Run a slab deflection analysis

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Run a slab deflection analysis

The same basic analysis process is followed irrespective of whether the current level (sub-model), a selected level, or all slabs in the model are analyzed.

In simple terms, events are considered in sequence.

For each event:

  • An iterative cracked section analysis including long term effects determines the deflection at the end of the event.
  • An additional analysis using the determined state of cracking along with short term cracked properties is undertaken to calculate the total instantaneous deflection associated with the event.
  • The state of cracking is carried forward to the next event as the starting point.

To run the analysis for specific or all sub models see the following instructions.

Run a slab deflection analysis for the current sub model

To analyze a specific sub model:

  1. Open a view of the required sub model from the Structure Tree in the Project Workspace.
  2. On the Slab Deflection tab, click Analyze Current
    At the end of the analysis the active sub model view switches into a Slab Deflections View regime and the Results group is available on the ribbon - ready for reviewing the results graphically.

Run a slab deflection analysis for all sub models

To analyze all sub models:

On the Slab Deflection tab, click Analyze All
At the end of the analysis the active view switches into a Slab Deflections View regime and the Results group is available on the ribbon - ready for reviewing the results graphically.

Run a slab deflection analysis for selected sub models

To analyze selected sub models:

On the Slab Deflection tab, click Analyze Selected
At the end of the analysis the active view switches into a Slab Deflections View regime and the Results group is available on the ribbon - ready for reviewing the results graphically.
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