2023 SP8 : Améliorations et corrections importantes

Tekla Structures
Modifié: 13 juin 2024
Tekla Structures

2023 SP8 : Améliorations et corrections importantes

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Utilisation de l'emplacement du projet lors de l'insertion de modèles de référence IFC2x3

Lors de l'insertion d'un modèle de référence IFC2x3 pour lequel un emplacement de projet est disponible, vous pouvez activer l'emplacement du projet en définissant la nouvelle option avancée spécifique au modèle XS_USE_PROJECT_LOCATION_IN_IFC2X3_IMPORT sur TRUE dans la catégorie Import de la boîte de dialogue Options avancées. Lorsque cette option avancée est définie sur TRUE, l'emplacement du projet est appliqué et le modèle de référence est inséré loin de l'origine du modèle Tekla Structures. La valeur par défaut est FALSE.


Empêche la copie des attributs utilisateur de la pièce définissant la découpe d'origine vers la pièce définissant la découpe de l'antimatière

Lorsque vous utilisez la commande Découpe par élément, vous pouvez empêcher la copie des attributs utilisateur de la pièce définissant la découpe d'origine vers la pièce définissant la découpe de l'antimatière. Lorsque la nouvelle option avancée XS_​PART_​CUT_​INHERIT_​UDAS_​FROM_​CUTTING_PART dans la catégorie Propriétés modélisation de la boîte de dialogue Options avancées est définie sur TRUE, les attributs utilisateur sont copiés dans la pièce antimatière. La valeur par défaut est TRUE.


Attributs de longueur dans les repères et étiquettes d'armature

Le paramètre d'unité pour CC, CC_CROSS, CC_DIAMETER_CROSS, CC_DIAMETER_LONG, CC_EXACT, CC_EXACT_CROSS, CC_EXACT_LONG et CC_LONG a cessé de fonctionner lorsqu'une correction a été apportée pour les faire fonctionner dans le filtrage. Il s’est avéré que ces deux exigences sont contradictoires et que nous ne pouvons pas les faire fonctionner en même temps. Sur la base des commentaires des clients, nous avons décidé d'annuler le correctif précédent, ce qui signifie que les attributs mentionnés ci-dessus ne fonctionnent plus dans les filtres.

Vous pouvez contrôler cette fonctionnalité dans contentattributes_global.lst. Par défaut, le Type d'unité est désormais défini sur Longueur pour ces attributs, ce qui active les paramètres d'unité dans les dessins, mais les filtres ne fonctionnent plus. Si vous laissez le type d'unité vide, les filtres fonctionnent mais pas les paramètres d'unité.

Voici un exemple de ligne provenant du fichier contentattributes_global.lst d'une situation dans laquelle les paramètres d'unité fonctionnent dans les dessins :



Améliorations du Créateur de vue de treillis soudés

  • Les assemblages d'armatures et les jeux d'armatures pliés sont désormais pris en charge.


  • Une nouvelle option, Rotation de treillis plié, a été ajoutée pour la rotation des treillis pliés. Les options sont Par défaut, 90, 180, et 270. Si vous sélectionnez Par défaut, les treillis sont toujours orientés de manière à ce que les armatures pilées soient sur l'axe horizontal.



Numéro de défaut Zone de développement Description
TSAC-7818 Concrete components

Formwork placing tools - Walls: Previously, the fixed stack height field did not work with imperial units. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-7934 Concrete components

Beam reinforcement (63): The main bars on the second and third row are now placed next to the stirrups. The top and bottom corner bars are placed more inwards due to the stirrup bending radius.

TSAC-7955 Concrete components

Floor layout: You can now define the Finish property for layer parts on the Layer tab.

TSAC-7973 Concrete components

Round column reinforcement (82): Stirrup overlap length is now equally distributed on the stirrup start and stirrup end. Previously, the whole length was added only on the end, which did not correspond with the standard shape definition in Rebar shape manager.

TSAC-8024 Concrete components

Border rebar for single edge (93): The bottom leg face of the standard stirrup shape (pins) is now on the correct level.

TSAC-8042 Concrete components

Mesh bars: The bending radius values at secondary bar ends are now correctly assigned.

TSAC-8120 Concrete components

Formwork placing tools - Walls: Previously, the filler component selection did not work when a proper filler was not found. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-8129 Concrete components

Tapered I beam (81): The external configuration file for defining the beam dimensions can now be located in a folder pointed to by XS_PROJECT, XS_FIRM, and XS_SYSTEM.

