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- Tekla Structures installation
Tekla Structures installation
Tekla Structures installation
Tekla Structures installation packages are available for download in Tekla Downloads. In addition to installing Tekla Structures , you need to install and set up a Tekla license server and activate your Tekla Structures license.
Tekla Structures software and environments are available as separate installation packages. The software installation package always contains a blank project environment that includes generic content. Other Tekla Structures environments are available as separate installation files. Environments are region or company-specific settings and information that are predefined in Tekla Structures , or that are defined by the user.
You can install the Tekla license server on the same computer as the Tekla Structures software and environments. The license server can also be installed on a separate server computer if there are many Tekla Structures users and many Tekla Structures licenses in the company. The licenses you can use and their activation IDs are listed in an entitlement certificate you receive via e-mail.
Tekla Structures uses the FlexNet Publisher License Management (FlexNet) licensing system. The FlexNet licensing system is not used with Tekla Structures Educational ( Tekla Campus ), and FlexNet licensing instructions do not apply.
Centralized installation
Tekla Structures can be installed across the company network using centralized installation. Installing Tekla Structures centrally across the company network saves time in a large company as the installation is done silently in the background for each user.
Using Tekla Structures with application and desktop virtualization
Tekla Structures can be used with the Citrix application and desktop virtualization. Tekla Structures is installed on a server or on a virtual machine running on the server. Using Tekla Structures from the server ensures that all users in a project are using the same project environment set-up.
Version updates: Service packs
Service packs are version updates that can contain new features, and improvements and fixes to existing features.
Service packs are available in Tekla Downloads for all customers with a valid maintenance agreement. We recommend that all users install the latest service pack.
Borrowing licenses with Tekla License Borrow Tool
If you want to work offline and do not have the Tekla license server on your computer, you can borrow an activated license from the license server using the Tekla License Borrow Tool. The borrowed license is transferred from the license server to your computer. It is not available for other users during the borrowing. The installer for Tekla License Borrow Tool is available in Tekla Downloads.
Collaboration within a Tekla Structures model
Tekla Model Sharing allows several users to access the same model simultaneously. With Tekla Model Sharing a global team can work efficiently within one model regardless of the team location and time zone. The model data is shared and synchronized over the Internet, and stored to a cloud-based Tekla Model Sharing service. It is also possible to work offline. Tekla Model Sharing requires a license.
Multi-user mode also allows several users to access the same model simultaneously. Multi-user mode is suitable for local teams with projects where the team members do not necessarily have an Internet connection. In the multi-user mode a server computer runs the multi-user server, a file server computer contains the multi-user master model and client computers run Tekla Structures. The Tekla Structures multi-user server installer is available in Tekla Downloads.
Using the multi-user server requires your company to have more than one Tekla Structures license.
Extensions are applications that have been made using the Tekla Open API or custom components. Extensions are not part of the Tekla Structures product release. Extensions for Tekla Structures are available in Tekla Warehouse.
You can import the Tekla Structures extensions that have the .tsep ( Tekla Structures Extension Package) file extension to the Applications & components catalog in Tekla Structures. The extensions are installed when you restart Tekla Structures. Tekla Structures extensions that have the .msi file extension have to be installed separately by running the installation file.
Tekla User Assistance
Tekla User Assistance collects all help and support material to one place. By default, all help content is online. You can access Tekla Structures help material in Tekla User Assistance by pressing the F1 button in Tekla Structures. You can also use the help offline. Offline help installation packages are available in Tekla Downloads.