Dialog boxes reference
This section covers some of the important dialog boxes in Tekla Structural Designer and their different options.
Click the links below to find out more:
- Analysis Settings dialog box
- Checkbot Control Panel
- Connection Resistance dialog box
- Construction Levels dialog box
- Design Settings dialog box
- Drawing Settings dialog box
- Edit stage data dialog box
- Embodied Carbon Factors dialog box
- Interactive Beam Design dialog box
- Interactive Column Design dialog box
- Interactive Wall Design dialog box
- Load Event Sequences dialog box
- Loading dialog box
- Materials dialog box
- Model Settings dialog box
- Pile catalogue
- Punching shear reinforcement properties dialog box
- Sections dialog box
- Settings dialog box
- Simple Wind Loading dialog box
- Slab Deflection Check Catalogue
- Slab Deflection Settings dialog box
- Snow wizard (ASCE 7)
- Snow wizard (Eurocode)
- Sub Models dialog box