TSAC-6641 Steel components

Metsec Std anti-sag bay (23), Metsec Non-std anti-sag (25): Hole centers have been updated when using anti-sag bars between purlins of different depths.

TSAC-6924 Steel components

Bracing cross (19): Previously, when a twin profile was used as the secondary part, the bolts were created with incorrect rotation. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7150 Steel components

Two sided clip angle (33): Previously, the center-to-center (cc) distance of bolts in the main part was incorrectly applied in the component. This issue has now been fixed. 

TSAC-7848 Steel components

Windbracing 2 (16): Previously, the part properties - name, material, and class - of the filler plate, washer, nut, and extra nut were incorrectly applied in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7886 Steel components

Haunch (40): Previously, distances H1 and H2, shown on the Haunch tab, were not correctly applied when the haunch was created as a composite of welded plates. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7899 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, some vertical rails were not connected to the bottom rail in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8004 Steel components

BW Side rail supports (51): Assembly position numbers on the Parts tab have been updated.

TSAC-8008 Steel components

Web stiffeners (1060): It is now possible to specify the assembly numbering prefix and start number.

TSAC-8009 Steel components

Web stiffener base plate (1016): Previously, part names were incorrectly applied as the part finish. This has been fixed now.

TSAC-8013 Steel components

U.S. Base plate joint (71): Previously, beam stiffener chamfers were not created correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8018 Steel components

Base plate (1004): Previously, the leveling plate was created incorrectly when anchor rods were used and one of them was deleted. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8040 Steel components

Haunch (40): Previously, weld 9 between the stiffeners and main part was created incorrectly for one of the stiffeners. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8048 Steel components

Base plate (1042): Previously, the class for anchor rods was not correctly applied. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8080 Steel components

End plate (29): Previously, special holes for bolts were not created correctly when bolts were rotated. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8106 Steel components

Wraparound gusset (58): Previously, brace bolts were not created as centered on the secondary part, instead the bolts were offset. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8121 Steel components

CMF Side rail supports (28): The Material grade box now controls both the side rail supports and diagonal tie wires.

TTSD-11623 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Now the IFC2x3 export always writes the license details correctly .

TTSD-58140 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export:

  • The IFC4 export now exports revolved beams correctly.
  • The IFC4 export now takes into account the IFC_EXPORT_TYPE UDA, which you can use to force the export to B-rep. This already works for the IFC2x3 export.
TTSD-58242 Import, export, interoperability

Point clouds: Previously, attaching a point cloud using a URL was not possible if  the folder of the point cloud was not accessible. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-58930 Import, export, interoperability

Now, when you install .uel component files using Tekla Warehouse Installer, Tekla Structures checks whether the component has already been installed, unless you have explicitly instructed Tekla Structures to override the existing components.

TTSD-59157 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Both .cxl and .tsmd imports now correctly import members with unequal end offsets and alignment offsets.

TTSD-59176 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Rebars detached from parts were not exported even though you had selected the All objects option. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59391 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export:  Bolt assembly elements (washers and nuts) are now placed correctly also in complicated part geometries including overlapping parts.

TTSD-59592 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: When updating an existing model from Tekla Structural Designer, some steel columns were incorrectly flagged as being altered in position and split into two separate parts. This has been partially addressed with some limitations.
It is not possible to access the relevant BIM settings so the import will merge stacks of steel columns and spans of steel beams into single Tekla Structures parts unless there is a change of profile or material or the resulting part would not be linear.
It is also not possible to access the splice properties for steel columns, so parts might need to be split in Tekla Structures after the import.
Concrete column stacks and concrete beam spans will still be imported as separate Tekla Structures parts.

TTSD-59642 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connect: Sometimes the reinforcement in the model was not represented properly in the .tekla file. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59849 Import, export, interoperability

Point clouds: Previously, when a point cloud had foreign characters in the name, the point cloud was not shown. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59928 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Some reinforcing bars were not exported depending on the selected Cast-in-place export option. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59929 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Previously, when you exported an IFC file for the first time, the angle to the north setting defined in the base point settings was not exported. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60359 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Additional property set definitions for window elements were enabled in the IFC2x3 export.

TTSD-60401 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Previously, IFC2x3 export tried to export individual rebar sets, which caused a redundant log error. Now this issue has been fixed.

