2021 SP2 : Nouveautés et améliorations

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2021 SP2 : Nouveautés et améliorations

Tekla Structures 2021 SP2 contient de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations très utiles.

Meilleure représentation des lignes discontinues dans les dessins

Dans les dessins, les lignes qui ne se chevauchent pas (en pointillés, en pointillés-points, etc.) devenaient mal alignées et ressemblaient à des lignes continues. Par conséquent, les objets cachés étaient présentés comme non cachés, provoquant des problèmes sérieux, en particulier pour les croquis béton. Le problème est maintenant résolu.


Chemin d'accès au fichier d'export IFC2x3 plus long

La limite du nombre de caractères pour le chemin du Fichier sortie est passée de 72 à 247 caractères.


Export Unitechnik (79)

  • Guillemets pour les noms d’objets composés de chaînes avec plusieurs mots

    Vous pouvez désormais désigner des noms d’objet constitués de chaînes avec plusieurs mots séparés par un espace vide à l’aide de guillemets. Cette opération peut être effectuée dans n’importe quel champ de liste de noms dans les paramètres d’export, notamment les options d'insert dans l’onglet Inserts


  • Fichier de définition externe - Nouvelle façon de contrôler les armatures exportées

    Un fichier de définition externe peut être utilisé pour écraser les informations de type et de désignation, qui sont généralement déterminées automatiquement à partir des objets du modèle. Vous pouvez spécifier le fichier de définition de l’armature dans l'onglet Données d’armature. Le fichier de définition est un fichier .csv avec une structure fixe.


Export fichier ELiPLAN (68) : Nouvel attribut utilisateur pour la conversion d’unités

Vous pouvez désormais spécifier un attribut utilisateur pour la conversion d’unité dans l'onglet Paramètres des données. Lorsqu’une unité valide est spécifiée dans cet attribut utilisateur, elle est utilisée pour la conversion des unités au lieu de l’unité par défaut, ou l’unité définie dans le fichier de conversion.


Améliorations du gestionnaire d’extensions Tekla Structures

Dans Gestionnaire d'extensions Tekla Structures, vous pouvez désormais répertorier les extensions par type : extension ou environnement. Vous pouvez désormais rechercher du contenu en fonction du nom, de l’auteur, de la description et du type d’extension.

Le tri des extensions par date correspond désormais correctement au format de date des paramètres régionaux du système.


Nouveaux composants acier

Tekla Structures 2021 SP2 présente les nouveaux composants d'attache en acier suivants :

  • Sabot panne bois (15) crée une attache entre une poutre en acier et une panne en bois. Un sabot de panne est soudé à la poutre en acier, dans laquelle une panne en bois est adaptée. Vous pouvez utiliser différents profils pour créer le sabot de panne, par exemple, les profils en U et en L.


  • Attache boulon simple (5) crée une attache boulonnée entre deux profils en acier.


  • Contreventement 2 (16) relie une seule attache creuse à une poutre ou à un poteau, à l’aide d’un plat d'attache, de plats ronds, d’une tige filetée et d'écrous. Les plats ronds sont soudés au plat d'attache et le plat d'attache boulonné à la poutre ou au poteau.


Améliorations des outils de coupleur et d’ancrage

Les outils de coupleur et d’ancrage présentent de nombreuses améliorations dans Tekla Structures 2021 SP2.

Nouvelles options de séries de repères

Coupleur, Manchon simple d'armature et Scinder et ajouter coupleur ont été modifiés de sorte que dans l'onglet Paramètres, il y a de nouvelles options Hériter de pour les coupleurs et les paramètres repérage d'assemblage (préfixe et numéro de début :

  • Aucun

    Les outils fonctionnent comme avant et la série de repères de pièce/assemblage est celle définie dans la boîte de dialogue.

  • Armature

    Les valeurs des séries de repères sont extraites de la série de repères principale des armatures.

  • Elément béton

    Les valeurs des séries de repères proviennent de la série de repères de l’élément béton principal de l’armature.


