
Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer


The Charts command on the Review tab opens a Charts tab on the ribbon and a Review Charts view.

Select the required chart type from the ribbon to display it in the view.

Click Settings on the ribbon to customize the appearance of the chart.

Display embodied carbon by level chart

To view this chart:
  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, click Charts.
  3. In the Chart Type group, select Embodied Carbon by Level
  4. Click Settings.
    Select the appropriate options to configure the chart as required.
  5. Click OK.
    The chart is displayed.

Display embodied carbon by construction type chart

To view this chart:
  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, click Charts.
  3. In the Chart Type group, select Embodied Carbon by Construction Type
  4. Click Settings.
    Select the appropriate options to configure the chart as required.
  5. Click OK.
    The chart is displayed.

Display embodied carbon by material chart

To view this chart:
  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, click Charts.
  3. In the Chart Type group, select Embodied Carbon by Material
  4. Click Settings.
    Select the appropriate options to configure the chart as required.
  5. Click OK.
    The chart is displayed.

Adding charts into reports

Charts can also be included in reports.
  1. On the Report tab, click Model Report...

    The Report Contents dialog box opens.

  2. Select the required report in the Available Styles list.
  3. Drag Chart from the Chapters and Options pane across to the Report Structure pane.
  4. Right-click on Chart in the Report Structure pane and click Settings.
  5. From the Chart Settings dialog box choose the chart type.
  6. From the Chart Settings dialog box click the options button .
    Select the appropriate options to configure the chart as required.
  7. Click OK.
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