TTSD-60413 Import, export, interoperability

Export drawings to DWG/DXF: Hatches are now exported more reliably.

TTSD-60437 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Rebars are now exported correctly even when rebar sets have been attached to parts using rebar set modifiers.

TTSD-60445 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: If you had selected the Get selected objects from model option in the change management, selecting/deselecting many objects could take a long time. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60702 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The Export flat and wide beams as plates option could cause some cuts to not be exported correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61027 Import, export, interoperability

Previously, when you uploaded a model to Trimble Connect, ASSEMBLY_POS was not correct if XS_ASSEMBLY_POSITION_NUMBER_FORMAT_STRING was defined. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-61126 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Reinforcement meshes were not exported to IFC4 in the USImp environment. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61338 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: In some rare cases, the Export To Aveva application exported polybeams slightly incorrectly. Internally, the Export To Aveva application uses the IFC export and exports polybeams which exist in 2D plane (like railings) in the extrusion format (and not in the B-rep/surface format as the IFC export does by default).

TTSD-61432 Import, export, interoperability

Point clouds: The file extension of the point cloud files is no longer case sensitive in the import. For example, both .E57 and .e57 are now accepted.

TPLED-306 Templates and reports

Template Editor: The visibility rule wizard dialog box did not open for polylines. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61104 Templates and reports

Template Editor: The IsFirst() and IsLast() functions did not work in ValueField formulas. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61247 Templates and reports

Previously, in HTML reports, rebar pull-out pictures contained bars from previous rows on top of the correct bars. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5704 Drawings

Dimension placing direction for rebar groups is now correct when using the Rebar group dimensioning application.    

TSAC-8036 Drawings

2D Library: Elements are now drawn behind model objects when the Behind model objects property is selected. The 2D Library now saves the order of elements.

TTSD-44902 Drawings

Previously, dimension tags contained names of invisible reference objects when default associativity was selected. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-49306 Drawings

Rebar pull-out pictures: In pull-out pictures for tapered rebar groups, the numbers in dimension ranges now correspond to the dimensions of the <shortest bar>..<longest bar> instead of the overall individual smallest and longest dimension of the leg in the bar group.

TTSD-59063 Drawings

Previously, rebar mark pull-out pictures in a drawing section view only showed dimensions for bars in a tapered rebar group that were actually inside the view boundary. Now, dimensions are shown for all bars in the group, regardless of whether some of the bars are outside the view boundary.

TTSD-59363 Drawings

Rebar pull-out pictures: Dimensions were sometimes incorrect in rebar group pull-out pictures. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59678 Drawings


Having set a section or detail view scale as default in the property pane, the old scale was used when you created a new section or detail view. This issue has now been fixed when creating new views.

TTSD-59807 Drawings

Drawing property pane now is now slightly faster when you are working with marks.

TTSD-60144 Drawings

Dimensions: Text type dimension tags in the middle lower tag now remain in the correct position when drawing view scale is adjusted.

TTSD-60166 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: Previously, the Creation review dialog box could stop responding if a model object related to a drawing no longer existed. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60206 Drawings

Layout editor:  On rare occasions, Tekla Structures could stop responding due to a problem related to the drawing layout editor. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60373 Drawings

Drawing view labels now work more reliably when creating new views.

TTSD-60388 Drawings

The _BASEPOINT template attributes in drawing templates gave values according to the model setting in stead of drawing's Location by setting. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60415 Drawings

Drawing layout editor: Previously, when you right-clicked a template in a drawing layout and moved the template with the Move command, and then closed the Drawing layout editor, the Drawing layout has changed dialog box was not shown. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60513 Drawings

Having set a section or detail view label with the drawing name as default in property pane, the old drawing name was used when you created a new section or detail view. This issue has now been fixed when creating new views.

TTSD-60538 Drawings

Drawing cloning now works better with graphical objects.

TTSD-61000 Drawings

Creating a circle in a drawing could sometimes cause Tekla Structures to stop working. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61036 Drawings

Previously, when you edited a dimension tag of a selected dimension in the property pane, user-defined attributes were not listed. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61257 Drawings

A problem related to bolts could sometimes cause Tekla Structures to stop working. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61280 Drawings

Drawing layout editor: There has been a layout editor bug in adding drawing sizes that might have caused a newly added size irreversibly to share all the tables and their positions with another drawing size. This issue has now been fixed so that when a new size is added, it will always have its own tables and table positions.

