Review wind drift check tabular results

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Review wind drift check tabular results

Wind drift check results can be reviewed by creating a Wind drift tabular data view.

Wind drift tabular data views:

  • can either be displayed in summary or detail:
    • Summary Only (default) - the column/wall with most critical ratio for the selected combinations is reported for each direction at each level
    • Detailed - the critical ratio in each direction at each level is reported for all columns/walls for the selected combinations
  • are displayed for all columns /walls (default), but you can also select by material, characteristic and fabrication
  • can have filters applied
  • can be examined in more detail by clicking the Details... button at the end of each row
  • are linked to the 3D view: double-clicking a row in the table locates the row entity in the 3D view
  • can be exported to a spreadsheet
  • are not suitable for direct printing, but the data can be included in a Building Analysis Checks report which can then be printed.

Review wind drift check tabular results from the Project Workspace Status Tree

  1. Go to the Project Workspace and in Status tree expand the Design branch.
  2. Right click on Wind Drift and from the context menu select Review Data Table
  3. On the Review Data ribbon, choose if you want results displayed for all available material and member types, or a subset only:
    • To display results for all available material and member types, in the View Type group, click Toggle Selection.
    • To display results for a subset of materials/member types proceed as follows:
      1. In the Material Type group, select the material(s).
      2. In the Characteristic group, select the required characteristic(s).
      3. In the Fabrication group, select the fabrication type(s).
  4. Choose if you want critical results determined from All Combinations, or a specific combination only:
    • In the Loading list, select All Combinations.
    • In the Loading list, select a specific combination.
  5. Choose if you want to create a summary or a detailed report by selecting/unselecting Summary Only in the View Type group.

    The tabular wind drift checks are displayed as specified.

    If required you can configure a filter to limit the display to sub-parts of the structure only (selected levels, selected frames etc.) To do this, see: Sort and filter tabular review data

Review wind drift check tabular results from a Review View

  1. Open a view and switch the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, click Tabular Data

    A Review Data tab is added to the ribbon and a Review Data View opens in a new window.

  3. On the Review Data ribbon, in the list in the View Type group, select Wind drift
  4. Choose if you want results displayed for all available material and member types, or a subset only:
    • To display results for all available material and member types, in the View Type group, click Toggle Selection.
    • To display results for a subset of materials/member types proceed as follows:
      1. In the Material Type group, select the material(s).
      2. In the Characteristic group, select the required characteristic(s).
      3. In the Fabrication group, select the fabrication type(s).
  5. Choose if you want critical results determined from All Combinations, or a specific combination only:
    • In the Loading list, select All Combinations.
    • In the Loading list, select a specific combination.
  6. Choose if you want to create a summary or a detailed report by selecting/unselecting Summary Only in the View Type group.

    The tabular wind drift checks are displayed as specified.

    If required you can configure a filter to limit the display to sub-parts of the structure only (selected levels, selected frames etc.) To do this, see: Sort and filter tabular review data

Locate check in a 3D view

Double-clicking on a specific row in the tabular data view locates where the row content is in the model by highlighting it in a 3D view.

Tip: Make use of the “ghost unselected” feature to make highlighted entities clearer.
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