Revise drawings

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Revise drawings

When revising drawings, you can attach information about the revision changes. Tekla Structures displays this information alongside the revision number or mark. The revision date appears in the revision table. The revision number or mark is shown in Document manager, and the revision information can be included in reports. You can also add manual revision marks in an open drawing.


One example of the report using revision information is drawing_issue_rev.xsr, which shows the most recent revision dates of drawings.

You can show the revision information in revision marks in drawings. For more information about adding revision marks, see Add revision marks in drawings.

Create drawing revisions

You can create revisions to follow the changes in the drawing using the Revision command in the Document manager.

  1. In Document manager, select the drawings to revise.
  2. Click Revision.

    The Revision handling dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a mark in the Mark box.

    Marks can be numerical or alphabetical such as 1, 2, 3… or A, B, C…

  4. Fill in the Created by information and select the creation date from the calendar that is displayed when you click the down-arrow next to the Date option.
  5. If you need to give information about who checked and approved the drawing, enter the information in the corresponding boxes and select the appropriate dates.
  6. Enter a revision description in the Description box.
  7. Enter delivery information in the Delivery box.
  8. Enter any additional information in the Info 1 and Info 2 boxes.
  9. Click Create.

The revision number or mark is now displayed in the Document manager. When you open the drawing, you can see the revision information in the revision table if there is one in the drawing.


Each drawing has its own unique revision number, but several drawings can share the same revision mark, date, and other information. To attach the same revision information to several drawings simultaneously, select multiple drawings from Document manager and then click the Revision button.

To show the revision mark instead of the revision number in the Document manager, set the advanced option XS_SHOW_REVISION_MARK_ON_DRAWING_LIST to TRUE.

Change drawing revisions

You can change revision information in an existing revision.

  1. Open the Document manager and select a revised drawing.
  2. Click Revision.
  3. In the Revision handling dialog box, select the number of the revision that you want to change from the Rev.No. list.
  4. Change the revision information as required.
  5. Click Modify.
  6. Close the Revision handling dialog box.

Delete drawing revisions

You can delete unnecessary drawing revisions.

  1. Open Document manager, and select a revised drawing.
  2. Click Revision....
  3. In the Revision handling dialog box, select the revision number from the list next to the Mark box.
  4. Click Delete.

    When you delete a revision, Tekla Structures automatically adjusts the remaining revision numbers for that drawing. The revision marks remain the change.

Attributes used in drawing revisioning

Drawing revisioning attributes can be included in drawing templates and report templates.

All revisioning attributes and the corresponding options in the Revision handling dialog box are listed below.

Revision handling attribute

Option in the Revision Handling dialog box


The revision mark in the Mark box.


The revision number in Rev.No.


The Created by information of the revision.


Date next to Created by.


The Checked by information of the revision.


Date next to Checked by.


The Approved by information of the revision.


The Delivery information of the revision.


The revision Description.


Date next to Approved by.


The Info 1 text of the revision.


The Info 2 text of the revision.


The revision number of the latest revision in Rev.No..


The Created by information of the latest revision.


The Checked by information of the latest revision.


The Checked by Date of the latest revision.


The approval Date of the latest revision.


The Delivery information of the latest revision


The revision mark of the latest revision in the Mark box.


The Description of the latest revision.


The Created by date of the latest revision.


The Approved by information of the latest delivery.


The Info 1 text of the latest revision.


The Info 2 text of the latest revision.

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