E3D (PDMS) and Tekla Structures Interoperability: Q&A, collected 3rd June 2024
Having issues with the mapping to native sections
Tekla sections shown as panels in PDMS but not as native PDMS sections.
=> TS-PDMS link has a principle that if mapping for profile/part is not found panels/plates (PANE) used in PDMS
If mapping is found then a profile section is used (SCTN). Mapping file ProfileMapping.txt is included in installation and it needs
to be in PDMS project folder under TS-PDMS/Mapping. Example of mapping row is W8X35;AISC-SPEC/W8x35
Revision handling does not work in PDMS side or error in importing file to PDMS
Note: Do not change file name of TS export because it is used in revision handling when updates exported.
Also important that the TEKLA UDA's (TEKLA_GUID, TEKLA_IFCGUID, TEKLA_VERSION) must be created for PDMS project (see instructions).
Also important not to use spaces in file name when exported from TS
Problems to install PDMS application
Edited file named in PDMS is related to module you are running. So
PDMS Design --> DesignAddins.xml
Marine,Outfitting --> OutfittingAddins.xml
The company setup might read files from different locations (e.g. can be read from a server based on company setup).
If so contact your PDMS support to get the modifications done correctly.
Problem can be that edited DesignAddins.xml file is not read at all.
Mapping dialog in PDMS shows red color lines
There might be some cases where mapping file is not correctly read, e.g. when deleting a row in dialog.
Usually closing Interoperability dialog in PDMS and reopening solves the problem
Export to PDMS does not work and red color appear in row in Export to PDMS -dialog when new installation taken into use
Uninstall old installation before installing new. Check that ..\bin\applications\Tekla\Model\ExportToPDMS has been removed in
uninstallation and if not remove manually.
Import to PDMS does not work and an error message like "Error reading package ...ifcZip - aborting" appears
TS20.0 version exports .ifczip extension format and TS21.0 .tcZip - in TS-PDMS folder under PDMS project can be old information which causes the problem.
Probably in this case Links folder has not updated information.
Exported files from TS must/should be imported to PDMS from TS-PDMS folder under PDMS project. In TS-PDMS folder should include Mapping folder,
Links folder and export/import files (.tcZip, ifcZip). With newest versions only Links folder needs to be inside TS-PDMS folder. Also Mapping folder can be changed with settings.
The Links folder is a restricted folder that is created and maintained by application.
So user should not go in here. And important is that only one Links folder exists – otherwise problems may occur.
The user can delete the folder if problems. He will then lose all entries in dialog and lose possibilities to do updates.
So a delete is just in case of e.g. starting from beginning.
Export pipes, equipment from PDMS does not work
At the moment only link version for PDMS12.1 can export other than structural objects.
In PDMS if you want to export a PIPE, make the PIPE current element and add it do export dialog. Then mark it and press export.
Please note that PIPE is lowest level for piping export. BRAN is not a possible selection.
It takes a long time to import to PDMS
TS exports parts mainly in extrusion format which can be imported to PDMS as native PDMS objects. Complicated parts as multiplane polybeams
will be exported at the moment as Brep (surface) format and those will be imported to PDMS as polyhedron objects. But Brep objects are slow to import
and handle in PDMS. So best is to avoid Brep format if possible. TS21.0 can export e.g. polybeams and cones as extrusion format - TS20.0 as Brep
Export from PDMS does not work, profiles/sections related errors in log file
Reason probably is restricted (no permission to read) catalogues in PDMS. So open the catalogues for reading.
Export/import to PDMS does not work and red color appear in row
Some special characters in file/model name may cause problems like u with 2 dots (ü).
Change of name needs to be done in Tekla side export. Name cannot be changed after export.
Time stamp will be automatically added to file name. So own time stamps in file/model name with # character not allowed and not needed
Revision handling does not work in PDMS side and duplicate members created
Important to use same row (model) in Tekla Interoperability dialog and not to add a new row
Export from PDMS12.0 SP6: Alignment/justification problems for profiles, e.g. beams moved up (or down) half of height when imported to Tekla BIMsight or Tekla Structures
Problem has been found, depends on rules used in profile catalogues. If a fixed 12.0 version before official installation is needed it can be downloaded from address below using e.g. Internet Explorer
PDMS 12.1 version is ok.
