Changes in advanced options

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Changes in advanced options

New advanced options


Use the advanced option XS_ENTER_FINALIZES_COMMANDS to set the Enter key as a shortcut for completing commands. Previously, only the space key and middle mouse button worked as shortcuts to complete a command.

Additionally, the direct modification commands can be completed with the Enter as well. Previously, only the middle mouse button worked as shortcuts to complete a direct modification command.

By default, the advanced option is set to TRUE. This advanced option is located in the Modeling Properties category of the Advanced options dialog box.


Use the advanced option XS_PREVIEW_LIMIT to set the limit for number of objects shown in the copy or move preview. The preview is shown in the model when you use the Copy or Move command to copy or move objects.

The default value is 1000. When the value is 0, the preview is off. This advanced option is located in the Model View category of the Advanced options dialog box.


Use the advanced option XS_SHOW_STATISTICS_IN_DX to show statistics and the used rendering device in the DirectX rendered model views. The statistics are shown in the lower left corner of the model view, as frames per second measurement.

With this advanced option you can easily verify that you are using a proper graphics hardware accelerator for the Tekla Structures model views, especially in the case of multiple GPUs such as laptops, which often have both CPU built accelerator and an external, much more powerful graphics accelerator.

By default, the advanced option is set to FALSE.

If you change the value, you need to reopen the view to activate the new value.

Note that this advanced option has no effect on the legacy OpenGL rendered model views.

New advanced options for rebar sets

Use the following model-specific advanced options if you need to adjust tolerances for the rebar set bars that you want to be automatically grouped:

To connect rebar set bar legs together even though the leg face edges do not exactly overlap, use the advanced option XS_REBARSET_LEG_CONNECTION_TOLERANCE. This advanced option is model specific.

New control for exporting rebars created by rebar sets

A new model-specific advanced option XS_EXPORT_IFC_REBARSET_INDIVIDUAL_BARS has been added to control how bars created by rebar sets are exported. If the advanced option is set to FALSE, bars are exported in groups. If the advanced option is set to TRUE, bars are exported as individual bars. The default value is FALSE. This advanced option is located in the Export category of the Advanced options dialog box.


In the IFC file 'Total number' always shows 1 for groups created by rebar sets, and 'Total weight' and 'Weight' show one bar weight. Use the NUMBER_OF_BARS_IN_GROUP and WEIGHT_TOTAL_IN_GROUP attributes to export the values of the group to the IFC file.

New control for exporting B-reps as exact solids

B-rep objects can now be exported as exact solids in the IFC2x3 export. You can do this by setting the new model-specific advanced option XS_EXPORT_BREP_AS_EXACT_SOLID to TRUE. The default value is FALSE. This advanced option is located in the Export category of the Advanced options dialog box.

Note that if you export B-reps as exact solids, the IFC file size increases, and the export takes more time.

To get smooth edges to the export, you may need to set the advanced option XS_CS_CHAMFER_DIVIDE_ANGLE to 10.

In the following example, on the left, you can see a native type I profile, and on the right, the IFC object surface geometry when both advanced options are used:

Changed advanced options


When XS_DRAWING_CLONING_IGNORE_CHECK is set to TRUE, Tekla Structures is now able to clone a drawing with a selected part that has the same position number. Note that if you have selected several parts with the same position number, then only one cloned drawing is created for that position.


When you change the value of the XS_BLACK_DRAWING_BACKGROUND advanced option, you no longer need to restart Tekla Structures to activate the new value.


The default value of XS_CALCULATE_POUR_UNITS_ON_SHARING has been changed to FALSE. This means that Tekla Structures no longer automatically calculates and updates the pour units in shared models during writing out and reading in. Instead, each user now has to run the Calculate pour units command in their local version of the shared model to update the pour units.


This advanced option now affects all rebar set bar group types, not only the normal type as previously.


The advanced option XS_REBAR_MINIMUM_LEG_DEVIATION has been renamed to XS_REBARSET_MINIMUM_LEG_DEVIATION as it only affects rebar sets.

Removed advanced options


The advanced options XS_HATCH_OVERLAPPING_FACES_IN_DX and XS_USE_DASHED_HIDDEN_LINES for controlling the DirectX rendered model views have been removed. Instead, you can now use the Hatching of overlapping surfaces and Dashed line for hidden line options in File menu > Settings > Switches.


The advanced option did not work as expected and therefore it has been removed.


You no longer need to set the advanced option XS_IFC4_EXPORT_PLEASE to TRUE in the teklastructures.ini file to start the IFC4 export. The command to start the IFC4 export is always available in Tekla Structures File > Export if allowed by your configuration.


You no longer need to set the advanced option XS_CREATE_MISSING_MARKS_IN_INTELLIGENT_CLONING to create marks to a cloned drawing also for parts that could not be mapped to the cloning template drawing. The functionality is already available in the cloning settings (Other marks > Create) and in the Master Drawing Catalog cloning settings (Marks > Create).

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