Folder search order

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Folder search order

When you open a model, Tekla Structures searches for the associated files in specific folders in a specific order.

When Tekla Structures finds the first associated file, it stops searching. Any files with the same file name that are located later in the search order are ignored. The error log lists the names of the ignored files.


Do not store your customized files in the system folder. Tekla Structures replaces files in the system folder when you install a new version.

Many settings files and attribute files must be located either at the root level of the folder or in specific subfolders inside the main folder. For example:

  • .tpl and .rpt files must be located at the root level of the model folder.

  • .OrgObjGrp files must be located at the root level of the firm folder.

  • Other attribute files can be located in the attributes subfolder inside the main folder.

The folder search order is:

Order Folder Defined by

Current model

The open model



Advanced option XS_​PROJECT.

If property files are stored in user-defined subfolders under the project folder, Tekla Structures searches the subfolders for files in alphabetical order.



Advanced option XS_​FIRM.

If property files are stored in user-defined subfolders under the firm folder, Tekla Structures searches the subfolders in alphabetical order.



Tekla Structures searches in the \\Environments\common subfolder first, then in the subfolders for the environment and role that the user selects when they start Tekla Structures.



The role that the user selects when they start Tekla Structures.



Advanced option XS_​SYSTEM

You can specify more than one system folder to define specific settings for each role. Use the role options defined in the env_<environment>.ini file to point to the roles when specifying the system folders in the XS_​SYSTEM advanced option. Separate the options pointing to the roles with semicolons. For example:


For some specific files and file types, Tekla Structures searches in a different order. The exceptions are:

File or file type Search order


Profile, bolt, material, and rebar catalogs:

  1. Model folder
  2. Project folder (XS_PROJECT)
  3. Firm folder (XS_FIRM)
  4. Folder defined by the advanced option XS_​PROFDB

Shape catalog:

  1. Model folder
  2. Project folder (XS_PROJECT)
  3. Firm folder (XS_FIRM)
  4. System folder (XS_SYSTEM)
  5. Folder defined by the advanced option XS_​DEFAULT_​BREP_​PATH

Printer catalog:

  1. Model folder
  2. Project folder (XS_PROJECT)
  3. Firm folder (XS_FIRM)
  4. Folder defined by the advanced option XS_​DRIVER

.dat files

System folder (XS_SYSTEM)


  1. Model folder
  2. Project folder (XS_PROJECT)
  3. Firm folder (XS_FIRM)
  4. System folder (XS_SYSTEM)
  5. inp folder (XS_​INP)


  1. Model folder
  2. Project folder (XS_PROJECT)
  3. Firm folder (XS_FIRM)
  4. System folder (XS_SYSTEM)
  5. inp folder (XS_​INP)


(.rpt files)
  1. Model folder
  2. System folder (XS_SYSTEM)

Templates (.tpl files)

  1. Folder that contains your templates defined by the advanced option XS_​TEMPLATE_​DIRECTORY
  2. Model folder
  3. Project folder (XS_PROJECT)
  4. Firm folder (XS_FIRM)
  5. Environment-specific system templates defined by the advanced option XS_​TEMPLATE_​DIRECTORY_​SYSTEM
  6. System folder (XS_SYSTEM)
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