Attributs utilisateur pour coupleur et manchon d'extrémité

Coupleur, Manchon simple d’armature et Scinder et ajouter coupleurpossèdent désormais un nouvel onglet Attributs de coupleur qui vous permet de définir différentes valeurs d’attribut utilisateur pour le coupleur ou la pièce de manchon d’extrémité. Pour chaque attribut utilisateur, vous pouvez choisir d’hériter de la valeur de l’armature ou de l’élément béton. Pour entrer une valeur, sélectionnez l’option hériter Aucun.

Notez que si l’élément béton ne possède aucune valeur pour cet attribut utilisateur spécifique, la valeur est récupérée de la pièce principale de l’élément béton. Par défaut, vous pouvez entrer un Commentaire et des valeurs pour les attributs utilisateur Info Utilisateur 1...4 dans l'onglet Attributs de coupleur.

Vous pouvez personnaliser l’ensemble des attributs utilisateur en modifiant les champs d’infos utilisateur dans le fichier RebarCouplers.Udas.dat. Vous trouverez un exemple de RebarCoupler.Udas.dat dans ..\Environments\common\system.


Amélioration de la création du coupleur

Coupleur a été modifié afin que les coupleurs soient toujours créés, même si le jeu réel entre les extrémités de l’armature est supérieur à la longueur du coupleur. Un message d’avertissement supplémentaire s’affiche dans la barre d’état si l’espace libre réel est supérieur à la longueur du coupleur. La longueur du coupleur correspond à la longueur indiquée dans la boîte de dialogue et pour un coupleur de composant personnalisé de type pièce, il s’agit de la longueur absolue physique du composant personnalisé de type pièce. Auparavant, seul une pièce de coupleur non valide était créée pour indiquer la situation d’erreur possible.


Améliorations de la convivialité

Les outils de coupleur et d’ancrage présentent plusieurs améliorations en matière de convivialité :

  • Vous pouvez désormais scinder les jeux d’armatures de la même manière que les groupes d’armatures avec le composant Scinder et ajouter coupleur.


  • Lorsque vous créez des coupleurs et des manchons d’extrémité avec des jeux d’armatures, un aperçu des lignes permet de mieux indiquer où les composants seront créés.


  • Manchon simple d’armature crée désormais des manchons d’extrémité qui ne sont pas valides en tant que cubes pour les distinguer des ancrages valides.


Gestionnaire de forme de l'armature : Comparer les fers sélectionnées avec les formes existantes

Dans le Gestionnaire de forme de l’armature, vous pouvez désormais comparer les armatures sélectionnées dans le modèle aux formes de courbure existantes dans les fichiers RebarShapeRules.xml. Pour ce faire :

  1. Sélectionnez des armatures dans le modèle.

  2. Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Éditeurs > Gestionnaire de forme de l’armature.

    La boîte de dialogue Gestionnaire de forme de l'armature s'ouvre.

  3. Dans la liste Armatures du modèle, sélectionnez la forme de fer que vous souhaitez comparer.

    Si vous devez sélectionner d’autres fers dans le modèle, cliquez d'abord sur le bouton Obtenir les éléments sélectionnés.

  4. Dans la liste Catalogue de formes, sélectionnez une forme de courbure existante.

  5. Cliquez sur le bouton comparer avec la sélection dans la liste Catalogue de formes pour comparer la forme sélectionnée à la forme existante.

Dans la liste des Règles de forme de courbure, vous pouvez voir les règles ayant réussi en vert et les règles ayant échoué en rouge. Une boîte de dialogue d’avertissement supplémentaire s’affiche s’il existe d’autres raisons d’incompatibilité entre les formes.

Si nécessaire, vous pouvez ensuite modifier la forme du fer dans le modèle ou les règles de forme de courbure dans le Gestionnaire de forme de l’armature.



Numéro de défaut Zone de développement Description
TTSD-35472 Tools and components

Applications & components catalog: It is now possible to generate a troubleshooting dump file that shows all the data used to construct the selected component or group in the Applications & components catalog. The file is by default stored in the model's \local\temp folder.

To activate the file generation command, first click the Access advanced features button > Catalog management > Show dump command for selected component or group. Then select the component or group in the catalog, right-click and select the Dump troubleshooting data command. In the dialog box that opens, you can change the target file path and file name. Click Save to save the file.

