Export to Tekla Connection Designer

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Export to Tekla Connection Designer

Before exporting connections to Tekla Connection Designer, you are advised to be aware of the limitations and also the recommended workflows for the different connection types.

Note: Only valid base plate, column splice and moment connections listed in the Project Workspace Connections tree can be exported.

To export a single connection


Export requires a Tekla Connection Designer licence.

  1. Right-click the connection in a Scene View.
  2. Choose Export (connection name) to Tekla Connection Designer from the right-click menu.

    The Tekla Connection Designer application opens to allow the selected connection to be designed.

To export multiple connections


Export requires a Tekla Connection Designer licence.

  1. Select the connections to be exported in a Scene View.
  2. On the BIM Integration tab, click TCD Export.

    The Tekla Connection Designer application opens to allow the selected connections to be designed.

To return connection data from Tekla Connection Designer

Connection data from Tekla Connection Designer can be returned to Tekla Structural Designer as follows:

In Tekla Connection Designer click Connection> Return Connection to Tekla Structural Designer

In the current release, Moment Connection data from Tekla Connection Designer is only partially returned. (e.g. Bolt layouts and endplate dimensions are not returned).

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