Import to PDMS does not work and warning message "Parent object not selected in dialog" appears
PDMS hierarchy needs to be selected in PDMS (Site, Zone, Stru) for select correct position in import
Tekla UDAs cannot be imported to PDMS even attribute mapping file AttributeMapping.txt used
Attribute may not be correctly written in mapping file. Example can be seen by e.g. importing reference file to Tekla and inquiring reference object in Tekla.
For example when PROFILE and NAME attributes added in Settings tab page of PDMS export dialog the mapping syntax in file is
when :TEKLAPROFILE is the UDA name in PDMS. In PDMS export application "Project" is the fixed prefix in front of UDA name
Also important to create UDA name in PDMS separately
Ifc change management application does not work properly in Tekla side when trying to compare two revised reference models
In PDMS side revision check will use two files exported from Tekla. And also in Tekla side revision check will use two files exported from PDMS.
So if wanted e.g. to check modifications done in PDMS side workflow is that export file1 in PDMS side (e.g. immediately after importing from Tekla)
and then after modifications export file2 and use those file1 and file2 in ifc change management application in Tekla side.
Recommended workflow practice anyway is that (after first export from PDMS to Tekla) do structural modifications in Tekla side or even start in Tekla
Integer type of UDA attributes can not be transferred to PDMS
In version _13_ if attribute is set to be a string in mapping, only the string attribute in IFC is considered.
Integer types could not be mapped at all. This is fixed in new _14_ version
Problem to install application to other path than c:\TS_PDMS
Installation copies folder (files) to c:\TS_PDMS. If needed other path place copy folder TS_PDMS to desired place. And edit DesignAddins.xml to use correct path.
Modeling started in PDMS/E3D side but modified members from Tekla not correctly updated in PDMS/E3D (e.g. new members created instead of modification)
Exported model name from Tekla needs to be same as FRMW name in PDMS/E3D. Import needs to be done in FRMW level (and not e.g. in STRU level)
NOTE: Could be that by accident same initial_GUID attribute value modified to other Tekla member. See release notes 28.12.2015 and how this can be prevented
Also e.g. a check report can be created and used for verifying above situation
Polybeams (e.g. railings) from Tekla not imported correctly to PDMS
Newest Tekla side export applications can export polybeams also as an extrusion format. This means polybeam profile needs to be mapped in PDMS/E3D, otherwise it is not imported. This can be seen in log file when importing to PDMS/E3D.
For non polybeams members PANE type is used in PDMS/E3D if mapping does not exists. But for polybeams mapping needs to exist. For TS21.1 versions a new PDMS/E3D side link version (28.12.2015) needed
Rule based mapping does not work for IPE profiles in PDMS side. Library profiles not found
For IPE profiles extra colon needs to be used in case of rule based mapping to library profiles. So e.g.
IPE:H;DIN-SPEC/IPE:H -> parametric profile
IPE:H;:DIN-SPEC/IPE:H -> library profile
Bended objects (curved elbows of e.g. PDMS/E3D pipes) are missing when importing to Tekla
Check PDMS catalogue. Obstruction levels of bends and elbows need to be same in PDMS catalogue, otherwise elbows may not be transferred correctly from PDMS/E3D to Tekla
Error happens when trying to import file to PDMS/E3D
Also write permission (not only read) is needed because new hierarchies (e.g. FRMW) may be created
How to use company specific hierarchies ?
Hierarchies ZONE,STRU,FRMW,SBFR are fixed but company specific between SITE and ZONE can be handled manually and below ZONE in a normal way with new link version
GENSEC (e.g. polybeam handrails) members do not disappear in PDMS when deleted in Tekla
TEKLA-UDAs (:TEKLA_GUID, :TEKLA_IFCGUID, :TEKLA_VERSION) need to be added also to GENSEC element types (not only SCTN, PANEL).
