2022 SP4: Nuevas funciones, mejoras y correcciones importantes

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2022 SP4: Nuevas funciones, mejoras y correcciones importantes

En Tekla Downloads están disponibles la última versión de servicio de Tekla Structures y los instaladores de entorno actualizados.

Gestión contenido dibujo: ordenación de columnas acumulativa

En Gestión contenido dibujo, la ordenación de las columnas ahora es acumulativa. Haga clic en una columna para ordenar por esa columna primero, mantenga pulsada la tecla Mayús y haga clic en otra columna para ordenar secundariamente por esa columna.


Guardar y cargar configuraciones de puntos base

Ahora puede guardar y cargar las configuraciones de puntos base. De este modo, puede utilizar las mismas configuraciones de puntos base en varios modelos. Para ello, guarde la configuración en el cuadro de diálogo Punto base y copie el archivo de configuración <settings name>.basePoint.json desde la carpeta \attributes en la carpeta del modelo actual a la carpeta \attributes del modelo en la que desee utilizar la misma configuración de punto base.

La configuración también funciona con las carpetas de proyecto y empresa: Copie el archivo de configuración de punto en la carpeta \attributes en las carpetas de empresa y de proyecto.


Adición automática de barras de conjuntos de armaduras a partes de hormigón mejorada

Ahora Tekla Structures también tiene en cuenta los ganchos en la geometría de barra y la orientación de los planos de barras cuando añade automáticamente barras en conjuntos de armaduras a partes de hormigón.


Soporte para la opción avanzada XS_DEFAULT_​KEEP​_ONLINE​_LICENSE​_CHECKBOX en el nivel de modelo

La opción avanzada XS_DEFAULT_KEEP_ONLINE_LICENSE_CHECKBOX ahora se puede utilizar en el nivel de modelo. Ahora puede definir esta opción en el archivo user.ini y en el archivo options.ini en la carpeta del modelo.


El resaltado de objetos para modelos de referencia ahora es transparente

Anteriormente, con el resaltado de objetos, los objetos de modelos de referencia se resaltaban con renderizado sólido.

Ahora, el color de resaltado de objetos de los objetos de modelos de referencia es transparente y los objetos que están detrás de los objetos de modelos de referencia se pueden ver y seleccionar.



Número de defecto Área de desarrollo Descripción
TPLED-219 Templates and reports

Template Editor: Valuefield formula functions NextValue() and PreviousValue() no longer ignore the sort order when they are used in valuefield formulas. 

TPLED-243 Templates and reports

Template Editor: A symbol with a rule that used the GetValue function only worked in the first row in the row hierarchy. This issue has now been fixed.

TPLED-252 Templates and reports

Previously, the CopyField() function could return an intermediate value when a row containing its target value field was removed during row rule resolving. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-4094 Steel components

Gusset+ T: You can now define the Finish property for parts on the Gusset tab and the Brace connection tab.

TSAC-5791 Steel components

Metsec Side rail supports (28): Previously, if existing bolts where found, the component tried to merge bolts, which sometimes caused the strut to be drawn at angle or skewed. Merging tolerance has now been decreased to avoid this.

TSAC-5828 Steel components

Metsec File transfer (26), Metsec Standard riveted channel rails (37): Reported RCR cleat references have now been updated.

TSAC-5831 Steel components

CMF Standard horizontal cladding support (31): The Class property is now applied to the wires.

TSAC-5927 Steel components

Gusset+ T: Previously, some component parts were getting an invalid material when using a standard attribute file in any environment. Now, Steel_Undefined material is set to all component parts when using a standard attribute file.

TSAC-5951 Concrete components

Concrete console (111): Cut holes around the anchor rods are now created correctly.

TSAC-5957 Steel components

Truss (S78): Previously, when different offsets were specified for the top chord, the Joining plates (14) component used for the top chords connection was created in an incorrect position. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5958 Steel components

Truss (S78): Previously, vertical beams were not created in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5961 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): The cut-out around T-shaped beams now follows the beam inclination correctly when set.

TSAC-6029 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): Cover thickness around T beams is now applied correctly.