TSAC-5146 Steel components

Base plate (1042): Previously, the cast plate did not follow the offset of the base plate. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5386 Steel components

Bolted gusset (11): Previously, when using a twin profile as the secondary part, only one member of the twin profile was welded to the gusset. This has now been fixed and both members of the twin profile are welded.

TSAC-5307 Steel components

Bolted moment connection (134): Previously, when the flange plates were wider than the column, they were created incorrectly. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5391 Steel components

Bolted moment connection (134): Previously, when the secondary part was sloped and the shear tab was set to be created parallel with the main part, the shear tab was not created. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5471 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS Export: All bending and arc angles are now rounded to the nearest 0.5 degree. For example, 89.8 degrees will be rounded to 90 degrees.

TSAC-5543 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS Export: The file naming template by [Assembly template] now works with the PROJECT.NUMBER property.

TSAC-5490 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: When you select One file per each cast unit and use Assembly template property, the export will now warn if the export results in duplicate file names. The export will still continue.

TSAC-5022 Steel components

Cold rolled overlap (1): Previously, the component worked incorrectly for user-defined Z profile secondary parts. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43450 Drawings

Document manager: Exceptions occurred when you rapidly toggled data cell values by editing those directly in columns that you sorted. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5529 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (8): Previously, creating certain geometries on the Thickening tab could cause a crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-35277 Import, export, interoperability

Export drawings to DWG/DXF: The drawing export now supports loading settings with a macro.

TSAC-5410 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): The data conversion file now supports the wildcard "*" in regular expressions in the first column for finding strings from Tekla Structures objects.

TSAC-5484 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): You can now specify the material code using the new setting, Material code, on the Data content tab. The options are Name, Assembly prefix, Material, Profile, UDA, Text[TEMPLATE], and Template.

TSAC-5435 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, the UT_REBAR_TYPE UDA was not read for rebar sets. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44504 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: Now the conversion supports the copying of the object type (IfcRelDefinesByType) property set property to UDA.

TTSD-44982 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: The failing column handle offset in the B-rep to extrusion conversion has been fixed.

TTSD-44983 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: The IFC B-rep to extrusion object conversion sometimes created beams to bottom of the object and location failed. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44639 Import, export, interoperability

IFC object conversion: The IFC object conversion now converts solid model presentation objects.

TTSD-44678 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The export did not export the object location correctly with edge chamfer offsets. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43777 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: The z level failed in the export in Tekla Structures 2021 if the base point local z coordinate was used. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44628 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Sometimes exporting objects with a certain chamfer caused a Tekla Structures application error. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45287 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: The IFC4 export file name with a dot removed the rest of the file name. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5432 Steel components

Joining plates (14): Previously, different selection order of parts caused the component to work differently. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-15650 Modeling

Multi-user: In some cases, numbering old standard part models could cause Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44842 Reinforcement

Multi-user: Previously, modifying and saving drawings in multi-user models could sometimes detach rebars from their parent parts and flag their numbering as out-of-date. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44683 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

NC/DSTV: In certain situations, slotted holes were incorrectly rotated in the exported NC/DSTV files. They were rotated 90 degrees out compared to the actual model orientation, see the image below: 

Slotted holes incorrectly rotated

This happened when the plate width was greater than the plate length, and the advanced option XS_USE_NEW_PLATE_DESIGNATION was set to TRUE or to FOR_STEEL_PARTS_ONLY. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44644 Drawings

Printing: The Print on multiple sheets option was not working correctly. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5131 Steel components

Purlin connections (11): Previously, bolts were sometimes created on the opposite side of the secondary beam. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5071 Concrete components

Rebar coupler and Rebar end anchor components have been modified so that they now clear all rebar UDA values if the coupler or end anchor is not valid. 

TSAC-5070 Concrete components

Rebar coupler, Rebar end anchor: Previously, the components did not use the custom component input option value controlled by Use auto attribute file. This has now been fixed. Changing the input point option in the component property dialog box with Use manually entered values worked correctly.

TSAC-5073 Concrete components

Rebar coupler: When creating a rebar coupler, Tekla Structures now checks the splitter overlap and shows a warning if it is not zero (or less). Status bar instructions for creating the component have also been improved and a warning is now also shown if the input is not valid, for example, if you select a part. 