This is automatically fixed in 17.1 version installation, file TS_INTEROPERABILITY_UDA.DATAL. In previous installations need to modify manually or use 17.1 version file
In some cases if only rotation (part moved by rotation) changed in TS modification of part not noticed and not done in PDMS side
PDMS side import will check TS side exported attributes (and also profile, material) when checking if part modified. Center of gravity attributes are included but if only rotation changed so that cog is similar then need to add also bounding box extreme values in TS side export. So add to Export to Aveva / Settings tab page next attributes: BOUNDING_BOX_MAX_X, BOUNDING_BOX_MAX_Y, BOUNDING_BOX_MAX_Z, BOUNDING_BOX_MIN_X, BOUNDING_BOX_MIN_Y, BOUNDING_BOX_MIN_Z. Then modification will be found because some of extreme values will be different. We still need to verify that this really is a solution
Import to E3D does not succeed. Error message appears
We have problems with different library dll version files and not yet been able to solve it. When solved it will be informed
UDA (template) values like WEIGHT (or e.g. hierarchy definitions) cannot be exported for IfcDescreteAccessories types of members.
NOTE: This is fixed in 2016i.3.1 and 2016.5.1 versions
In Aveva_Psets.xml file which Export To Aveva applications creates when started and uses is an error that IfcDescreteAccessories tick box is off . This can be fixed by opening export to IFC command dialog and then open Additional Property Sets "Aveva_Psets" and modify and save after adding tick boxes ON also for IfcDescreteAccessories similar like in e.g.IfcBeam. Note that this needs to be done for property sets Tekla,Hierarchy,Project. Export to Aveva application uses Aveva_Psets.xml file from model folder and under subfolder AdditionalPsets
NOTE: This is fixed in 2016i.3.1 and 2016.5.1 versions
NOTE: In old projects (models) an old/existing Aveva_Psets.xml file can be used and there tick box can be wrong and so need to be changed.
Sloped slab not imported correctly to PDMS
Given dz1,dz2 (chamfer) or (horizontal line) cut values not correctly used when importing to PDMS. In sloped slab cases attribute Brep needs to be given/defined as Ifc export type in the slab object (User-defined attributes and IFC export tab page)
Also using polygon cut for horizontal cut (not line cut) to handle slope works ok - then also Auto option for Ifc export type can be used
Import to E3D does not work, error message appears
There is a problem in current E3D installation. Problem seems to be solved now.
Our plan is to create next 18.1 link version soon (hopefully in about 2 weeks time) and then also release the E3D2.1 version.
If you need/want the link for testing, below is a (unofficial) link. Password for zip file is tekla
Beam end cuts and holes not properly exported from PDMS using new 18.1 link version
There is a change in new 18.1 link version which does not work properly. It will be fixed in coming (soon) 19.1 link version.
Error message "Duplicate IFC guids in model, see log file" appear when trying to import to PDMS/E3D
There are members in PDMS/E3D which have same Tekla IFC Guid numbers. This check done on purpose and only unique number for each member allowed, otherwise revision import may not work properly. Duplicate number can appear when PDMS user manually copies member imported from Tekla. Then also IFC guid number copied. User needs to check log file and delete Tekla (Guid) UDAs from manually copied members. PDMS macro could be created to do this. After that import works ok.
Using new 19.1 link version in PDMS side in Tekla interoperability dialog link rows colored as yellow even no updated file exist
This is an error which hopefully can be fixed soon. This happens after PDMS session saved. So at the moment manual checking needed for investigation of existing of updated files. Anyway it does not matter if same file imported twice.
Import to PDMS/E3D does not succeed and error message appear in dialog: "Aborted due to duplicate IFCGUIDs in model, see log file"
Member(s) imported from Tekla have manually copied in PDMS/E3D. Then also Tekla GUID number UDAs copied. These numbers are used for checking purposes in revision cases and so need to be unique for every member. So no duplicates allowed. There is no way in PDMS/E3D in copying to prevent UDAs copying. So user needs to manually delete Tekla UDAs from copied members. In log file all duplicate members are listed and so can be easily selected. Smallest id number is most probably the original member imported from Tekla. Others are manually copied. Best to create a "macro" which deletes Tekla UDAs if members imported from Tekla used also for manual copying in PDMS/E3D.
Member(s) exported as Brep format not imported to PDMS/E3D (as POHE members)
Error found in 19.1 version and a new version 20.1 is needed. Target is soon. Brep members exported also to one separate dgn file inside tczip file (e.g. 7-Zip program can be used for extracting) and at the moment dgn file can be imported to PDMS/E3D.