TTSD-61362 Drawings

Drawing property pane: Incorrect drawing view label properties may have been used in views created with the Tekla Structures 2023 property pane. This issue has now been fixed for old views and newly created views.

TTSD-61585 Drawings

Drawing layout editor now better handles situations where the current drawing uses a layout that does not exist anymore.

TTSD-59419 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing:

- Now the user interface is not unresponsive if there are failures in the Join operation.

- Tekla Structures now verifies the checksums of the written out content.


TTSD-60222 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing: When a user had Project viewer rights in a shared model and used the Project Viewer license when joining the model for the first time, the user could do harmful, not-allowed changes without any warning. This has now been fixed. 

TTSD-60709 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing: If there is a failure when the model is being read in, the model is now automatically reopened to the saved state to prevent any model corruption.

TTSD-54431 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, some Point/arc distance off from leg (H) values were not calculated correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59414 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: In some cases when two concrete structures were next to each other, for example, a slab placed on top of a wall that supports it, the modification of reinforcement in one structure caused rebar set numbering to go out-of-date in the other structure. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59438 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: After creating a rebar set using guidelines, the Save as command might show a dialog box about a critical error. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-61069 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: An issue was fixed whereby rebar sets were sometimes not updated as a result of a concrete cover thickness change.

TTSD-54278 Modeling

Bolts: Previously, when creating a bolt hole, the Plain hole type property was not applied, and a through hole was always created even instead of a blind hole. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-59700 Modeling

Filtering: In the selection filter dialog box, the check box options to create a view filter or an object representation of an existing selection filter were not displayed correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-60229 Modeling

Previously, the Create points at intersection of two lines command did not work correctly and the status bar message was misleading. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-60450 Modeling

Now the fields in the user-defined attributes dialog boxes can contain up to 255 characters, which is the same number of characters as in the property pane.

Previously, the fields in the user-defined attributes dialog boxes could contain only 79 characters.

TTSD-61155 Modeling

Now, modifying lofted plates with direct modification works more reliably.

SOLD-2018 Licensing

The information that is shown in the logs for command line processes has been improved.

SOLD-2136 Licensing

When a user clicks Switch user without being connected to the subscription service, a new friendly dialog that explains the situation appears.

SOLD-2143 Licensing


When a user clicks Sign out and exit without being connected to the subscription service, a new friendly dialog that explains the situation appears.

TTSD-57930 Licensing

Now the Work plane tool is available in Carbon and Project Viewer licenses.

TTSD-58700 Licensing

Previously, the Model Sharing Viewer license was not returned if the user opened a model but was unable to obtain a Model Sharing license. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-47113 Core

Previously, Tekla Structures sometimes unexpectedly stopped working when some windows were being opened. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-48224 Core

Previously, new default keyboard shortcuts did not always appear automatically after installing a Tekla Structures service pack where new features had been added.

Now, the new shortcuts become available when you open Tekla Structures, unless you have manually defined keyboard shortcuts that conflict with the new shortcuts

TTSD-49925 Core

Previously, Tekla Structures sometimes unexpectedly stopped working when the model was being numbered. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-59296 Core

The help files for the Instructor side pane are now installed in ...\bin\Env\InstructorContent folder.

TTSD-61722 Core

Previously, Tekla Structures sometimes unexpectedly stopped working when using Tekla Model Sharing. This has now been fixed. 

TTSD-57690 Numbering

An issue was fixed where the Diagnose and repair numbering: all command gave a new number to existing unchanged assemblies.

TTSD-44755 User interface

Previously, in some display settings, the last button of a long toolbar was not visible. This issue has now been fixed, and all buttons are visible.

TTSD-60594 User interface

Very rarely, when the Instructor side pane was opened and the content was being loaded, Tekla Structures stopped working. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-7452 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

DSTV to DXF converter: Now all inner corner shapes are converted correctly for top and back sides.

TTSD-59494 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

Export IFC2x3 to Tekla PowerFab: The import of a Tekla Structures IFC2x3 file to PowerFab was sometimes unsuccessful due to some non-schema enumeration values. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8199 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): The export file now takes up to 12 characters from the Project number field on the Data content tab. Earlier, the export file accepted only 8 characters.

SOLD-1864 Common

Support tool: Support case creation now works better in slow Internet connections.

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