End detail modifier properties

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

End detail modifier properties

Use the property pane or the contextual toolbar to view and modify the properties of the rebar set end detail modifiers. The file name extension of the property file is .rst_edm.


Option Description
Follow edges

Select whether the end detail modifier attempts to follow the leg face edges that are located between the modifier end points.

Bars affected

Select how many bars can be modified in the same location:

  • 1/1 = all bars are modified in the same cross section.
  • 1/2 = every second bar is modified in the same cross section.
  • 1/3 = every third bar is modified in the same cross section.
  • 1/4 = every fourth bar is modified in the same cross section.
First affected bar

Define which is the first bar to be modified, starting from the first end of the modifier.

Enter a positive number, or use the arrow buttons to change the number.

End type

Select Hook or Cranking.

If you select the empty option, no hooks or cranks are created, but you can define length adjustments, end preparations, and user-defined attributes.


These properties are available when End type is Hook.

Option Description
Hook type Shape of the hook.

The rebar catalog (rebar_database.inp) contains the predefined minimum bending radius and minimum hook length for all standard hooks.

See Add hooks to reinforcing bars.

Angle Angle of a custom hook.
Radius Internal bending radius of a standard hook or custom hook.
Length Length of the straight part of a standard or custom hook.
Hook rotation Rotation angle of a hook out of the bar plane. Use to create 3D bars.

For example:


These properties are available when End type is Cranking.

(1) = Location of the end detail modifier

Option Description
Cranking type Select No cranking, Standard cranking, or Custom cranking.

Use the No cranking option to override other end detail modifiers that create cranks.

With standard cranking, the crank dimensions are read from the rebar catalog (rebar_database.inp).

Crank straight length With custom cranking, enter the length of the straight segment of the crank.

This is (2) in the image above.

Cranked length With custom cranking, select whether the length of the cranked segment is defined in the diagonal (4) or horizontal (3) direction:


Then select and enter the needed distance or a multiplier of the bar diameter.

Cranked offset With custom cranking, enter the offset distance of the straight segment of the crank.

This is (5) in the image above.

The default value is 2 * actual bar diameter.

Crank rotation Defines to which angle the crank is rotated.

Length adjustment

Option Description
Adjustment type

Select whether and how the bar length is adjusted (extended or shortened).

  • No adjustment: Bar length is not adjusted.
  • End offset: Bar length is adjusted according to the specified end offset.

    Use this option to keep the leg faces on the concrete faces and adaptive to the concrete faces, but still to extend or shorten the bar ends.

  • Leg length: Bar length is adjusted according to the specified leg length.
Length Depending on the adjustment type, the length of the end offset or leg.

With end offset, enter a positive value to extend the bars, or a negative value to shorten the bars.

With leg length, enter a positive value to set the leg length.

Align bar ends When the lengths of straight bars are rounded and/or step tapered, select whether the bar ends nearest to the end detail modifier are aligned or not.

If you select No, the rounding and step tapering happens at the tapered edge of the rebar set, and if both edges are tapered, at the edge that has a larger angle.

End preparations

Option Description

Select the end method of the bars. The options are:

  • Coupler
  • Coupler female
  • Coupler male
  • Threaded
  • Anchor

Select the end method type. The options are:

  • Standard
  • Position
  • Bridging
  • Transition
  • Bolt
  • Weldable
Product Product name of the end detail. Can be shown in reports.
Code Product code of the end detail. Can be shown in reports.
Thread type Enter the type of the threading.
Threaded length Length of the threading from the bar end.
Extra fabrication length Additional length needed with some threading methods. Can be shown in reports, but does not affect the total length of the bar.


Click the User-defined attributes button to open the user-defined attributes of the rebar set end detail modifiers. The file name extension of the user-defined attribute file is .rst_edm.more.

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