Import time to PDMS is long. Does some extra things ? Also batch import is slow and seems to do something extra ?
Checking for duplicate TEKLA_GUIDs done for all SITEs in PDMS and this took extra time. This is fixed in new link 21.1 version (also batch import) with new option TeklaDuplicateGUIDsCheckForImportSpecificAvevaSITEsOnly (default=True). See release notes for more info.
Import to PDMS/E3D does not succeed and error message "Selected hierarchy is not STRU/FRMW" appear
There are two ways to export from Tekla: using hierarchies or not using hierarchies. If hierarchies not used then in PDMS/E3D side in Design Explorer/Model Explorer a STRU or a FRMW need to be selected before importing. See more info from instructions
Import to PDMS/E3D does not succeed
Simple reason for this can be that exported file name from Tekla (.tczip extension) is modified. It is not allowed. If new/other name needed then a new export in Tekla side needed to be done using Export To Aveva application
Decimals not taken into account in tube profile mapping file, e.g. tube diameter 101.6 mm in Tekla and 1016 mm in PDMS
Windows setting for decimal symbol (dot or comma) might effect to this. In case of problem a comma instead of dot could be used in PDMS side like
Update (import) to PDMS/E3D does not work and message "nothing to import, aborting ..." happens
If sorting used (e.g. by version in Tekla Interoperability dialog) before pressing Import-Update the error happens in 21.1 (2.1) link version.
Rearranging the dialog gave mismatch between dialog rows and models and this caused the error. It will be fixed in next official version but now do not use sorting
Tekla UDAs cannot be imported to PDMS even attribute mapping file AttributeMapping.txt used
UDAs need to be defined as a string type even UDA is defined in Tekla side as integer or double format. So e.g. Tekla Common.Phase UDA defined in Tekla side as integer and need to write to AttributeMapping.txt following
Tekla Common.Phase;String;:TEKLA_STR_1;String
where :TEKLA_STR_1 is the UDA name in PDMS/E3D side
Profiles rotated after importing to PDMS when 22.1 link version used
This kind of rotation error noticed and it happens if profile mapping file used and not e.g. European DIN-SPEC mapping. We are working to fix this but at the moment one workaround is not to use mapping file. Then members are correctly positioned but PANE members before final fix available.
Imported members to PDMS/E3D will be rotated (bangle 180).
If SITE or ZONE or STRU position level set in PDMS/E3D side as non zero. E.g. SITE pos set to E0 U0 U100000.
This error happens in 23.1 (PDMS) and 9.1 (E3D) versions and will be fixed to 24.1 (PDMS) and 9.1 (E3D) versions. Fixed preliminary versions (library files) available and can be sent if needed
Deleted members from Tekla side not added to _DELETED_ FRMW in PDMS side
This is fixed in new 25.1 link version, see release notes of 25.1 version or explanation below:
You need to press refresh-button (in 25.1 link version) or close and open dialog again to be able to handle deleted members (from TS side) correctly in revision cases.
So after importing the input tczip file you need to press refresh or close/open dialog before importing the second (revised) input tczip file
Round plates not imported to PDMS/E3D when newest link version (25.1, 10.1) used
If round plate created in Tekla side using chamfers (4 corners chamfers or 2 full chamfers) it will not be imported to PDMS/E3D with newest (25.1, 10.1) link version.
Current workaround is to use Brep definition for plate in Tekla side. Then plate imported as POHE member which is not so good but this is a workaround before the fix.
Import to PDMS/E3D does not work
Basic reason for this could be that hierarchy definitions (e.g. SITE) defined for some members but not for all. If hierarchies used in exported tczip file you need to define e.g. SITE for all imported members. Good to use "check hierarchies" command/button in Tekla side before exporting
Message appears: Error: ZONE /XXXX/TEKLA-ZONE creation failed. Aborting.
Permission handling of hierarchies in PDMS/E3D improved. In previous versions (before 25.1, 10.1) if any hierarchy level (even not used) or member were locked/claimed import stopped. Now import will continue if locked hierarchy levels found but those not used in import.
E.g. hierarchy ZONE used for other than structural purpose. Also SITE can be locked if nothing imported directly under. Note that TEKLAZONE (for unplaced or deleted members) needs to be available if SITE locked.
