Archive jobs
Use the Archive Jobs command to export jobs from Inventory History and save them as KSTK or TXT files.
- In the Inventory History dialog box, click the Inventory History ribbon tab.
- On the menu, select Export > Archive Jobs.
- In the Select Jobs to Archive dialog box, click the arrow buttons to move the jobs that you want to archive to the Included list.
- If you want to delete the jobs from inventory history after archiving them, select Yes in the Purge Archived Jobs list.
- Click OK.
In the Save
As dialog box, browse to
the folder where you want to save the file.
By default, Tekla PowerFab saves the file to the Export folder.
- If necessary, change the file name.
- If necessary, select another file format in the Save as type list.
A message opens, showing you the location and the file where the archived jobs have been saved.
- Click OK to close the message.