Custom component properties in the Custom Component Wizard

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Custom component properties in the Custom Component Wizard

You must define these properties when you define new custom components with the Custom Component Wizard. You can change some of these properties when you modify an existing custom component.

For more information, see Define custom components and Edit and save custom components.

Type/Notes tab properties

On the Type/Notes tab, you have the following options:




Select the type of the custom component.

Type affects how you insert the custom component in the model. Type also defines if the custom component connects to existing parts.


Enter a unique name for the custom component.


Enter a short description for the custom component. Tekla Structures shows the description in the Applications & components catalog.

Component identifier

Enter an additional name or reference for the component, for example a design code reference. This can be shown in general arrangement and assembly drawings, and in lists.

To show this in drawings, include Code in the Connection Mark Properties dialog box.

Position tab properties

On the Position tab, you have the following options:




Up direction

Sets the default up direction.

Not available for parts.

Position type

The position (or origin) of the component, relative to the main part.

Not available for details and parts.

You can define the position for custom connections and seams. You have the following options:





Where the center lines of the main and secondary parts intersect.

Box plane

Where the main part bounding box and the center line of the secondary part intersect.

Collision plane

Where the main part and the center line of the secondary part intersect.

Endend plane

Where the center line of the secondary part hits the end of the main part.

Gusset plane

Where the center lines of the main part and the first secondary part intersect. The x direction is perpendicular to the center line of the main part.

Advanced tab properties

On the Advanced tab, you have the following options:




Detail type

Determines on which side of the main part the component is located. The options are:

  • Intermediate detail

    Tekla Structures creates all components on the same side of the main part

  • End detail

    Tekla Structures creates all components on the side of the main part closest to the details

Only affects asymmetric components.

Only available for details and seams

Definition point position in relation to primary part

Determines the position you pick to create the detail, relative to the main part.

Only available for details

Definition point position in relation to secondary part

Determines where the component is created, relative to the secondary part.

Only available for connections and seams

Allow multiple instances of connection between same parts

Select this option to create many components to the same main part, in different locations.

Only available for connections and seams

Exact positions

Select this option to position the seam based on the positions that you pick in the model.

Clear the check box to let Tekla Structures use automatic seam recognition to position the seam. This is useful especially with warped seams.

Only available for seams

Use the center of the bounding box in positioning

Select to position the custom part based on the center of its bounding box (the box that surrounds the actual part profile).

Only available for parts

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