There will be information of locked elements in log file. Also if locked members noticed import will be continued but nothing modified and information added to log file.
Note: if a PDMS/E3D member has been locked and so not modified in import the next tczip file import will not find any changes if nothing actually changed to TS member.
In this case you can use attribute UpdateAvevaObjectsEvenTheyHaveNotBeenChangedInTeklaStructures=True in ProjectSettings.txt file.
Or change some UDA attribute for member in TS side and add that attribute to AttributeMapping.txt file which also defines which attributes will be checked in revision checking.
Angle (L-) profiles rotated after importing to E3D
E3D has a new profile catalogues definition compared to PDMS , especially angle profiles have different coordinate system compared to old (PDMS) profile catalogue.
Link uses new E3D profile catalogue definition and when that new one used the rotation is correct. So using old PDMS catalogues in E3D cause rotation.
Example of new profile catalogue mapping row is : L100*100*10;EU-L100x100x10 or L65*50*6;DP-DANG:65:50:6:6 if DESIGN profile used
Material mapping does not work in PDMS/E3D side
In material mapping file MaterialMapping.txt the syntax is Tekla Structures material;PDMS/E3D material. E.g. S355J0;GR355I
Important to notice that GR355I being Aveva’s SOLI element, not SMTE element
Using newest 28.1/14.1 link versions equipment primitives (BOX, CYLI etc.) not exported from PDMS/E3D
Error found and fixed and there will be new fixed link versions available hopefully Monday 2019-12-16
Next error message appears when importing to PDMS/E3D
ERROR [CreatePdmsStructure] - Error during update, aborting ("System.OutOfMemoryException".).
In PDMS there is a problem that computer runs out of memory when the amount of exported or imported models exceeds a certain limit.
One workaround is to re-start PDMS (to get all available memory again) and try to import again.
In newest link version 28.1/14.1 it is also possible to use (file based) batch import/export which can help with these kind of situations. See instructions BATCH_FILES_PDMS_E3D_AND_BATCH_INSTRUCTIONS(2019-12-11) in Versions-tab page
Profilemapping does not work correctly with newest 28.1/14.1 link version and profiles might be imported to PDMS/E3D with wrong profile size
Error found and will be fixed but releasing the fixed version cannot be done before the New Year
Problems occur at least when rule based mapping used.
So best to use the older link version 27.1/13.1. Very sorry and apologies for possible inconveniences !
Error dialog appears ("... could not load Tekla.Technology.ManagedIfcLib ... " or similar) when trying to import using PDMS 12.1 SP5 or E3D 2.1
Different PDMS/E3D versions use different versions (3.5 or 4.0) of .NET Framework.
This can cause incompatibility problems because some GAC library files are stored to a common C-folder of machine.
Versions PDMS12.1 SP5 and E3D2.1 installation create both files below
Versions PDMS12.0 SP6 or PDMS12.1 SP2/SP4 do not create any files
This means that link installation of e.g. PDMS12.1 SP4 and E3D2.1 cannot be at same machine.
It is good to uninstall first previous link version and then install the new one.
After link installation you could verify that above file Tekla.Technology.ManagedIfcLib does not exist in folders
Error message happens in import/export or file based batch import/export when using 14.1 link version in E3D
Files and folder structure of installation a little bit changed in 14.1 and so need to uninstall first the old link version and then re-install the new 14.1
Problems when using new file based batch export with file names defintion (not by batch number field). Nothing exported. Versions 28.1 (PDMS), 14.1 (E3D)
File based batch export (and import) is based on rows/models on Tekla Interoperability dialog. So needs to add rows/models once to dialog and then batch routines can be used. Semi-automatic hierarchy members collection can also be used (Selected GPSET members), see more in instructions
Profile mapping cannot be used when exported from PDMS/E3D. So direction PDMS/E3D -> Tekla
Profile mapping can/will be used when ifc object conversion used to create Tekla native members. See instructions of ifc object conversion in Tekla side
Icons get corrupted in Tekla Interoperability dialog
After installing Windows 7 with Microsoft KB4537820 or KB4538483 security updates this can happen.
