Tekla EPM 2021i release notes
Tekla EPM 2021i introduces several improvements to ease your everyday work and make information easy to find and use. For example, you can now ensure correct routing by defining that a particular station must be completed before an assembly or part can move on to the next station. You can also build longer beams and columns out of shorter purchasable lengths by using the new splice package functionality.
New nesting solution to create splice packages
Tekla EPM 2021i introduces a new nesting solution that allows you to provide splice packages. This can be very useful if you need to build longer beams and columns out of shorter purchasable lengths. Splicing enables you to take existing materials from the inventory and combine them with purchasable items to make a running length that suits your needs. The same applies to companies doing miscellaneous projects where you might choose to prefabricate longer sections of, for example, hand railing to minimize field welding.
Splice packages can be a great option also when the detailer implies a splice but does not specify it in the drawing.
You can create splice packages either in the inventory or in requisitions.
To create splice packages in requisitions, go to the Requisition # dialog box and select the parts that you want to add to the splice package. Then right-click and select Create new Splice Package from Selected. To add parts to an existing package, select Add Selected to Splice Package.
For detailed instructions, see Create and manage splice packages.
To create splice packages in the inventory, see View and modify splice packages.
Ensure consistency and traceability by prioritizing stations
You can now ensure correct routing by defining that a particular station must be completed before an assembly or part can move on to the next station. The operator at the station will not be able to pull work orders for parts that should first go to another station. This prevents stations from being accidentally skipped and ensures better traceability.
To do this, use the new Complete Previous Station First check box in the Routes dialog box. You can set this for each station individually.
If you now go to the Piece Tracking dialog box, select a station, and click Add Completed, you can see that the list only contains the items that have passed the previous station, which in this case is the cut station:
You can still override this setting whenever needed. For example, let's say that there is a piece sitting in front of you at the QC station and you can clearly see that it has gone through the Fit/Weld station. In that case, you can choose to switch the alerts off.
To override the new setting, select the Include If Previous Station Not Completed check box:
For detailed instructions, see Create, modify, and delete routes.
Better control of inventory locations
You can now define a set list of locations in the global settings to ensure that users are classifying information in Tekla EPM in a unified way. You can restrict both the primary and secondary location. This improvement provides more accuracy and consistency because users cannot accidentally mistype a location.
To do this, define the possible locations in the Location Restrictions dialog box:
Now users can only select locations that are available in the list:
For detailed instructions, see Restrict inventory locations.
One-click access to material purchasing status
Tekla EPM now provides a convenient one-click access to material purchasing status from the Production Control module. You no longer need to spend time searching through your requisitions and purchase orders. You can drill down on the requisitions and purchase orders that are associated with a particular bill of material. Click the Links button to quickly access the material purchasing information you need.
Once you open the Links dialog box there are additional buttons available: Open Inventory/Inventory History, Open Purchase Order, and Open Cut List. You can now easily launch the requisition, purchase order, or cut list that is associated with an item on the list.
For detailed instructions, see View material links.
Export CNC files and drawings for cut-to-size orders
When you send requisitions or purchase orders to a supplier, you can now export CNC files and associated drawings as part of the package. This is especially useful for cut-to-size orders that are fully processed by the suppliers. For example, many fabricators fully subcontract the processing of their detailed material, such as connection plates and angles. Providing the CNC files and associated drawings with the purchase order eliminates a manual step for these fabricators.
To do this, open the PO # dialog box and click the Purchase Order ribbon tab. On the menu, select Other Options > Export Files and then select one of the new options:
For detailed instructions, see Export CNC files and drawings.
Other improvements
Tekla EPM now comes with a new Trimble theme for a fresh look.
Tekla EPM 2021i introduces a new spell checking tool that allows you to spell-check the text that you write in input fields. Automatic spell checking is enabled by default in Project Management for subject lines and body texts. You can also perform spell checking manually in any input field in any Tekla EPM module by pressing Ctrl + S when the cursor is in that input.
For detailed instructions, see Adjust the spell-checking settings.
The Estimating Company Standards dialog box now contains a Warn if accessory quantity is not a multiple of the main piece quantity check box. This option can be used to prompt the user to confirm when adding or updating an accessory and the quantity is not a multiple of the main piece quantity.
The Carry Over button has been replaced with a check box in the Input Fields dialog box.
When importing files to the Estimating module, welds are now associated with the parts rather than the main members. This improvement gives you greater accuracy when manually deleting or adding parts.