2020 SP9: Nuove funzioni e miglioramenti

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2020 SP9: Nuove funzioni e miglioramenti

Supporto della nuova Trimble Identity

Questo Service Pack rende Tekla Structures compatibile con la nuova e migliorata Trimble Identity. Questo aggiornamento consente di continuare a utilizzare le funzioni che richiedono l'accesso.

Per ulteriori informazioni sui miglioramenti apportati a Trimble Identity, vedere Modifiche all'accesso nei prodotti e servizi Tekla. Per informazioni specifiche di Tekla Structures sulla cronologia di queste modifiche, vedere Modifiche all'accesso in Tekla Structures.

Selezionare un nuovo simbolo per le quote COG

In Opzioni simbolo, è ora possibile modificare il simbolo COG. A tale scopo, in Numero simbolo, cliccare su Selezionae selezionare un altro simbolo.


Esporta file EliPLAN (68): nuovo UDA per la conversione di unità

È ora possibile specificare un UDA per la conversione di unità nella scheda Impostazioni dati. Quando viene specificata un'unità valida in questo UDA, viene utilizzata per la conversione di unità anziché l'unità di default o l'unità definita nel file di conversione.


Miglioramenti apportati a Gestione estensioni di Tekla Structures

In Gestione delle estensioni di Tekla Structures è ora possibile elencare le estensioni per tipo: estensione o ambiente. Adesso è possibile anche cercare il contenuto in base a nome, autore, descrizione e tipo di estensione.

L'ordinamento delle estensioni per data adesso riflette correttamente il formato della data delle impostazioni internazionali del sistema.


Nuovi componenti in acciaio

I seguenti nuovi componenti connessione in acciaio sono inclusi in Tekla Structures 2020 SP9:

  • Connettore arcareccio in legno (15) crea una connessione tra una trave in acciaio e un arcareccio in legno. Un connettore arcareccio è saldato alla trave in acciaio nella quale è montato un arcareccio in legno. È possibile utilizzare diversi profili per creare la connessione arcareccio, ad esempio i profili a U e a L.


  • Connessione bullone semplice (5) crea una connessione imbullonata tra due profili in acciaio.


  • Controvento 2 (16) collega un singolo controvento a una trave o a una colonna utilizzando un piatto di connessione, una barra filettata e dadi. I piatti circolari sono saldati al piatto di connessione e il piatto di connessione è imbullonato alla trave o alla colonna.


Miglioramento in Muro doppio e pannello sandwich

Nella scheda UDA è ora possibile selezionare il pannello per ciascun attributo utente (UDA). Ciò consente di impostare più UDA per un determinato pannello, se necessario.


Miglioramenti apportati agli strumenti di accoppiamento e ancoraggio barre d'armatura

Gli strumenti di accoppiamento e ancoraggio delle barre d'armatura presentano molti miglioramenti in Tekla Structures 2020 SP9.

Nuove opzioni della serie di marcatura

Connettore barre d'armatura, Ancoraggio di estremità barra d'armatura e Dividi barra d'armatura e aggiungi connettore sono stati modificati in modo che nella scheda Parametri siano presenti nuove opzioni Eredita da per le impostazioni della parte di accoppiamento e della marcatura assemblaggio (prefisso e numero partenza):

  • Nessuno

    Gli strumenti funzionano come in precedenza e la serie di marcatura parte/assemblaggio è quella definita nella finestra di dialogo.

  • Barra d'armatura

    I valori della serie di marcatura sono ricavati dalla serie di marcatura delle barre d'armatura principale.

  • Unità di getto

    I valori della serie di marcatura sono ricavati dalla serie di marcatura dell'unità di getto delle barre d'armatura principale.


UDA per connettori e ancoraggi di estremità

Connettore barre d'armatura, Ancoraggio di estremità barra d'armatura e Dividi barra d'armatura e aggiungi connettore ora hanno una nuova scheda Attributi connettori che consente di impostare diversi valori UDA per la parte connettore o ancoraggio di estremità. Per ciascun UDA, è possibile scegliere di ereditare il valore dalla barra d'armatura o dall'unità di getto. Per immettere qualsiasi valore, selezionare l'opzione di eredità Nessuno.

