Engineering library update - August 2022

Tekla Tedds
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Engineering library update - August 2022

Tekla Tedds engineering library update (August 2022 - version 24.05) is available in Tekla Downloads.

American Design

Steel member design (AISC360)
TEDDS-6925 Fixed issue with design flexural strength being set incorrectly after viewing the calculation preview results.
Wood member design (NDS)
TEDDS-6845 Dressed section properties set up incorrectly in the analysis with full-sawn section sizes used instead of dressed section sizes. This would be corrected on the design side of the calculation when the section was amended or reselected.

Australian Design

No updates.

British Design

No updates.

Canadian Design

No updates.

Eurocode Design

Steel column design (EN1993)

Enhanced the calculation to include a Calc API so the calculation can be used in automation scenarios including the option to completely disable the user interface. The batch design has also been updated to include a Steel column design example.

Product bulletin August 2022 (PBT-2208-1)

Crane gantry girder design (EN1993) - Fixed a potentially un-conservative error affecting the deflection result for load group 5 when using an IFF wheel fixing layout. For more detailed information please refer to Product bulletin August 2022 (PBT-2208-1).

Other Updates

Batch design
TEDDS-6975 Updated the Steel simple connection design (EN1993) examples to use the main calc item "Steel connection design (EN1993)" rather than the legacy "batch design" item.
Crane gantry girder design (EN1993)
TEDDS-7032 Fixed a solver error when the wheel fixing layout was CFM or IFM.
RC slab design (EN1992)
TEDDS-6913 Fixed undefined variable error when switching from monolithic to simple supports and bending moments and shear forces are calculated from coefficients.
Steel column design (EN1993)
TEDDS-6868 Fixed undefined variable error if output is selected as 'None'.
TEDDS-6877 Fixed user defined output title.
Steel simple connection design (EN1993)
TEDDS-6975 Fixed output when calculation is running from a batch design.
Timber rafter design (EN1995)
TEDDS-6934 Fixed 'Lower roof' and 'Upper roof' loads named incorrectly in the documented output for a timber rafter.
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