Share content privately in Tekla Warehouse

Tekla Structures
Muokattu: 17 Syy 2024
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Share content privately in Tekla Warehouse

You can share private collections in Tekla Warehouse with specific users and organizations. Sharing content privately is useful when you want to allow only some users to view and download your content.

If you created the private collection as an organization, users who belong to the same organization are automatically allowed to view and download the content in the private collection. To allow other users or organizations to view and download the content in the private collection, you must share the private collection with them.

Before you begin, request the Tekla Warehouse IDs from the users and organizations with which you want to share the private collection. The ID for each user or organization is shown in their Tekla Warehouse profile in My Warehouse > My details.

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Go to the collection page.
  3. To activate editor mode, click ON.
  4. Click Manage access.
  5. Add each user or organization with which you want to share the private collection.
    1. In the View & download access box, enter the Tekla Warehouse ID of the user or organization.
    2. Click Add.
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