Se l'unità di getto non ha alcun valore per l'UDA specifico, il valore viene ricavato dalla parte principale dell'unità di getto. Di default, è possibile immettere un Commento e i valori per gli UDA Campo utente 1... 4 nella scheda Attributi connettori.

È possibile personalizzare l'insieme di UDA modificando i campi UDA nel file RebarCouplers.Udas.dat. È possibile trovare un esempio di RebarCoupler.Udas.dat in ..\Environments\common\system.


Miglioramento apportato alla creazione delle barre d'armatura

Connettore barre d'armatura è stato modificato in modo che i connettori vengano creati sempre, anche se la distanza effettiva tra le estremità delle barre d'armatura è maggiore della lunghezza del connettore. Nella barra di stato viene visualizzato un messaggio di avviso aggiuntivo se lo spazio libero effettivo è maggiore della lunghezza del connettore. La lunghezza del connettore è la lunghezza fornita nella finestra di dialogo e per un connettore parte personalizzata è la lunghezza fisica estrema della parte personalizzata. In precedenza, veniva creata solo una parte connettore non valida per indicare la possibile situazione di errore.


Miglioramenti dell'usabilità

Gli strumenti di accoppiamento e ancoraggio delle barre d'armatura presentano diversi miglioramenti all'usabilità:

  • È ora possibile suddividere i set di barre d'armatura come gruppi di barre d'armatura con il componente Dividi barra d'armatura e aggiungi connettore.


  • Quando si creano connettori delle barre d'armatura e ancoraggi di estremità con set di barre d'armatura, viene adesso visualizzata un'anteprima di linea per indicare meglio dove verranno creati i componenti.


  • Ancoraggio di estremità barra d'armatura ora crea ancoraggi di estremità non validi come cubi per distinguerli dagli ancoraggi validi.


Gestione sagome armatura: confronto tra le barre selezionate con le sagome esistenti

In Gestione sagome armatura, è ora possibile confrontare le barre d'armatura selezionate nel modello con le sagome di piegatura esistenti nei file RebarShapeRules.xml. A tale scopo:

  1. Selezionare le barre d'armatura nel modello.

  2. Nel menu File cliccare su Editor > Gestione sagome armatura.

    Viene aperta la finestra di dialogo Gestione sagome armatura.

  3. Nella lista Armature del modello selezionare la sagoma della barra da confrontare.

    Se è necessario selezionare altre barre nel modello, cliccare prima sul pulsante Acquisisci selez..

  4. Nella lista Catalogo sagome selezionare una sagoma di piegatura esistente.

  5. Cliccare sul pulsante Confronta con selezione nella lista Catalogo sagome per confrontare la sagoma selezionata con quella esistente.

Nella lista Regole sagoma bending è possibile visualizzare le regole approvate in verde e le regole rifiutate in rosso. Viene visualizzata una finestra di dialogo di avviso aggiuntiva se sono presenti altri motivi per la mancata corrispondenza tra le sagome.

Se necessario, è quindi possibile modificare la sagoma della barra nel modello o le regole della sagoma di piegatura in Gestione sagome armatura.



Numero di difetto Area di sviluppo Descrizione
TSAC-1340 Concrete components

Rebar end anchor: The status bar instructions for applying rebar end anchors to rebar set ends have been improved.

TSAC-3817, TSAC-3021 Concrete components

Wall layout: Wall panel geometry is now created properly also when an opening is located at the exterior edges and corners.

TSAC-4066 Concrete components

Wall layout T connector: Previously, the gap between the parts of the first layer was created twice the size of the value defined in the Free space option in the Wall layout T connector dialog box. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5070 Concrete components

Rebar coupler, Rebar end anchor: Previously, the components did not use the custom component input option value controlled by Use auto attribute file. This has now been fixed. Changing the input point option in the component property dialog box with Use manually entered values worked correctly.

