Load group compatibility

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Load group compatibility

When Tekla Structures creates load combinations for structural analysis, it follows the building code you select in File menu > Settings > Options > Load modeling > Current code.

To accurately combine loads which have the same load group type, you need to use compatibility indicators (numbers) to identify which load groups:

  • Can occur at the same time (are compatible)

  • Exclude each other (are incompatible)

Compatible load groups can act together or separately. They can actually be one single loading, for example, a live loading that needs to be split in parts that act on different spans of a continuous beam. Tekla Structures then includes none, one, several, or all of the compatible load groups in a load combination.

Incompatible load groups always exclude each other. They cannot occur at the same time. For example, a wind loading from the x direction is incompatible with a wind loading from the y direction. In load combinations Tekla Structures only takes into account one load group in an incompatible grouping at a time.

Tekla Structures automatically applies basic compatibility facts, such as self-weight being compatible with all other loads, or live loads being compatible with wind load.

Tekla Structures does not combine loads in the x direction with those in the y direction.

Compatibility indicators are all 0 by default. This indicates that Tekla Structures combines the load groups as defined in the building code.

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