View the value of inventory materials

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

View the value of inventory materials

Use the Valuation command to view the value of materials in inventory. You can view the value either by date and time, by date, or by archive.

  1. In the Inventory dialog box, click the Inventory ribbon tab.

  2. On the menu, select Valuation and one of the following options:

    • Valuation by Date/Time: shows the current value of materials in stock or on order, or the value of materials on a specific date and time.

    • Valuation by Date: shows the value of material on a specific date.

    • Valuation from Archive: shows the valuation of materials in an archive file.

According to your needs, see one of the following sets of instructions.

View the current material value in inventory or the material value on a specific date and time

  1. On the menu, select Valuation > Valuation by Date/Time.
  2. In the Archive Date/Time dialog box, do one of the following:
    • To view the material values on a specific date and time, select the date and time in the appropriate lists, and click OK.
    • To view the current material values, click Use Current Inventory.
  3. To only include specific types of items in the valuation report, in the Inventory Report Filters dialog box, select a filter type in the Type list, and click Select.
  4. click the arrow buttons to move the item types that you want to include to the Included list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Make Report.
  7. In the Report Selection dialog box, select the report that you want to view, print, or export.
  8. According to your needs, do any of the following:


    Do this

    View the report

    • In the Report Selection dialog box, click View.

      The Tekla PowerFab Report Viewer opens.

    Print the report

    1. In the Report Selection dialog box, change the number of the printed copies by clicking the + and - buttons.

    2. Click Print.

    3. In the Select Printer dialog box, click a printer to select it.

    4. Click OK.

    Export the report

    1. In the Report Selection dialog box, click Export.

    2. In the Export Format list, select an export format.

    3. Click Browse.

    4. Browse to the location where you want to save the exported file, and click Save.

    5. Modify the file name according to your needs.

    6. To attach the exported file to a Microsoft Outlook email and send it to a recipient, select the Attach to Email checkbox.

    7. To open the file after exporting it, select the Open Exported Document checkbox.

    8. In the Report Selection dialog box, click Export.

  9. To close the dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.

View the material value on a specific date

  1. On the menu, select Valuation > Valuation by Date.

    The Inventory Valuation dialog box opens, showing the valuation of material in stock and on order on the current date.

  2. In the Date list, select the date whose inventory valuation you want to view.
  3. Click OK.

    The valuation on the bottom of the dialog box updates.

  4. To close the dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.

View the value from an archive file

  1. On the menu, select Valuation > Valuation from Archive.
  2. In the Open dialog box, browse to find and click to select the archive file that you want to use.
  3. Click Open.
  4. In the Select dialog box, select if you want to view inventory reports or inventory location reports.
  5. In the Report Selection dialog box, select the report that you want to view, print, or export.
  6. According to your needs, do any of the following:


    Do this

    View the report

    • In the Report Selection dialog box, click View.

      The Tekla PowerFab Report Viewer opens.

    Print the report

    1. In the Report Selection dialog box, change the number of the printed copies by clicking the + and - buttons.

    2. Click Print.

    3. In the Select Printer dialog box, click a printer to select it.

    4. Click OK.

    Export the report

    1. In the Report Selection dialog box, click Export.

    2. In the Export Format list, select an export format.

    3. Click Browse.

    4. Browse to the location where you want to save the exported file, and click Save.

    5. Modify the file name according to your needs.

    6. To attach the exported file to a Microsoft Outlook email and send it to a recipient, select the Attach to Email checkbox.

    7. To open the file after exporting it, select the Open Exported Document checkbox.

    8. In the Report Selection dialog box, click Export.

  7. To close the dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.
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