Engineering library (Eurocode Design)

Tekla Tedds
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Engineering library (Eurocode Design)

The following Eurocode design engineering library calculations have been significantly updated for Tedds 2022.

RC raft foundation (EN1992)

New calculation which checks the ability of the elements of a raft foundation to support various loading arrangements without exceeding the allowable bearing pressure. The calculation also determines the quantities of reinforcement required to support the loads whilst spanning over theoretical circular depressions in the sub-soil which are assumed to form beneath the raft.

In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

Video demonstration

RC pile cap design (EN1992/EN1997)

Enhanced to include the option to design a triangular three pile-cap which is designed using the strut and tie model.

Video demonstration

Cross-laminated timber wall panel design (EN1995)

New calculation which determines the capacity of a vertically spanning, cross-laminated timber wall panel subjected to a horizontal wind load applied to the face of the panel and a series of vertical loads applied to its top edge.

The design is in accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

Video demonstration

Cross-laminated timber floor panel design (EN1995)

New calculation which determines the capacity of a horizontally spanning, cross-laminated timber floor panel subjected to a series of vertical area loads applied to its top edge. Floor panels may feature one or more openings and shear, flexure, perpendicular compression and deflection checks are performed.

The design is in accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

Cross-laminated timber section design (EN1995)

Calculation which determines the longitudinal and transverse properties of a cross-laminated timber panel section and checks its design while subject to bending, shear, perpendicular compression and axial tension and compression in both directions. In accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

Video demonstration

Cross-laminated timber section properties (EN1995)

Calculation which determines the section properties of a cross-laminated timber panel using the extended gamma method in accordance with the recommendations of Eurocode 5.

Video demonstration

Windpost design (EN1993)

New calculation which checks the design of a vertical steel beam acting as a windpost providing lateral support to a masonry wall subjected to a uniformly distributed wind load. Checks the capacity of the wall ties to distribute the wind loads from the loaded leaf to the other leaf. In accordance with EN1993 & EN1996 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

Video demonstration

Timber member design (EN1995)

Enhanced to allow built up sections to be wider than they are deep.

Component calculations

Added a new folder to the Engineering Library for "Component calculations". A component calculation encapsulates a small engineering solution which can be easily reused by other calculations. They are typically used by calculations in the Tedds Engineering Library and can also be integrated in your own custom written calculations.

  • Component calculation: Steel section classification (EN1993)

    Checks the section classification of carbon steel or stainless steel sections.

Other updates

Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the preview window.

  • Column base plate design (EN1993)

  • Crane gantry girder design (EN1993)

  • Foundation analysis & design (EN1992/EN1997)

  • Gabion retaining wall analysis & design (EN1997)

  • Masonry bearing design (EN1996)

  • Masonry column design (EN1996)

  • Masonry wall panel design (EN1996)

  • RC column design (EN1992)

  • RC design toolkit (EN1992)

  • RC corbel design (EN1992)

  • RC slab design (EN1992)

  • RC stair design (EN1992)

  • RC pile cap design (EN1992/EN1997)

  • RC wall design (EN1992)

  • Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN1996/EN1997)

  • Snow loading (EN1991)

  • Steel beam supporting hollowcore slab design (EN1993)

  • Steel beam torsion design (EN1993)

  • Steel column design (EN1993)

  • Steel masonry support (EN1993)

  • Steel member design (EN1993)

  • Steel member fire resistance design (EN1993)

  • Steel sheet piling design (EN1997)

  • Steel to concrete simple connection design (EN1993)

  • Timber connection design (EN1995)

  • Timber 2D analysis & design (EN1995)

  • Timber member analysis & design (EN1995)

  • Timber member design (EN1995)

  • Timber frame racking loads (EN1991)

  • Windpost design (EN1993)

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