TSAC-6068 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, when exporting braced girders, certain properties of the braced girders created with tools such as Tekla Structures extensions incorrectly differed from the properties of braced girders created with system components. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6150 Concrete components

Braced girder (88): New girder types are now available (type EQ), shown on the right side in the example image. The girder's cross section can now be created as sloped braced.

New girder type
TSAC-6201 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): In some cases, when processing multiple cast units at once, the Unitechnik export stopped with an error message 'illegal input'. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6253 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (008): When you select the All connected parts or All connected parts without steel option on the Placement tab, the component now detects more complex wall structures. Such structures are, for example, complicated sandwich walls where each layer is a single cast unit that is united into one big cast unit.

TSAC-6260 Concrete components

Tapered I beam (81): On the Parameters tab, there is a new beam shape type available. You can now select to create a tapered beam with five corners and a trapezium cut inside.

Tapered I beam 81 new beam shape
TSAC-6314 Concrete components

Geometry detailing strip: The geometry detailing strip on the wall layout connector now again extends the details to the angled fitting of the wall layout connector.

TSAC-6347 Steel components

Cold rolled sleeved components for CMF, Hi-Span, Kingspan, Thomas Panels, Steadmans:
You can now use negative values for the gable overhang dimension. 

TSAC-6362 Steel components

UltraZED Side rail supports (40), UltraZED Non-std vertical rail (92): There are improvements in the cleat accuracy, and in the checking process used by the CAM.

TSAC-6385 Concrete components

Hollow core lifting loops: Updating now works correctly when inserted to a slab created by the Floor layout component.

TSAC-6426 Drawings

Messages for the Relabel section views and Relabel detail views macros are now translated.

TSAC-6429 Concrete components

Corbel reinforcement (81): Main bars, stirrups and traverse stirrups are now created properly also in situations in which the top face of the corbel is inclined (not horizontal).

TSAC-6435 Steel components

The CMF system now uses two washers with all bolts that are not of type CSK.

TSAC-6450 Steel components

Metsec Non-std side rail (32): Bolt settings now work correctly.

TSAC-6466 Concrete components

Concrete connection (110): Sometimes, manually moving the component in the model broke the connection. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6512 Concrete components

Mesh bars: The primary and secondary layers of the reinforcement are now created with correct cross settings and cover thickness, regardless of the profile of the concrete part.

TSAC-6537 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (008): Previously, some anchors could disappear when you had selected to create inclined anchors on the Input tab and the surface where the anchors were placed consisted of two perpendicular planes. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6558 Steel components

Metsec Standard horizontal cladding supports (31), Metsec Horizontal cladding support column (33), Metsec Non-standard horizontal cladding support (34): The slotted hole with the NPJR5 cleat is now drawn in the correct direction.

TSAC-6565 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, the top rail at end stanchion fittings or bend was not created correctly when the stanchions were offset from the reference lines. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6567 Concrete components

Mesh bars/Mesh bars by area now work for parts that are added as added material. Any material added to the selected concrete part is now reinforced as well.

TSAC-6598 Concrete components

Floor layout: Previously, Floor layout's direct modification arrow and dimensioning did not work in certain cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6601 Concrete components

Corbel reinforcement (81): The component can now detect more complex corbels and column solid shapes, and split stirrups to multiple groups, if needed to determine the cover thickness with better precision. The issue that in some cases the stirrups are created outside the corbel or column has also been fixed.

TSAC-6602 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: Rebar set grouping has now been fixed.

TSAC-6603 Steel components

UltraZED File transfer (93): The CAM data now measures the bolts from the physical part. Previously, it ignored if the length of the physical part had been manually altered (for example, with a fitting or a cut). This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6610 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, weep holes could be exported inside recesses and other elements inside cast unit. This issue has now been fixed, and the export of such weep holes is now prevented.

TSAC-6621 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, when selecting either Main part template or Main part UDA from the Sequence in pallet list on the Pallet tab, the box to enter the attribute was not in the correct place. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6629 Steel components

Gusseted cross (62): Previously, the horizontal bolt edge distance for brace bolts was not correct. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6630 Steel components

Metsec Horizontal cladding support column (33): Previously, you had to select multiple rows of side rails when connecting to an eaves beam. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6636 Reinforcement

Rebar shape manager: Previously in Tekla Structures 2022, custom properties (UDAs) were not available for bending rule definition in Rebar shape manager when polycurve geometry was in use (XS_REBAR_USE_POLYCURVES_IN_EVALUATOR set to TRUE).

