Define results

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Define results

To show the result of an expression, you must define the type of results that you want. To define the type of results, see the following instructions.

Note: The following only applies to Tedds for Word.
Tedds for Word includes two types of results. The types are:
  • Intermediate results

    that display the values used within a calculation.

    You can use an intermediate result with or without using a specific format.

  • Final results

    that display the final value of an expression.

    You can use a final result with or without using a specific format and with or without units.

Define intermediate results

  1. Type your expressions.
  2. After each expression, type = #
  3. If necessary, type a format string to define the result format and precision.

Define final results

  1. Type your expressions.
  2. After each expression, type = ?
  3. If necessary, type a format string to define the result format and precision.
  4. If necessary, type the unit that you want to display the results in.
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