Heat certificate traceability

Tekla PowerFab
Muokattu: 8 Syy 2023
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Heat certificate traceability

When parts are taken from stock from a splice package, and the stock used has different Supplier, PO#, and Heat# values, the parts are considered as having come from all of them. The records added to the inventory history will have a comma-separated list of values in those fields for reporting purposes. The price is set to the average cost of the stock.

When getting the heat certificates for parts from the TFS Details dialog box in Production Control, parts are duplicated in the list with each of the Supplier, PO#, and Heat# values used in the splice package. These rows are highlighted in yellow.

When selected, a Joined from inventory transaction # button is available in the bottom right corner. Click this button to open the Inventory Transaction History dialog box selected on that transaction number. This is the transaction that joined the stock lengths together into the long length, either with the Join to Result Length command or as part of the TFS operation.

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