There are some notice about this when general Google search used, e.g. link https://community.sophos.com/kb/en-us/135226
This for information, I suppose investigation of cause of problem is going on
Warning message "Model link version is newer than current application version, please update import application. Continue Yes/No” when importing to PDMS/E3D
ExportToAveva application version 1.0.2 in Tekla side had an error in link version data information. Pressing "Yes" button continued the import normally. Best for Tekla user is to install the new available version 1.1.1 where the error is fixed.
Can import time to PDMS/E3D improved
Batch import is in most (all?) cases much faster than normal (manual) import especially in E3D according to feedback from clients. File based batch import/export available in newest link versions and good to take into use.
Import to PDMS/E3D or Change viewer functionality in Tekla Interoperability dialog does not show small changes of exported member from Tekla Structures.
Change viewer will not show modifed member as changed (yellow color) and also import to PDMS/E3D does not import the modified case
CompareSettings.ini text file had too tight tolerance values when handling changes.
Especially geometryTolerance value was too tight and causes in some cases that member was not recognized as modified when imported to PDMS/E3D
Use case is e.g. if only a movement under 100mm of member done in Tekla side and no other changes then this could happen.
Real use case could be that pipe support member moved in Tekla and then imported situation in PDMS/E3D and in Tekla is not similar.
This can be noticed also when Change viewer button/functionality used, in both Tekla and PDMS/E3D side.
This file fixes will be included in next release but can be done easily already now by doing following file change/replacement
Download the package (file CompareSettings.ini) from Tekla Warehouse and copy (replace) the attached CompareSettings.ini text file to correct folder place which is in Tekla side (e.g. TS2019 used)
C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\2019.0\Environments\common\extensions\ExportToAveva\CompareIfcModels
And in PDMS/E3D side depending on installation path but when E3D used e.g. (probably first folder name in most cases of clients is TS_E3D)
NOTE: In Tekla side the fix already exists in new ExportToAveva application version 1.2.1 at Tekla Warehouse
U-profiles exported from E3D2.1 with wrong rotation
It has been noticed that in E3D side export anti symmetrical (e.g. U-profiles) exported with wrong rotation.
This happens if Bangle=90 degrees (not “standing”) and profile mirrored by user definition (BANG 90 and LMIRROR true).
Modification of rotation can be done also in TS side.
Before the official release of the fix, plan is to put the fix also in a separate zip file at Tekla Warehouse page. Replace the official 15.1 version folder files with zip folder files. Good to save original folders before replacing.
Purpose is to get the official new version after summer holidays
Error "ifc library error" appears when new Export To Aveva 2.1.1 version used, e.g. when item objects exported.
Previous Export to Aveva application(s) need to be first uninstalled before installing the new 2.1.1 version. Use extension manager in Tekla Structures. This 2.1.1 version uses different dll library files and so important that older and newer files do not get mixed.
In Tekla side in ExportToAveva application the Change Viewer button does not open the window for showing changes of last exported tczip files. This problem has happened in one machine and reason was interesting
After Windows 10 update 1909 the CrowdStrike Windows Sensor security system caused this kind of problem. Probably if two different security systems at same machine cause this problem. Uninstalling CrowdStrike solved the problem
Tekla interoperability dialog does not open in PDMS or E3D.
There seems to be a size limit how many rows can be on Tekla interoperability dialog in export and in import tab pages. In one example 2000 rows (in export) were too many. When some files moved away from export folder, then dialog opened correctly.
In this example the size limit was about 800 rows (files).
If really many export files from PDMS/E3D it is good to use GPSET grouping method (see separate instructions) and collect several ZONEs to one GPSET hierarchy group which will decrease significantly rows amount in interoperability dialog.
Use GPSET hierarchy group name in export command.
Duplicate members appeared in PDMS/E3D in some cases
This kind of a situation might happen in e.g. below described situation.
Batch import and export routine used and during batch export still running manually importing same members because batch import members not yet saved because batch export still running.
Basic rules to avoid duplicate elements when updating/importing Tekla models into E3D/PDMS models:
- Keep your import dbases as separate dbases.
- Create these dbases under suitable TEAM so, that you can restrict users, whom have access to them.
- Create and use own MDB for importing purposes, including only those import DESIGN dbases. (Why ? : Some elements may have been copied on different dbase with original GUID numbers.)
