Mathematical symbols

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Mathematical symbols

Tedds recognizes and uses several mathematical symbols. However, there are some mathematical symbols that do not have a function in calculations. For more information, see the following paragraphs.


For Tedds for Word users:

The following mathematical symbols are available via the Library Access System.

To access any one the symbols, go to Writing your own custom calculations > Calculation writing documentation > Math symbols.

All the characters use Windows Symbol font.

Mathematical symbols recognized in Tedds
Name Symbol Function in calculations
minus - substract
plus + add
multiply × multiply
divide ÷ divide
divide / divide
equals = equal to
square root √( ) square root
less than < less than
less than or equal to less than or equal to
equal to == equal to
not equal to not equal to
greater than or equal to greater than or equal to
greater than > greater than
Mathematical symbols not recognized in Tedds
Name Symbol Function in calculations
approximately equal to no function
equivalent to no function
therefore no function
degrees ° angle unit
infinity no function
plus/minus ± no function
proportional to no function
perpendicular to no function
superscript star * no function
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