Create libraries for organizational use

Tekla Tedds
Modificado: 9 Feb 2018
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Create libraries for organizational use

The following paragraphs present shortcuts and tips that may help you in creating libraries for organizational use.


The following only applies to Tedds for Word.


The following shortcuts speed up creating libraries, but may increase the risk of losing data. Therefore, you should:

  • Make sure that you are completely familiar with using the Library Access System, and know some Library Access System terminology. For more information, see Start the Library Access System.

  • Ensure that you fully understand the instructions as you proceed.

Finding items in libraries and sets

Each item in a set is a pointer that tells the Library Access System whether the item is in a library, what the name of the library is, and finally, what the name of the entry in that library is.

The item does not hold any information other than this. Therefore, if the Library Access System cannot find the entry, it displays the text <item not found>.

The Library Access System may be unable to find the entry for several reasons:
  1. The item points to a user library, but the library file has been moved to the system libraries directory.

  2. The item points to a system library, but the library file has been moved to the user libraries directory.

  3. The item points to a user library, but the library file has been moved elsewhere.

  4. The item points to a system library, but the library file has been moved elsewhere.

  5. The library that the item points to has been deleted.

  6. The entry that the item points to has been deleted from the library.

The options that are open to you depend on the event (1 to 6) that has occurred.

Option Event Solution
A 1 or 2

Modify the set so that the item points to the correct library type.

For more information, see Change the library type of a set

B 1, 2, 3, or 4

Move the library back to the location where Library Access System tries to find it.

C 1, 2, 3, or 4

Change your Library Access System sections to give the new location of the system libraries directory or user libraries directory.

For more information, see Library access system settings.

D 5 and 6

Restore the library file from a previous backup or a version of the library file containing the deleted item.


Creating new libraries and sets requires using the options A and C repeatedly.

Tips for creating libraries

  • Ensure that none of the other users use the same directories that you use for the system libraries, user libraries and sets that you generate.

  • To speed up creating system libraries, set your user libraries directory and your system libraries directory to point to the same development location. We recommend placing your sets in the development location as well.
  • Ensure that the names that you use for your libraries, items, and groups reflect their contents and are not the same as the names of other users' libraries, items, and groups.

  • Keep your sets and libraries to a manageable size. A number of smaller libraries and sets is far easier to handle than an enormous one.

  • To easily modify your sets and libraries, keep master copies of each set and library that you create in your development location. You can make changes to the master copies, and redistribute the modified sets and libraries.

  • To simplify updating your libraries and sets, try to organize sets and libraries so that the items and entries are linked by a particular theme (such as material).

  • To prevent anyone from modifying or deleting your sets and libraries, ensure that the read-only attribute is set for each set and library which you release.

  • If you want to create compound sets that contain entries from several libraries:

    • It is easiest to create a separate set for each library you generate. Ensure that the items in the set access all the entries in the library, and that the set only includes items that refer to that library.

    • It is fastest to copy the sets for the libraries to your development location.

    • You can create a new set, and begin dragging and dropping items and groups according to your needs.

      Note: A single set can refer to several libraries and a library can be referred to by many sets. Therefore, deleting entries from libraries may have far reaching implications.
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