TSAC-6643 Concrete components

Reinforced concrete stair (95): Previously, the bottom step ending was not created correctly when you set the step length to 0. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6653 Steel components

Beam to beam stub connection (135): Previously, the stub web plate was not created correctly in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6659 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, in some rare cases, ELiPLAN export stopped with an error message ''illegal input''. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6661 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: Previously, BVBS items that had already been exported could be copied into other files when multiple files were exported. This issue has now been fixed. 

TSAC-6666 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: Previously, there was an error in the export when you exported rebar sets by using the Selected reinforcement only option. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6667 Steel components

Multiple stiffeners (1064): Previously, offsets between the edges of the main part stiffeners and flanges were not applied correctly in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6668 Steel components

Partial stiffened end plate (65): Previously, the default value for stiffener part position and start number was not correct. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6669 Steel components

Haunch (40): Previously, stiffeners were created incorrectly and caused collisions with the main part flanges in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6689 Steel components

Brace special with Ls (70): Previously, the shim plate was created with an incorrect length. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6690 Concrete components

In Tekla Structures 2022 SP2, the custom property CUSTOM.MESH_LENGTH_NET did not work correctly. The output value was incorrect for bent meshes that only had hooks and no additional bends. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6709 Steel components

Two sided clip angle (143): Previously, bolts got a new GUID when you modified the component properties. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6725 Steel components

Bolted gusset (11): You can now specify the bolt cut length for brace bolts.

TSAC-6729 Steel components

Shear plate welded top (36): You can now specify the part position, material, and name for the stiffener plate on the Parts tab.

TSAC-6730 Steel components

Shear plate to top special (38): You can now specify the part position, material, and name for the stiffener plate.

TSAC-6731 Steel components

UltraZED Side rail supports (40): The hanger bracket assembly is now a type T-TUBE strut.

TSAC-6741 Modeling

Previously, the bolt size for an Auto bolt inside of a custom component was not converted correctly in the US imperial environment. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-6750 Steel components

UltraZED Side rail supports (40): The slotted hole in the hanger bracket assembly is now showing correctly.    

TSAC-6752 Drawings

View-level dimensioning: When dimensioning using the Filter dimensions method, the skew edges setting along the edge did not work correctly when the cast unit consisted of several parts. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6766 Steel components

Splice type 1 (56): Position prefix and start number are now correctly applied for web plates.

TSAC-6767 Steel components

Shear plate simple (146): Previously, the bolt edge distance was not correct in some cases when the secondary part was skewed and sloped at the same time. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6788 Steel components

CMF Window trimmer rail (37): Previously, if the strut was directly above the slotted hole, it caused an error in the file transfer. The cutting length of the slot has now been changed so this issue no longer occurs.

TSAC-6792 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): When exporting objects of type ITEM whose properties or attributes were not fully consistent, Unitechnik export did not process these objects. The handling of such ITEMs has now been improved.

TSAC-6798 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): There are now separate options for specifying the diameter for reinforcement and braced girders on the Reinforcement tab.

TSAC-979 Steel components

Railings (S77): It is now possible to maintain the same distance between the bottom rail and bottom of the stanchions.

TTSD-43060 Reinforcement

Rebar set guidelines and modifiers can now be created in the single-point picking mode along leg face or surface edge curves.

TTSD-44471 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: The default bolt color is now correct when exported. Previously, the default bolt color was gray.

TTSD-44903 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Earlier, when you exported a bolt group with both regular and oversized holes by using the IFC2x3 surface geometry export, all holes were exported as oversized. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45402 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Reinforcing bars that were not attached to parts were not being exported with IFC4. Now they are exported if the Reinforcing bars check box is selected.

TTSD-45653 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Cast unit and pour phase differences are now shown in the Model Comparison Tool.
This allows you to select whether to accept the imported pour phase. Also, the Pour phase 0 messages are no longer shown when the pour phase was still zero in Tekla Structures.

TTSD-47326 Modeling

Snapping issues with cast-in-place concrete parts that are shown as separated have now been fixed.

