Introduction to DG11 floor vibration

Tekla Structural Designer
Modifié: 23 avr 2021
Tekla Structural Designer

Introduction to DG11 floor vibration

This handbook describes the DG11 floor vibration calculations that can be performed in Tekla Structural Designer.

With the advent of long span floors, multiple openings in webs, minimum floor depth zones etc. the vibration response of floors in multistory buildings under normal occupancy has increasingly become of concern to clients and their Engineers and Architects.

Detailed guidance on the subject is available through the AISC Steel Design Guide Series 11: Vibrations of Steel-Framed Structural Systems Due to Human Activity Second Edition, otherwise referred to as DG11. Ref. 1

This handbook describes the method for the assessment of floor vibration in accordance with DG11 that has been adopted in Tekla Structural Designer. The method seeks to establish, with reasonable accuracy, the response of the floor to dynamic excitation expected in offices of normal occupancy. This excitation is almost solely based on occupants walking. With appropriate design criteria, the approach is likely to be equally applicable to sectors other than offices.

The existing solution to checking this type of criterion - a simple calculation of the natural frequency of an individual beam - is felt in many cases to be insufficiently accurate. More importantly, such calculations do not consider two important factors,

  • the natural frequency is only the 'response side' of the equation. The 'action' side of the equation is also important i.e. the dynamic excitation - this is the activity that might cause an adverse response from the floor. Walking, dancing and machine vibration are all on the 'action' side of the equation and are all very different in their potential effect.
  • the natural frequency of an isolated beam is exactly that and takes no account of the influence (good or bad) of the surrounding floor components. In particular, with composite floors, the slabs will force other beams to restrict or sympathize with the beam under consideration.

The culmination of the calculations carried out by Tekla Structural Designer is the calculation of the peak acceleration of the floor system due to walking excitation expressed as a fraction of the acceleration of gravity.

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