TSAC-5071 Concrete components

Rebar coupler and Rebar end anchor components have been modified so that they now clear all rebar UDA values if the coupler or end anchor is not valid. 

TSAC-5073 Concrete components

Rebar coupler: When creating a rebar coupler, Tekla Structures now checks the splitter overlap and shows a warning if it is not zero (or less). Status bar instructions for creating the component have also been improved and a warning is now also shown if the input is not valid, for example, if you select a part. 

TSAC-5488 Concrete components

Wall layout: Geometry calculation has been changed to properly handle situations where the opening goes outside the original exterior perimeter.

TSAC-5520 Concrete components

Mesh bars: The length of the bars and their dimensions have been fixed. Previously, Mesh bars could create infinite bars.

TSAC-5529 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (8): Previously, creating certain geometries on the Thickening tab could cause a crash. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5022 Steel components

Cold rolled overlap (1): Previously, the component worked incorrectly for user-defined Z profile secondary parts. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5131 Steel components

Purlin connections (11): Previously, bolts were sometimes created on the opposite side of the secondary beam. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5146 Steel components

Base plate (1042): Previously, the cast plate did not follow the offset of the base plate. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5159 Steel components

Welded beam to beam (123): Previously, the secondary part bottom flange was not cut correctly. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5307 Steel components

Bolted moment connection (134): Previously, when the flange plates were wider than the column, they were created incorrectly. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5364 Steel components

Web stiffeners (1060): Previously, when creating only an above line weld or a below line weld, both welds were always created. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5386 Steel components

Bolted gusset (11): Previously, when using a twin profile as the secondary part, only one member of the twin profile was welded to the gusset. This has now been fixed and both members of the twin profile are welded.

TSAC-5391 Steel components

Bolted moment connection (134): Previously, when the secondary part was sloped and the shear tab was set to be created parallel with the main part, the shear tab was not created. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5432 Steel components

Joining plates (14): Previously, different selection order of parts caused the component to work differently. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5443 Steel components

Two sided end plate (143): Previously, the bolt gage was incorrectly applied in the component in some situations. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5457 Steel components

Simple clip angle (31): Previously, the bolt extra length was not correct if the bolts were used with a U profile as the secondary part. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5500 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27), Partial stiff end plate (65): Previously, holes in the end plate were created with incorrect rotation in some cases. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44481 Organizer

Previously, Organizer synchronization could fail in case an assembly had lost its main part. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44583 Organizer

Previously, Organizer data was corrupted in a Tekla Model Sharing model if the assembly of a part was missing. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-23135 Import, export, interoperability

Previously, importing attributes by object GUID did not import attributes for bolts, welds and rebars. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-34490 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The export of rebars failed because of too long spacing value. This has now been fixed, and the Open API Rebar group spacing maximum value has been increased from 99 to 1000.

TTSD-35277 Import, export, interoperability

Export drawings to DWG/DXF: The drawing export now supports loading settings with a macro.

TTSD-43777 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The z level failed in the export in Tekla Structures 2021 if the base point local z coordinate was used. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44413 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connector: When you upload your model to the linked Trimble Connect project as a .tekla model, the export can now read profile information (profitab.inp file) from XS_PROJECT and XS_FIRM folders.

TTSD-44418 Import, export, interoperability

The profile conversion files used in import and export between Tekla Structures and Tekla Structural Designer have been fixed. Each conversion file line now contains one profile entry with the neutral file profile name, the # symbol and the profile code, and then the equal sign (=) followed by the Tekla Structures profile name.
For example: STB 229x305x70#00610=TEE229*305*70
Note that you may need help from your local Tekla support with the conversion files.

Also, several errors in the conversion for US metric profile names have now been fixed.

TTSD-44504 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: Now the conversion supports the copying of the object type (IfcRelDefinesByType) property set property to UDA.

TTSD-44628 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Sometimes exporting objects with a certain chamfer caused a Tekla Structures application error. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44639 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: The IFC object conversion now converts solid model presentation objects.