TTSD-48515 Drawings

Earlier, when you modified drawing view boundaries in the modeling mode, interrupting the modification caused Tekla Structures to stop responding when you tried to save. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-48887 Modeling

Previously, very rarely, when copying similar objects which did not belong to any assembly, Tekla Structures might have stopped working. Now, this does not happen anymore.

TTSD-48961 Modeling

In some cases, when adjusting the radius of spiral beam, especially if the center of the spiral beam was being cut, Tekla Structures stopped working unexpectedly. This has now been prevented from happening anymore.

TTSD-49241 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The Follow edges option was sometimes making the curve go the wrong way round a slab. Now it should always choose the shorter route provided that it does not have any sharp turns.

TTSD-49549 Modeling

Coupler and Anchor commands on the Rebar tab on the ribbon now open the correct help page when you press Ctrl + F1.

TTSD-49715 Licensing

The frequency of requests to start Model Sharing are now limited and a message is shown to the user when no Tekla Model Sharing licenses are available. This fix corrects a possible situation in which multiple Start sharing windows are open at the same time.

TTSD-49774 Numbering

Previously, a wrong dialog box appeared in assembly numbering when the assembly numbering was overlapping. This has now been fixed and a correct dialog box is shown.

TTSD-50085 Modeling

Previously, when XS_DRAW_BOLTS_3D_IN_BOLT_LAYER was set to TRUE, the bolt and hole were shown with the bolt color, regardless of the settings. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-50311 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connect: Refreshing the folder list in the Export to Trimble Connect dialog box is now faster.

TTSD-50546 Drawings

Section view labels in drawings no longer disappear when you have changed the section name. Previously, the section view labels disappeared in some rare cases.

TTSD-50549 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: New subtypes have been added for the following IFC entities:

TTSD-50595 Modeling

Attribute files for applications (extension .exe), such as AutomaticSlicingTool.exe, can now be read from subfolders of XS_FIRM or XS_PROJECT folders.

TTSD-50681, TTSD-50224 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: IfcStair is now available for parts and IfcDiscreteAccessory for assemblies as an IFC entity.

TTSD-50724 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: Parts with IfcStair set as the IFC entity in side pane model object properties are now exported correctly.

TTSD-50763 Modeling

An issue in the creation of weld preparations that use edge chamfering could cause Tekla Structures to stop responding or close unexpectedly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-50843 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: IFC entities IfcDoor and IfcWindow are now supported in the IFC2x3 and IFC4 exports for parts and assemblies. The related property sets are located in the Architectural category. These entities also have subtypes, and like other subtypes, they get written to the IFC_ENTITY_OVERRIDE property.

TTSD-50874 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: A property modifier with Affect whole bar plane set to Yes was not applied to bars if the modifier did not touch the bars, for example, if the modifier was placed in an opening. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51056 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

NC/DSTV: Earlier, in the DSTV export of bent plates, the XS_USE_NEW_PLATE_DESIGNATION advanced option affected the AK block and header, but not the KA block. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51066 Modeling

Previously, when XS_DRAW_BOLTS_3D_IN_BOLT_LAYER was set to TRUE, the bolt holes created outside a part or with wrong rotation were invisible and you could not adjust the hole parameters. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-51067 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The command to insert a new leg surface to a rebar set did not calculate the layer number for the leg surface, and so the bar locations might be incorrect and the layer number might appear as zero. Similarly, the necessary layer calculations were not performed when a leg surface was deleted. These issues have now been fixed.

TTSD-51092 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: In some cases, a rebar set bar was shortened too much from a splitter near a corner, and as a result the bar did not lap to the required length. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51102 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connect: Now the upload to Trimble Connect model export also supports the PHASE.NAME attribute and other PHASE.<attribute_name> attributes for bolts.

TTSD-51344 Import, export, interoperability

Export to DWG/DXF: Sometimes due to accuracies, circular bolt hole symbols were exported segmented in the DWG/DXF format. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51381 Drawings

Earlier, when you set a negative Depth down or Depth up value for a drawing view, curved grid lines disappeared from the view. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51391 Import, export, interoperability

SketchUp export: Rebar sets are now exported properly in the SketchUp export.

TTSD-51411 Numbering

Previously, in some situations, parts with different contour marking were not numbered differently. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51454 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Previously, in some cases, there were some inaccuracies when the bar leg dimensions of rebar sets were rounded. These issues were caused by too tight a rounding tolerance (0.001 mm).