TSAC-1340 Concrete components

Rebar end anchor: The status bar instructions for applying rebar end anchors to rebar set ends have been improved.

TSAC-5463 Steel components

Shear plate simple (146): Previously, the distance between the bolts and the secondary beam edge was not correct. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5457 Steel components

Simple clip angle (31): Previously, the bolt extra length was not correct if the bolts were used with a U profile as the secondary part. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5500 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27), Partial stiff end plate (65): Previously, holes in the end plate were created with incorrect rotation in some cases. This has now been fixed.

TPLED-201 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Editing the font color of multiple text objects worked only the first time the font color was changed. This has now been fixed.

TPLED-200 Templates and reports

Template Editor:

The following issues have now been fixed:
- Previously, if a template contained a rule-defined picture object, Template Editor still prompted for unsaved changes after the template had been saved. 
- Previously, after saving the template with a new name, the new template file name was not updated to the title bar of Template Editor.

TSAC-5443 Steel components

Two sided end plate (143): Previously, the bolt gage was incorrectly applied in the component in some situations. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-1830 Concrete components

Wall layout opening: Previously, loading filler part properties from a file and then applying them did not work properly if the file contained some special characters (non-English characters). This has now been fixed.

TSAC-4224 Concrete components

Wall layout opening: The minimum size of the openings that can be created has been lowered. Originally, the size was 50 x 50 mm for square openings and 50 mm for the radius of circular openings. Now the size has been lowered to 10 x10 mm and 10 mm for the radius of circular openings.

TSAC-4066 Concrete components

Wall layout T connector: Previously, the gap between the parts of the first layer was created twice the size of the value defined in the Free space option in the Wall layout T connector dialog box. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5488 Concrete components

Wall layout: Geometry calculation has been changed to properly handle situations where the opening goes outside the original exterior perimeter.

TSAC-3817, TSAC-3021 Concrete components

Wall layout: Wall panel geometry is now created properly also when an opening is located at the exterior edges and corners.

TSAC-5364 Steel components

Web stiffeners (1060): Previously, when creating only an above line weld or a below line weld, both welds were always created. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5159 Steel components

Welded beam to beam (123): Previously, the secondary part bottom flange was not cut correctly. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-38039 Drawings

Grid dimensions did not work correctly if a drawing filter was applied. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43767 Modeling

If a pour break was created at the border of two separate parts, and one of the parts had a touching opening, the pour break might fail. This has now been improved.

TTSD-42041 Modeling

If XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT is switched to FALSE in a model with cast-in-place concrete parts that form pours, you can now use the Diagnose & repair model commands to remove the obsolete pours from the model. Previously it was not possible to remove them, even by deleting the parts that formed the pours.

TTSD-45196 Numbering

If you cancelled the save-numbering-save operation, Tekla Structures might sometimes crash. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5515 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the curved bar arc length and angle were not correctly reported when the bar had hooks and the advanced option XS_REBAR_RECOGNITION_HOOKS_CONSIDERATION was set to FALSE. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5212 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the value of the Arc length (AL) property is now calculated more accurately for curved bars, regardless of the modeling direction.

TSAC-5211 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the value of the REVERSED property is now calculated correctly for curved bars.

TSAC-4571 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, two new built-in geometrical properties are now available for circular arc legs:

  • Arc width (AW)
  • Arc height (AH)
TSAC-4885 Reinforcement

In Rebar shape manager, the unknown rebar shapes are now read from the first RebarShapeRules.xml file, following the same reading order as the other, recognized shapes. Previously, the unknown rebar shapes were read from the last RebarShapeRules.xml file.
Note that if you modify the rebar shapes and then save the rebar shape definitions to the model folder, you need to reopen the model to apply the changes.

TTSD-44467, TTSD-44858 Import, export, interoperability

In the Tekla Structural Designer Import dialog box under Rebars > Creation options, the Simplify bars check box is no longer selected by default. 
If you select the Simplify bars check box, the following warning message is displayed:
'Design information linked to end detail modifiers (hooks) and splitters (laps, cranks) will not be imported'
The message will disappear when you clear the Simplify bars check box.