TTSD-44678 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The export did not export the object location correctly with edge chamfer offsets. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44725 Import, export, interoperability

Some HP profiles, hollow sections and pipes were not included in the standard profile conversion, resulting in "Missing profiles detected" messages when imported from Tekla Structural Designer for US Imperial and US Metric models.

TTSD-44982 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: The failing column handle offset in the B-rep to extrusion conversion has been fixed.

TTSD-44983 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: The IFC B-rep to extrusion object conversion sometimes created beams to bottom of the object and location failed. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45287 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: The IFC4 export file name with a dot removed the rest of the file name. This has now been fixed.

TPLED-201 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Editing the font color of multiple text objects worked only the first time the font color was changed. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44152 Templates and reports

Missing definitions in pull-out height and width parameters in templates could cause Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44409 Templates and reports

When an xls report was created and opened in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel could freeze if the report contained references to image files with long paths. The reason was that the valuefield content was longer that the length specified for it, and therefore the path to the image file was cut. This has now been fixed so that if the valuefield content starts with the text '<IMG' and ends with the character '>', the path is not cut.
If the above case is discovered during template output, a warning message is written to the log indicating the maximum length and the path to the template file.

TTSD-26968 Drawings

Reference object hidden lines were displayed in drawings even though they were disabled when the line type and color of the lines matched the properties of the visible lines. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-38039 Drawings

Grid dimensions did not work correctly if a drawing filter was applied. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-38134 Drawings

The positioning of the level mark base points in drawing update has been improved. Holding down Shift and dragging the level mark away from the part keeps the valid associativity data (just like when you use the Move linear command).

TTSD-41773 Drawings

Reflected views now work correctly in drawings.

TTSD-42531 Drawings

Snapping to center lines now works identically in drawing and modeling modes: Center lines are snapped to when the Snap to geometry lines/points switch is enabled. Center lines are no longer snapped to in drawings when the Snap to reference lines/points switch is enabled.

TTSD-43250 Drawings

Part center line associations that were saved incorrectly in some cases are now saved correctly.

TTSD-43450 Drawings

Document manager: Exceptions occurred when you rapidly toggled data cell values by editing those directly in columns that you sorted. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43854 Drawings

Sometimes, the part to grid dimensioning in GA drawings did not work correctly. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43906 Drawings

Level marks are now placed correctly when a part has been modified. A zero level mark no longer gets a change cloud if only the sign (+ or -) changes.

TTSD-44718 Drawings

Moving or resizing a drawing view frame no longer causes an application error.

TTSD-44819 Drawings

Changing the view depth in drawings no longer causes a Tekla Structures application error.

TTSD-45004 Drawings

In some cases, resizing drawing view frames could crash Tekla Structures. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-13610 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, you sometimes could not reserve the next write out directly after joining a model, but had to read in a packet first. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-4571 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, two new built-in geometrical properties are now available for circular arc legs:

  • Arc width (AW)
  • Arc height (AH)
TSAC-4885 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the unknown rebar shapes are now read from the first RebarShapeRules.xml file, following the same reading order as the other, recognized shapes. Previously, the unknown rebar shapes were read from the last RebarShapeRules.xml file.
Note that if you modify the rebar shapes and then save the rebar shape definitions to the model folder, you need to reopen the model to apply the changes.

TSAC-5211 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the value of the REVERSED property is now calculated correctly for curved bars.

TSAC-5212 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the value of the Arc length (AL) property is now calculated more accurately for curved bars, regardless of the modeling direction.

TSAC-5515 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the curved bar arc length and angle were not correctly reported when the bar had hooks and the advanced option XS_REBAR_RECOGNITION_HOOKS_CONSIDERATION was set to FALSE. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-39155 Reinforcement

Rebar groups have the following three issues fixed:

  • Rebar group bars in a tapered rebar group with non-planar bar geometry were in some cases incorrectly offset from input points. This has now been fixed not to occur when creating new rebar groups. To get existing rebar group offsets fixed, you need to modify them.
  • Tapered rebar groups which have exact spacings as the creation method and spacings defined so that there are too many bars compared to the group length were incorrectly handled in mirroring. This has now been fixed.
  • The mirroring of tapered rebar groups containing non-parallel straight bars has now been fixed.
TTSD-43341 Reinforcement