Now there is a new advanced option available, XS_REBARSET_ROUNDING_TOLERANCE, that you can use to modify the rounding tolerance and to receive better rounding results.

TTSD-51464 Tekla Model Sharing

If the on-premises server is not accessible, Tekla Structures now reports connection errors more accurately.

TTSD-51518 Templates and reports

The XSR_SHOW_INCH_MARK_IN_PROFILE_NAMES did not work in Tekla Structures 2022. This issue has now been fixed, and when the advanced option set to TRUE, the profile name is again shown like this in reports and templates: PL2 1/2"X20", whereas when set to FALSE, the profile is shown like this: PL2 1/2X20.

TTSD-51560 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: Tekla reference model import now supports files created in the IFC4.3 format.

TTSD-51618 Import, export, interoperability

Point clouds: Handling of large (at least 60 GB), non-potree point clouds is now supported as one file.

TTSD-51635 Tools and components

The handling of invalid or empty *.tsep files has been improved in the TSEP File Dispatcher. Previously, double-clicking an invalid file could cause the application to become unresponsive. Now, a message is shown to inform the user that the file is invalid.

TTSD-51681 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The calculation of target bar spacing did not allow for small errors, and that resulted in an extra unnecessary bar for some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51686 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Bolts in assemblies now have correct color when exported to IFC2x3 with current view colors.

TTSD-51692 Drawings

Document manager: An exception that could be triggered in Document manager when reading or saving the column sort information is now trapped and logged avoiding the application error.

TTSD-51718 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: The By guidelines command no longer creates arc point chamfers to the middle points of the guidelines that are defined with three points.

TTSD-51730 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: The IFC4 export did not export a rebar set in a rebar assembly if the rebar size was defined by using something else than a numeric value, like #7. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51813 Templates and reports

Template Editor: In a template, the summary row worked incorrectly when the parent row was hidden. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-51914 Import, export, interoperability

Export drawings as DWG/DXF: Earlier, if a drawing had invalid symbols, some text and part marks might not be exported in the DWG/DXF format. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51929 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: In some cases, the breakpoint of some rebar set stirrups would change from one edge to another along a spiral beam. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-51934 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: IFC4 files with property sets of UDAs added to individual rebar objects (XS_EXPORT_IFC_REBARSET_INDIVIDUAL_BARS = TRUE) are now exported correctly. Previously, the property sets added to individual rebar objects were not exported at all.

TTSD-51966 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, a new material in a surface treatment was not shared when you wrote out. Now, this has been fixed, and surface treatment materials are shared correctly.

TTSD-51975 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Special handling has been added for concrete beams that have three reinforcement zones (with different stirrup/link spacing) and two bars in the middle zone in the span region.

TTSD-52006 Modeling

Previously, object group filtering by assembly name unnecessarily updated the representation of all parts that were not assemblies but matched the filter. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52046 Core

Starting Tekla Structures by command line using the .db1 file now works again.

TTSD-52059 Modeling

Multi-user: Saving the model while a drawing was open resulted in spatial relations being corrupted between parts and rebar sets. This was seen to result in bars in the concrete cover region of parts. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52062 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: An issue was fixed where holding down Shift and selecting Show only selected on the context menu did not work correctly for selected single bars or bar groups in a rebar set.

TTSD-52069 Import, export, interoperability

Closed stirrups for beams and columns transferred from Tekla Structural Designer were incorrect for some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52085 Modeling

Previously, each time you used direct modification to modify a part, the model was autosaved. This has now been fixed, and autosave is based on the set autosave interval.

TTSD-52087 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export

The following changes have been made in the IFC4 export of rebar sets:

  • When individual rebar set rebar objects were exported (XS_EXPORT_IFC_REBARSET_INDIVIDUAL_REBARS=TRUE), the rebar set was exported together with the individual rebar objects. This appeared as if one extra rebar object was included in the export. This issue has now been fixed, and only the individual rebars are exported.
  • When individual rebar set rebar objects are not exported (XS_EXPORT_IFC_REBARSET_INDIVIDUAL_REBARS=FALSE), the rebar set groups are always exported with cast units. Earlier, the rebar set itself was exported instead of the rebar set groups.
  • For pour export, where pour units are exported with their rebar objects, nothing has changed, which means that individual rebar objects are always exported, regardless of the value of XS_EXPORT_IFC_REBARSET_INDIVIDUAL_REBARS. 