TTSD-44739 Import, export, interoperability

In the Tekla Structural Designer Import dialog box, the Single bars only check box has been removed from Rebars > Creation options as it was not used in the import.

TTSD-45156 Modeling

In the US environment, shape names that only consisted of numerical characters were unintentionally converted to imperial units. This affected filtering in the Object Group dialog box and labels in the 3D views. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43906 Drawings

Level marks are now placed correctly when a part has been modified. A zero level mark no longer gets a change cloud if only the sign (+ or -) changes.

TTSD-44152 Templates and reports

Missing definitions in pull-out height and width parameters in templates could cause Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44973 Drawings

More DWG files are now supported in drawings when adding them as extra objects.

TTSD-42577 Import, export, interoperability

Non-rectangular wall panels are now imported from Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Structures as rectangular walls with a height equal to the enclosing rectangular shape. Previously, non-rectangular wall panels caused an error, which resulted in the failure to import any of the model.

TTSD-43250 Drawings

Part center line associations that were saved incorrectly in some cases are now saved correctly.

TTSD-44476 Drawings

Previously in some cases, reflected views in drawings could cause a Tekla Structures application error. For example, this may have happened when you adjusted the drawing view depth, and had set the Reflected view setting to Yes. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45523 Modeling

Previously, Move/Copy point or part handle command switched the coordinate system to model origin. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44583 Organizer

Previously, Organizer data was corrupted in a Tekla Model Sharing model if the assembly of a part was missing. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-21254 Modeling

Previously, autosave files were deleted without a new save being successful. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-23135 Import, export, interoperability

Previously, importing attributes by object GUID did not import attributes for bolts, welds and rebars. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-38333 User interface

Previously, in some rare cases, there was an error in the property pane about object reference not set to an instance of an object. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43341 Reinforcement

Previously, rebar set modifiers sometimes became visible when you modified the part the rebar set bars were attached to. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44427 Core

Previously, Tekla Structures crashed when the bolt visibility was set to Exact in 3d views. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5363 Tools and components

Previously, the Applications & components catalog could be empty when the Windows regional setting Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support was selected. This has now been fixed. Note that it is not recommended to use this setting with Tekla Structures.

TTSD-44693 Modeling

Previously, the workplane changed to model origin if you typed the values, for example, when you extended a beam. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44825, TTSD-44490 Modeling

Previously, when creating bent plates using any component child parts, the bent plate creation did not succeed and the original parts were deleted. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44069 Modeling

Previously, when the Cut object with line command was used, no ortho symbols were shown irrespective of the cursor position. This now been fixed.

TTSD-13610 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, you sometimes could not reserve the next write out directly after joining a model, but had to read in a packet first. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44481 Organizer

Previously, Organizer synchronization could fail in case an assembly had lost its main part. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-39155 Reinforcement

Rebar groups have the following three issues fixed:

  • Rebar group bars in a tapered rebar group with non-planar bar geometry were in some cases incorrectly offset from input points. This has now been fixed not to occur when creating new rebar groups. To get existing rebar group offsets fixed, you need to modify them.
  • Tapered rebar groups which have exact spacings as the creation method and spacings defined so that there are too many bars compared to the group length were incorrectly handled in mirroring. This has now been fixed.
  • The mirroring of tapered rebar groups containing non-parallel straight bars has now been fixed.
TTSD-43922 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: For some rebar sets, a value below 2 for the Minimum number of bars in similar group UDA could cause a crash. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44717 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Sometimes, when using rather big concrete covers, some bars were incorrectly shortened around holes. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-26968 Drawings

Reference object hidden lines were displayed in drawings even though they were disabled when the line type and color of the lines matched the properties of the visible lines. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-41773 Drawings

Reflected views now work correctly in drawings.

TTSD-42531 Drawings

Snapping to center lines now works identically in drawing and modeling modes: Center lines are snapped to when the Snap to geometry lines/points switch is enabled. Center lines are no longer snapped to in drawings when the Snap to reference lines/points switch is enabled.