Previously, rebar set modifiers sometimes became visible when you modified the part the rebar set bars were attached to. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44717 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Sometimes, when using rather big concrete covers, some bars were incorrectly shortened around holes. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44842 Reinforcement

Multi-user: Previously, modifying and saving drawings in multi-user models could sometimes detach rebars from their parent parts and flag their numbering as out-of-date. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-15650 Modeling

Multi-user: In some cases, numbering old standard part models could cause Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-21254 Modeling

Previously, autosave files were deleted without a new save being successful. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-21265 Modeling

There is a new possibility to use separators in the .dat files for the fVF reference function.

  • The fVF reference function can now use a preferred column separator of choice. Previously, it was possible to use only spaces as separators.
  • You can use only a single character as a separator. For example, you cannot use a more complex separator such as "/+/", because only the first character would be considered as a column separator.
  • The .dat file lines do not need to end with a space or separator anymore to retrieve the last element of the column.
  • Columns can now include blank values if the separator is different than the default space separator. For example: =fVF(dat,2,2,"/")

With a data row of 2 / / NG / / 2.5 / / 50 60 50 25/ returns nothing (the empty string when mapped to text).

TTSD-37526 Modeling

If you have the same model open in more than one Tekla Structures session, or if the model was not properly closed, Tekla Structures displays an error message about this situation. This message has now been improved.

TTSD-42041 Modeling

If XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT is switched to FALSE in a model with cast-in-place concrete parts that form pours, you can now use the Diagnose & repair model commands to remove the obsolete pours from the model. Previously it was not possible to remove them, even by deleting the parts that formed the pours.

TTSD-43596 Modeling

Previously, the applied or saved prefix for the steel item part numbering series was not used, but instead the prefix defaulted to the value P. This has now been fixed and the applied and saved values work correctly.

TTSD-43838 Modeling

Sometimes perpendicular snapping happened to an unrelated, distant point. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44069 Modeling

Previously, when the Cut object with line command was used, no ortho symbols were shown irrespective of the cursor position. This now been fixed.

TTSD-44693 Modeling

Previously, the workplane changed to model origin if you typed the values, for example, when you extended a beam. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45154 Modeling


In some cases, solids could be broken in cut bent plates, for example. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45156 Modeling

In the US environment, shape names that only consisted of numerical characters were unintentionally converted to imperial units. This affected filtering in the Object Group dialog box and labels in the 3D views. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45223 Modeling

When the Fast representation was used for parts, some pour object faces were not shown in pour views. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43403 Core

Sometimes Tekla Structures could crash at startup. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44427 Core

Previously, Tekla Structures crashed when the bolt visibility was set to Exact in 3d views. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5363 Tools and components

Previously, the Applications & components catalog could be empty when the Windows regional setting Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support was selected. This has now been fixed. Note that it is not recommended to use this setting with Tekla Structures.

TTSD-45196 Numbering

If you cancelled the save-numbering-save operation, Tekla Structures might sometimes crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-38333 User interface

Previously, in some rare cases, there was an error in the property pane about object reference not set to an instance of an object. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5410 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): The data conversion file now supports the wildcard "*" in regular expressions in the first column for finding strings from Tekla Structures objects.

TSAC-5435 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, the UT_REBAR_TYPE UDA was not read for rebar sets. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5471 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS Export: All bending and arc angles are now rounded to the nearest 0.5 degree. For example, 89.8 degrees will be rounded to 90 degrees.

TSAC-5484 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): You can now specify the material code using the new setting, Material code, on the Data content tab. The options are Name, Assembly prefix, Material, Profile, UDA, Text[TEMPLATE], and Template.

TSAC-5490 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: When you select One file per each cast unit and use Assembly template property, the export will now warn if the export results in duplicate file names. The export will still continue.

TSAC-5543 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS Export: The file naming template by [Assembly template] now works with the PROJECT.NUMBER property.

TSAC-5566 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Exported files are now written with UTF-8 encoding.

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