The illustration below explains the export logic:

TTSD-52088 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: The performance of the .igs (step/iges) reference model file insert has been improved.

TTSD-52093 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Previously when transferring design intent reinforcement from Tekla Structural Designer, if the model contained slabs with mesh reinforcement, the whole import process failed with no specific message in the process log.
The import process will now be completed except for the mesh reinforcement which remains beyond scope, and a warning message will be included in the process log.

TTSD-52101 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: Weld color is now correct in the exported IFC file for both site and shop welds.

TTSD-52120 Drawings

Previously, when you imported a reference model that contained AutoCAD font types romans.shx and romand.shx, these fonts were not shown in general arrangement drawings. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52134 Modeling

Previously, when you simultaneously modified the base point name and the project base point value, the new values were not updated properly to the current coordinate system drop-down in the bottom left corner Tekla Structures. This has now been fixed, and the values are updated correctly.

TTSD-52138 Reinforcement

Rebar assemblies: An issue was fixed where the length, width, and height of a rebar assembly containing a pair of rebar sets was reported incorrectly.

TTSD-52147 Import, export, interoperability

IFC export: The IFC export now writes file extensions always in lower case to prevent issues with overwriting files in Trimble Connect.

TTSD-52182 Modeling

View filters and reference model properties: The view filter performance has been improved when reference model properties are used in the view filter.

TTSD-52194 Modeling

Previously, when you created a view which created several grid lines of length 0, for example in the z direction, Tekla Structures stopped working unexpectedly. This has now been fixed. 

TTSD-52223 Modeling

Building hierarchy: The original building space polygon is now deleted when a B-rep shape is assigned to the building space.

TTSD-52229 Import, export, interoperability

Previously, in IFC export, when you were trying to change the type of a user-defined attribute to boolean type (Yes/No type) in the Property Set Definitions dialog box, it caused an application error, and you could not set the boolean type at all. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52256 Modeling

The performance of rollover highlight with certain reference model file types has been improved.

TTSD-52422 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

NC/DSTV: Earlier, when a bolt was going through both flanges of an I profile, all bolt holes were created only in one flange when exported in the DSTV format. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52436 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: If you had defined an IFC entity in model object properties in the side pane to override an object's IFC entity, the IFC2x3 export did not use the IFC entity defined in the side pane, and the exported object was not exported as the overridden IFC entity. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52631 Modeling

Building hierarchy: After deleting a level or a space, you no longer need to click the Modify button to remove the objects from the model. 

TTSD-52659 Drawings

In some specific cases, when the drawing view property file had a corrupted content string for view marks, creating a multidrawing broke drawing mode. To continue , you had to restart Tekla Structures. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-52678 Import, export, interoperability

Tekla Structures 2022 SP3 stops with non-IFC reference models

Tekla Structures 2022 SP3 version contained an error that caused critical issues for models having DWG or other non-IFC reference models visible in the model view. IFC reference models were not affected.  For example, when representation was changed into standard Tekla Structures suddenly closed and the following error message was shown:

"A critical error has occurred.

The application is going to close.

Error message: External component has thrown an exception."

The error was happening when Tekla Structures fetched reference model attributes from reference objects. This error has been fixed in Tekla Structures 2022 SP4 version.  We have taken the SP3 version away from the Downloads service. We recommend installing the 2022 SP4 version.

TTSD-52723 Templates and reports

The default name for a new value field is now created from the end of the attribute used in the value field formula. Previously it was created from the start of the attribute.

Length of the name remains the same (max. last 32 characters of the attribute). The name is started from the first letter after the full stop. For example, GetValue("ASSEMBLY.MAINPART.USERDEFINED.OBJECT_LOCKED") will be named as "USERDEFINED.OBJECT_LOCKED_field" instead of "ASSEMBLY.MAINPART.USERDEFINED.OB_field".

TTSD-52948 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: If the name of the folder that was selected as the export folder contained umlauts, the export failed. This has now been fixed.

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