TTSD-44725 Import, export, interoperability

Some HP profiles, hollow sections and pipes were not included in the standard profile conversion, resulting in "Missing profiles detected" messages when imported from Tekla Structural Designer for US Imperial and US Metric models.

TTSD-43838 Modeling

Sometimes perpendicular snapping happened to an unrelated, distant point. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43403 Core

Sometimes Tekla Structures could crash at startup. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43854 Drawings

Sometimes, the part to grid dimensioning in GA drawings did not work correctly. This has now been fixed.

SOLD-1674 Licensing

Tekla Model Sharing licenses are now released properly again when you close Tekla Structures.

TTSD-45387 Import, export, interoperability

The advanced option XS_DISABLE_CIS2 has been removed from the Advanced Options dialog box. This advanced option is an old option that does not work anymore.

TTSD-38134 Drawings

The positioning of the level mark base points in drawing update has been improved. Holding down Shift and dragging the level mark away from the part keeps the valid associativity data (just like when you use the Move linear command).

TTSD-44418 Import, export, interoperability

The profile conversion files used in import and export between Tekla Structures and Tekla Structural Designer have been fixed. Each conversion file line now contains one profile entry with the neutral file profile name, the # symbol and the profile code, and then the equal sign (=) followed by the Tekla Structures profile name.
For example: STB 229x305x70#00610=TEE229*305*70
Note that you may need help from your local Tekla support with the conversion files.

Also, several errors in the conversion for US metric profile names have now been fixed.

TTSD-44413 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connector: When you upload your model to the linked Trimble Connect project as a .tekla model, the export can now read profile information (profitab.inp file) from XS_PROJECT and XS_FIRM folders.

TTSD-44409 Templates and reports

When an xls report was created and opened in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel could freeze if the report contained references to image files with long paths. The reason was that the valuefield content was longer that the length specified for it, and therefore the path to the image file was cut. This has now been fixed so that if the valuefield content starts with the text '<IMG' and ends with the character '>', the path is not cut.
If the above case is discovered during template output, a warning message is written to the log indicating the maximum length and the path to the template file.

TTSD-43959 Import, export, interoperability

When transferring design intent reinforcement for Tekla Structural Designer walls with multiple zones, starter bars are now created into the foundation depth. Tekla Structural Designer 2021 SP2 or later is required.