- Make sure, that only one person or batch process is running simultaneously when handling same members
Is there an updated user guide available ?
Yes, new user guide added 2021-10-22 (51 pages) and available on Tekla Warehouse (see INSTRUCTIONS(NEW Aveva E3D User Guide_2021-10-22.pdf) under versions tab page of the Installer for Aveva E3D/PDMS import/export from/to Tekla Structures)
Channel (C) or Angle (L) profiles rotated 180 degrees after importing to PDMS, why ?
Channels In CATALOG need to use GTYPE for SPRF: Gtype EQ BSC OR DINU OR JISU
Own Angle profiles need to have Gtype ANG
E.g. GTYPE of Indian Steel Channels to DINU and Indian Steel Angles to ANG in PDMS catalogue
Channel (C) or Angle (L) profiles rotated after importing to E3D, why ?
E3D uses different coordination system for anti-symmetrical (C-,L-) profiles compared to PDMS. It is recommended to use the new profile catalog but if old (PDMS) catalog used also in E3D then rotation option values (or mirroring) might need to be used in profile mapping file ProfileMapping.txt (see more information from release notes or from user guide). Example mapping file for one Indian case:
If (angle) profiles defined differently in different environments then example mapping file can be
ExportToAveva application does not start in TS2022 and error message System.IO.FileNotFoundException could not load file or assembly Tekla.Technology.IfcDatabaseTypes ... or similar appears
This can happen if only the TS2022 version installed to the machine/laptop and no other TS versions installed. Not yet sure why this happens but workaround is to install also TS2021 to the machine/laptop
Where do I get more information about Tekla Aveva Interoperability ?
You can get more information from Tekla Warehouse page "Installer for Aveva E3D/PDMS to import/export from/to Tekla Structures".
It is recommended to watch the video Tekla_Aveva_Interoperability_Video (from 2017) which shows different workflows on both Tekla Structures and on Aveva sides (import, export, change management etc.). Also instruction guides like INSTRUCTIONS (NEW Aveva E3D User Guide_2022-05-17.pdf), Install Guide Tekla Structures and Aveva E3D_2020-12-18, Install Guide Tekla Structures and Aveva PDMS_2020-12-18 available.
Export from E3D fails when new or version used
Error found in new and versions where replacement / asterisk "*" mark can be used. There needs to be at least one (model) name in IfcExportSettings.txt file. This need (workaround) will be fixed hopefully soon with new and versions. Example below
3000*; AVEVA_IFC; FORMAT ifc2x3; COMPONENTLEVEL ON; CONFIGURATION P:\XXX_Projects\XX_Projects\10903978\001\E3D\KBA\TS-E3D\Mapping\ifc2x3_sample.xml; DATALEVEL GA; INSU ON; OBST OFF; HOLES ON; SETTING_MACRO P:\XXX_Projects\XX_Projects\10903978\001\E3D\KBA\TS-E3D\Mapping\AUTOEXPORT.mac
Shortening (or lengthening) of member missing in E3D import
Error found in handling of Tekla fitting object (=shortening / lengthening of member) in import to E3D. Import to PDMS works correctly. So in E3D an imported Tekla member might not have exactly similar length as in Tekla if e.g. fitting object used in Tekla connections. Workaround is to use user defined UDA (Ifc export/Ifc export type = Brep) definition in Tekla for a member. Then member length is correct but a POHE primitive used in E3D.
Import to PDMS/E3D does not succeed
If really many members (e.g. 15000) tried to import to the same FRMW in PDMS/E3D, import will slow down or even does not succeed.
It has been noticed that there can not be "too many" members at the same FRMW definition. Users have noticed that the maximum limit is about 4000-5000.
New version (2.2.1) of ExportToAveva application in Tekla side shows in the log file number of members in different FRMWs if Aveva hierarchy definitions used in Tekla side.
So if maximum numbers are over 5000, then Tekla user needs to split members to several FRMWs. Otherwise problems might appear in import to PDMS/E3D.
Export from E3D does not succeed and error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" or similar appears in the log file.
