Dimensioning properties - Bolt dimensions tab (Integrated dimensioning)

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Dimensioning properties - Bolt dimensions tab (Integrated dimensioning)

Use the options on the Bolt dimensions tab of the Dimensioning Properties dialog box to select which bolt dimensions to create and how in single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings.

Note that the contents of the dialog box vary depending on the drawing type, and all the options listed below are not available for all drawing types. This dialog box is displayed if you use Integrated dimensions dimensioning type.



Main part bolt internal dimensions

Creates internal dimensions for bolt groups in the main part.

None creates none of the internal bolt dimensions.

Internal creates bolt group internal dimensions (distances between bolts).

All creates edge distance and bolt group internal dimensions. Edge distance is the dimension from the outermost bolt to the part edge.

Main part bolt internal dimensions: Skewed bolt group

Indicates whether the dimensions are parallel to the part or the bolt group.

The choices are No dimensions, In part direction, and In bolt group direction.

Secondary part bolt internal dimensions

Creates internal dimensions for bolt groups in the secondary part.

The choices are None, Necessary, Internal, and All.

Secondary part bolt internal dimensions: Skewed bolt group

Aligns the bolt dimensions with the secondary part or bolt group.

The choices are In part direction, No dimensions, and In bolt group direction

Distance between extreme bolts: Extreme bolts

Creates check dimension between the outermost bolts.

The choices are None, Main part, and Assembly.

Distance between extreme bolts: Extreme bolts to work points

Creates check dimensions from the outermost bolts to the work points.

Yes creates the check dimensions.

Preferred dim side

Sets the preferred view (front or side) for bolt dimensions.

Combine bolt dimensions

Sets the format of the combined bolt group internal dimensions.

You can combine bolt group internal dimensions and display them in the format 3*60 or 3*60=180, or have single dimensions.

Minimum number to combine

Defines the minimum number of dimensions to combine.

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