TTSD-45032 Tools and components Applications & components catalog: Hiding predefined groups, such as Ungrouped items, in the catalog is not possible anymore.
TTSD-41874 Tools and components Array of objects (29): The limitation of maximum 256 copies has been removed. 
TTSD-44558 Modeling Batch editor dialog box now by default resizes its size in horizontal direction based on the amount of columns.
TTSD-44559 Modeling Batch editor now automatically refreshes the Validation column for newly added targets when they are added.
TTSD-44114 Modeling Batch editor now handles better the cases where a component has created the whole assembly.
TTSD-44485 Modeling Batch editor now opens the help when you press F1 on the dialog box.
TTSD-44895 Modeling Batch editor now works with corner chamfers.
TTSD-44731 Modeling Batch editor works now more reliably in cases where properties need to be copied from components to exploded targets.
TTSD-44110 Modeling Batch editor:
Previously, copying from a component assembly to an assembly with an exploded component resulted in extra parts. This has now been fixed.
Previously, copying an assembly inside a component did not copy anything. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44032 Import, export, interoperability Export drawings to DWG/DXF: An application error occurred when you loaded settings in the Export drawings to DWG/DXF dialog box. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44041 Import, export, interoperability Export drawings to DWG/DXF: If the advanced option XS_DWG_EXPORT_3D_MODEL_COORDINATES was set to TRUE, the template was displayed in the model space instead of the paper space. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4953 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): A new option has been added to the Auto-rotate on pallet list on the TS configuration tab. When the Auto-rotate on pallet option is selected, the element is rotated based on the fixed set of rules defining that the longer edge with no cuts or protruding embeds is at the bottom edge of the pallet. For the Auto-rotate on pallet option, you can also select if the default rotation direction is To long even edge (clockwise) or To long even edge (counterclockwise).
TSAC-5400 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, braced girders with alphanumeric rebar sizes caused problems with girder depth position. This has now been fixed. Braced girder rod diameters are now obtained correctly based on the Reinforcing bars diameter setting on the Reinforcement tab.
TSAC-5390 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): You can now export also cut parts using the Opening with a corner symbol setting on the Embeds tab.
TSAC-5465 Concrete components Mesh bars: The Cut bars by negative neighbor parts option on the Bar end conditions tab has been improved. The detection of the neighbor negative parts for bars cut by the opening has been fixed.
TSAC-5109 Steel components Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): By default, the appropriate diaphragm thickness is now calculated taking into account all beam flange thicknesses and the level position.
TSAC-5108 Steel components Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): The short column name is now taken from the main part name by default.
TSAC-4236 Drawings Rebar pull-out picture and marking: The usage of the rebar_config.inp file settings in Rebar pull-out picture and marking application has been improved. Now, settings like ScheduleDimensionRoundingAccuracy and PullOutShowDuplicateDim are taken correctly from rebar_config.inp.
Note that some of the settings in the rebar_config.inp file might be overwritten when Rounding settings on the Dimensions tab is set to By users setting.
TSAC-5258 Concrete components Reinforced concrete stair (95): End condition settings for the rebars created on the Bar H tab are no longer applied when they are hidden as not to be used for particular rebar shapes.
TSAC-5240 Concrete components Reinforcement mesh array (91): Integers are now used for mesh sizes when calculating the overlapping of the meshes. This means that instead of shortening the mesh to 0.99, the mesh size is rounded up to a full mesh and the overlapping is increased.
TSAC-5308 Steel components Tube gusset (20): Previously, assembly numbering of the gusset plate was not correctly set when the component was used to create a connection to an I profile main part.
TSAC-5491 Steel components Two sided end plate (142): Previously, unwanted bolts were created in some situations. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-2651 Steel components U.S. Base plate (1047): It is now possible to set the Gage material UDA for the leveling plate on the Parts tab.
TTSD-45092 Modeling Building hierarchy previously stored sub-assemblies to the floor. This has been changed. Sub-assemblies now inherit the floor from the main assembly.
TTSD-42333 Tools and components In some cases, when modifying custom component parameters, if you wanted to undo the modification, you had to perform the undo command twice. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41620 Modeling In some situations, Tekla Structures could crash when saving or autosaving the model. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39486 Drawings Internal view coordinates were sometimes corrupted, which caused wrong placing of the drawing views. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44730 Modeling Previously, Batch editor might crash when copying from exploded source to targets generated by components. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44240 Modeling Previously, coloring of some objects was not correct if you changed the value of the XS_USE_INTEGRATED_BUILDING_HIERARCHIES advanced option. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44194 Core Previously, some large solids could cause memory buffer overruns. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44980 Core Previously, Tekla Structures could crash when saving. This happened when the model folder had files with unsupported unicode names. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44674 Modeling Previously, the Split command sometimes split the wrong object if there were several nearby objects that were overlapping, touching, or otherwise close. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-44811 Modeling Previously, using the Split command on plates or slabs allowed to pick points outside the part. This is now prevented, and only points within the part to be split can be picked.
TTSD-43422 Tools and components Previously, when custom components that contained plugins were imported, an error dialog box was shown and a failure message was written to the log. This does not happen anymore.
TTSD-44489 Modeling Previously, when selecting a part to be split, grid got priority for the selection even if the Select grid selection switch was off. This has now been fixed, and parts are preferred over grids.
TTSD-44455 Reinforcement Rebar sets: Sometimes when you dragged a rebar set guideline or modifier, its line handle was left in the original location. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-42373 Reinforcement Rebar splice: In some cases, rebar splices could not be selected when the Select rebar sets selection switch was active. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-28819 Templates and reports Tapered rebar pull-out dimensions were incorrect in the PDF report output. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-43674 User interface The Define custom component command now has a scalable vector icon available.
TTSD-43328 Core The object database cleanup after object deletion has been improved.
TTSD-37633 Import, export, interoperability The view size property Fit by parts no longer shows un-cut solids.
TTSD-44330 Drawings Tiny dimension rule associativity lists are no longer displayed if associativity rules are not found for dimension points.
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