“/“ mark in text files (e.g. IfcExportSettings.txt or batch export files) is not allowed. If "/" mark used in E3D's hierarchy item names, then need to replace with "-" mark. Similar replacement used on the Tekla Aveva interoperability dialog. Example: XX20COM/CABL needs to be written as XX20COM-CABL
Profiles and materials not handled correctly when importing to PDMS/E3D when Export To Aveva application version 3.0 used.
Error found in Export To Aveva 3.0 version.
- Profiles.xml file is empty and does not include profilenames used in export
- Materials.xml file is empty and does not include material names which exported
Those files are included in the zipped .tczip file which exported from Tekla. Workaround (before the fixed version) is to use older Export to Aveva 2.2.1 version. This is the same as 3.0 version but needs also Tekla Structures 2021 version to be installed on machine/laptop even it will not be used (it contains some needed dll library files which fixed in 3.0 version)
Actually Profiles.xml and Materials.xml are not used in Aveva side tool and so Export To Aveva version 3.0 can be used. Only thing is that profile and material names which used in Profile mapping need to find out other way. This is problematic and better to wait for Export To Aveva 3.1 version where the problem is fixed.
Member's start/end cut (Tekla Structure's fitting object for lengthening/shortening) not handled correctly (=missing) in E3D import
Tekla Structures fitting (shorten/lengthen) object was not handled correctly in E3D import. This has been fixed in 17.6 version. PDMS import was OK.
Batch import command ImportModels function does not work if model name file does not already exist in the interoperability dialog
Replacement / asterisk "*" mark need to be used at the end of the model file name. Then ImportModels function adds file(s) to the interoperability dialog if they do not yet exist. Example below
--!example.ImportModels('C:\M3M\UKProfiles3600Members*') => this works OK
--!example.ImportModels('C:\M3M\UKProfiles3600Members') => this does not work if file/modelname does not already exist in the interoperability dialog
Interoperability dialog gets corrupted and no rows exist.
Special mark "&" and a space in the folder name cause the problem that the interoperability dialog will be corrupted. Example below
Special mark "&" and a space are not allowed and need to be replaced by something else, e.g.
The round hollow core profile 'Ø' (e.g. Ø300*10) is not correctly imported to E3D/PDMS.
The round hollow core profile 'Ø' (e.g. Ø300*10) was not correctly reported in the Profiles.xml file (which exists inside the .tczip file) when Export To Aveva application versions 3.1 or 3.2 used in Tekla Structures versions 2022 or 2023 (or 2024). This is fixed in the new Export To Aveva 3.3. version and need to be installed from Tekla Warehouse if 'Ø' profiles used.
When only UDA value of member is changed in Tekla side export (Export To Aveva application), change management does not find a difference compared to previous export when Change viewer button/functionality used
Colon mark (:) after the UDA name is not allowed in objects.inp definition file in Tekla. In this case change management does not find a difference. So e.g. TAG: definition is wrong and need to be TAG in objects.inp file. AttributeMapping.txt file needs to be defined in both Tekla and Aveva side. Correct example definition in AttributeMapping.txt file is below
Import to E3D takes a long time
Answer1: If (by accident) Brep (surface format) option used for many (e.g. 1000) imported members, then members will be imported as polyhedron, POHE (Brep/surface format) objects to E3D and it takes more time
Use IFC export type = Auto (and not Brep) in Tekla Structures (User defined attributes dialog / IFC export tab page) when exporting members. IFC object type can be inquired also in Tekla Structures from exported .tcZip reference model
Answer2: If SITE hierarchy in E3D (of imported structural model members) has very many (e.g. 150 000) members, comparison etc. time can take some extra minutes.
This can happen especially when hierarchy definitions (SITE,ZONE,STRU,FRMW,SBFR) used in Tekla Structures.
Solution is to split SITE in E3D and also in Tekla Structures for smaller SITEs which include e.g. about 40 000 structural members.
Profile mapping on the E3D side does not work for profile names with slash mark ("/", e.g. JIS/H-100X100X6X8)
In Profiles.xml file (inside .tcZip file), profiles with slash mark (“/”, e.g. JIS/H-100X100X6X8 was written wrong, e.g. H-100X100X6X8. This caused a profile mapping problem on the E3D side. This is fixed (profile name is written as it is
defined) in the new 3.5 version of Export To Aveva application which can be downloaded from Tekla Warehouse.