Translate unknown shapes and grades

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Translate unknown shapes and grades

When you are importing files, such as drawings, to Tekla EPM, sometimes the shapes and grades in the imported files do not match the shapes and grades in Tekla EPM. In these cases, Tekla EPM does not recognize the shapes and grades. To solve the issue, you need to create an item association that allows Tekla EPM to identify the shapes and grades.

We recommend that your administrator sends a list of shapes and grades used in Tekla EPM to the detailers, so that you can ensure that the same abbreviations are used in the shop detail drawing bill of materials.

If you need to create an item association during the import process, the Translate Shapes/Grades dialog box opens automatically.

  1. In the Translate Shapes/Grades dialog box, select the item that needs to be translated.
  2. Click the arrow on the right side of the New Shape list, and select the shape abbreviation used in Tekla EPM.
  3. If necessary, click the arrow on the right side of the New Grade list, and select the grade abbreviation used in Tekla EPM.
  4. Click Set Shape/Grade.

    Repeat steps 1 to 4 for all items that are listed in the Translate Shapes/Grades dialog box.

    If you save a shape or grade abbreviation, the shape or grade will not appear in the Translate Shapes/Grades dialog box when you import files in the future. You should only save the shape and grave abbreviations if the detailer has no intention of conforming to the abbreviations used in Tekla EPM.

  5. When you have translated all necessary shapes and grades, click OK to close the dialog box and continue the import.

The dimensions matching the properties of the shape are added for the shape during the import. Remember to review the dimensions that are added during the import to ensure that the properties of the shape are completely defined in the Shapes/Grades/Sizes database.

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