo come linea singola.

TTSD-33758, TTSD-56526, TTSD-28282, TTSD-45866, TTSD-38478

Miglioramenti apportati alla funzione Esporta file ELiPLAN (68)

Come aprire il file esportato

È ora possibile aprire il file esportato nell'applicazione associata dopo che l'elaborazione è stata completata utilizzando la nuova impostazione Apri file esportato dopo l'elaborazione nella scheda Parametri.


Riconoscimento automatico degli accessori in base alla forma

Ora è possibile utilizzare automaticamente la nuova opzione Stampa taglio/inserto, nella scheda Dati di plottaggio per il riconoscimento automatico degli accessori in base alla forma.


Supporto per l'esportazione di assemblaggi barre d'armatura

L'esportazione di assemblaggi barre d'armatura ora è supportata. Gli assemblaggi barre d'armatura vengono esportati come box di delimitazione.


Miglioramenti apportati alla funzione Esporta Unitechnik (79)

Ora è possibile indicare se i pannelli a doppia parete sono stati scambiati utilizzando la nuova impostazione Consenti scambio di pannelli della scheda Configurazione TS.


Nuove opzioni avanzate per i fori bulloni sovradimensionati

È ora possibile utilizzare le seguenti opzioni avanzate per definire i contenuti dell'elemento Dimensioni nelle marche per i fori bulloni sovradimensionati. Sono disponibili opzioni avanzate separate per i fori di cantiere e officina e per i disegni di fabbricazione e di progetto/montaggio.







Numero di difetto Area di sviluppo Descrizione
TSAC-5999 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): On the Parameters tab, you can now cut the beam part around the column. Previously, you could only cut the column.

TSAC-6856 Concrete components

Floor layout: The Line up direction setting on the General tab now works correctly. Previously, if you had the insulation layer as the lower layer and changed the line up direction, the insulation was not created correctly.

TSAC-7019 Concrete components

Floor layout: The CIP filler part is no longer created outside the component polygon boundaries.

TSAC-7327 Concrete components

Automatic splicing tool: Single bars are now correctly split and spliced regardless of their direction. Previously, single vertical bars were not handled correctly.

TSAC-7339 Concrete components

Rebar end anchor now correctly creates end detail modifiers for rebar sets in cases where only one bar is affected.

TSAC-5598 Steel components

Two sided clip angle (143): Previously, the flange cut created due to bolts clashing with the flange was not created for the second secondary beam in all situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6355 Steel components

Ring plate: The part and assembly start number of the ring plate are now modified when only the corresponding check boxes are selected. Previously, the part and assembly start number were not modified unless all the check boxes in the dialog box were selected.

TSAC-6356 Steel components

Opening frame: The On plane and At depth offset values on the Parts tab for top frame, bottom frame and vertical posts are length values and they now use the correct units set in Options > Units and decimals. The Angle value for welds and Rotation angle on the Parts tab are angle values and they now use the correct units set in Options > Units and decimals.

TSAC-6400 Steel components

Two sided end plate (142): Previously, safety connections were not correctly applied in all situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6652 Steel components

Gusseted cross (62): Previously, the bolt edge distance on the bracing side was not correctly applied from the joints.def file. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7082 Steel components

Cast-in plate (1069): Previously, the tab plate material was not applied correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7109 Steel components

Gusset+ T: The stiffener chamfer is now created to the web of the main part.

TSAC-7332 Steel components

Base plate (1042): Previously, the component was not rotated when you changed the Up direction on the General tab. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7418 Steel components

Column seating (39): Previously, bolts were not created for specific main part profile and bolt horizontal offset combinations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7436 Steel components

UltraZED Non-std side rail (91): Previously, counterforming both sets of bolts reduced the strut length at one end. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7484 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, finger shim plates were created incorrectly in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7485 Steel components

End plate (144): Previously, finger shim plates were created incorrectly in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7490 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, one of the shear tab corner chamfers was not created correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-56336 Organizer

Previously, category properties did not open if the environment or model did not have any Organizer filters. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50237 Import, export, interoperability

Earlier, when you had set XS_BOLT_DUPLICATE_IGNORE to TRUE, and exported a part as DSTV, some holes were not exported because another bolted part had holes in the same location. This issue has now been fixed.
Note that you should not use this advanced option in any new models. Instead, use the No hole option for Special hole type in the Bolt properties.

TTSD-54310, TTSD-52356 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: Earlier, the IFC export result did not contain the properties for IfcBuilding and IfcBuildingStorey. Now these properties are shown.

TTSD-55847 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: The Property set definitions dialog box now supports better the creation of the boolean property type. Also, an empty value stays empty when exported, it is no longer forced to TRUE.

TTSD-56527 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: Sometimes the reference model list stopped responding when you scrolled the list in a certain use case. This issue has now been fixed.

TPLED-273 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Copying and pasting a text object that has the '$' character as its only content fails. This issue has now been fixed.

TPLED-276 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Sometimes, when you moved multiple objects horizontally using the Move Object dialog box, the objects also moved vertically. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7059 Drawings

The macros for relabeling section views and detail views are now able to handle views named with numbers correctly.

TTSD-38607 Drawings

Earlier, when using a bolt hole mark with a template attribute in single-part drawing views, the main part hole information was always shown even though the secondary part had a different hole. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51592 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The Creation review dialog box now supports some advanced options better for concrete parts.

TTSD-55912 Drawings

Reference models in drawings: The DWG reference model texts in drawings are now drawn correctly also when the Outline representation is used.

TTSD-55840 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Previously, for a tapered rebar set bar group with two or more legs, at the point where the height became greater than the width (or vice versa), the leg dimensions in reports swapped around (DIM_A became DIM_B, and vice versa). This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-25622 Modeling

In the UK environment, the calculated weights of the profiles UB533x165x66 and UB533x165x75 were incorrect due to the cross sectional area being incorrect in the profile catalog. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-55548 Modeling

Bolts: Earlier, in Tekla Structures 2022, if you modeled a bolt that went through two or more parts and that had a negative cut length, the bolt was placed incorrectly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-55674 Modeling

Previously, an empty cross section for weld preparation could cause Tekla Structures to stop working unexpectedly. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-55968 Modeling

Rebar assemblies: The Locked user-defined attribute has now been added for rebar assemblies.

TTSD-56274 Modeling

Bolts: Earlier, in Tekla Structures 2022, bolts were incorrectly positioned when beams or columns were deformed by shortening. The incorrect positioning occurred when XS_DRAW_BOLTS_3D_IN_BOLT_LAYER was set to TRUE and when the bolts had the Exact representation in model views. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-56351 Tools and components

Previously, when a formula or equation for a sub-object was removed in Custom component browser, it became visible again after clicking Refresh. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-56576 Tools and components

Previously, Tekla Structures occasionally shut down after a custom component was edited. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-7215 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): The export of complex walls created by multiple concrete parts has been improved.

TSAC-7373 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, duplicated records were exported for filled cores. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7453 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, the data conversion file mapping did not work for profiles that had parentheses in the profile name. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7515 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, loose reinforcement was exported as mesh. This issue has now been fixed.

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