Tekla Tedds 2019 release notes

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Updated Installer

Installer now includes Tekla Tedds Service Pack 3 and the September 2019 Engineering update

What’s new?

Some features documented below were included in previous updates to Tedds 2018.

Engineering library (United Kingdom & Asia)

Steel simple connection design (EN1993)

  • New calculation for the analysis & design of simple beam to beam and beam to column steel connections. The calculation checks for shear and tying design forces and will automatically size the connection for the specified beam sizes. In accordance with EN1993 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

RC pile cap design (EN1992/EN1997)

  • New calculation for the design of pile caps supporting a single column with up to 9 piles. The column may be subject to axial compression or tension, shear loads and biaxial bending. Steel, concrete or timber piles can be defined with compression, tension and shear capacity. The calculation checks positive and negative bending in the pile cap, shear, column punching shear, pile punching shear, punching shear for pile pairs, and corner pile shear as appropriate. In accordance with EN1992, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

Timber joist design (EN1995)

  • New calculation which checks the design of a solid timber or glulam joist subjected to uniformly distributed loads and a point load. Line loads can also be included at the end of cantilever spans. Permanent, imposed, snow and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected. The joist may be either a simply supported single span or a continuous span beam. In accordance with EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

​Timber rafter design (EN1995)

  • New calculation which checks the design of a solid timber or glulam rafter subjected to uniformly distributed loads and a point load. Permanent, imposed, snow and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected. The rafter may be either a simply supported single span or a continuous span beam propped by purlins. In accordance with EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

Timber ​stud design (EN1995)

  • New calculation which checks the design of a solid timber or glulam stud subjected to uniformly distributed and point loads. Permanent, imposed and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected. In accordance with EN1990, EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

​Rolling load analysis

  • Enhanced calculation for the analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train which can include unlimited wheel point loads. A Eurocode version is included in addition to the British Standards version. The user interface has been significantly improved with all options available on a single dialog, preview results and moment, shear and deflection envelope diagrams. The output options have been enhanced to include a user defined title, user defined notes and geometry, moment, shear and deflection diagrams. The calculation can also be used with the Tedds batch design spread sheets to rapidly compare multiple design scenarios.

    Watch video demonstration

​Design rainfall (The Wallingford Procedure)

Infiltration system design (SUDS)

Stormwater attenuation design

Swale and filter strip design

Soakaway design (BRE digest 365/SUDS)

  • Enhanced to include the option to extrapolate the 50 year and 100 year Z2 values to 200 years.

Batch desig​n

  • Enhanced to allow the output for each design case to be saved to PDF or Microsoft Rich Text Format. Enhanced to include the option to select an existing example and have the fields automatically populated. New working examples for Rolling load analysis, Steel simple connection design (EN1993), Steel member design (EN1993), RC beam design (EN1992) and Timber member design (EN1995) are now included. A new option has been added to completely disable the user interface of a calculation if that calculation has a dedicated Calc API (Application Programming Interface), i.e. the calculation can be used to design check only with no manual user interaction. Refer to the calculation notes for specific calculations to determine whether they support a Calc API. If the user interface is completely disabled the calculation performance improves significantly, however the input data will not be validated in any way. An option has also been added to set the input variables in the user interface of the calculation to be read only thus preventing input which has been defined in the batch design work sheet from being subsequently amended in the user interface of the calculation.


​Gabion retaining wall analysis & design (EN1997)

Masonry wall panel design (EN1996)

Masonry bearing design (EN1996)

Pile analysis (EN1997)

RC stair design (EN1992)

Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN1996/EN1997)

Steel sheet piling design (EN1997)

Timber connection design (EN1995)

Timber frame racking panel design (EN1995)

  • Enhanced output to include an optional summary table showing key results and an optional user defined note.

Wind loading (EN1991)

Snow loading (EN1991) ​

  • Enhanced output to include options for a user defined title and user defined notes.

RC slab design (EN1992) ​

  • Enhanced user interface for an improved user experience. The output has also been enhanced to include an optional summary table showing key results and an optional user defined note.

Timber member analysis & design (EN1995)

T​imber 2D analysis & design (EN1995)

  • New Timber member analysis & design calculations which are fully integrated with the 2D analysis calculation. The calculations check the design of solid timber, flitch, glulam and LVL members subject to major axis bending, shear and axial tension or compression. The design checks are in accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch Timber 2D analysis and design (EN1995) video

    Watch Timber member analysis and design (EN1995) video
  • The 'Timber member analysis & design' calculation can be used to design a single member or the 'Timber 2D analysis & design' calculation can be used to model a small frame or truss and then design one or more members in that frame as required.

Timber member design (EN1​995)

  • New version of the existing Timber member design calculation which checks the design of solid timber, flitch, glulam and LVL members subject to major axis bending, shear and axial tension or compression. Solid timber, glulam and LVL members can also be subject to minor axis bending. The design checks are in accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch Timber member design (EN1995) video

RC beam analysis & design (E​N1992)

  • Enhanced to simplify the user interface and to improve the calculation performance for an overall improved user experience.

    Watch video

Masonry bearing design (BS5628) ​

Masonry bearing design (EN1996)

  • Enhanced to allow walls to be designed using Wienerberger Porotherm blocks a unique precision-engineered clay block walling system designed to provide a faster, dryer, safer and more sustainable building process.

Timber beam analysis & design (EN1995)

Timber member analysis & design (EN1995)

Timber 2D analysis & design (EN1995)

Timber member design (EN1995)

Timber connection design (EN19​95)

  • All Eurocode timber calculations enhanced to allow for designs using C16+ timber grade.

Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "Updated (Tedds 2018)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the preview window.

  • 2D analysis
  • Bearing pressures for rectangular footings
  • Bolt group analysis
  • Composite beam design (BS5950)
  • Concrete industrial ground floor slab design (TR34)
  • Concrete specification (BS8500)
  • Crane gantry girder design (BS5950)
  • Foundation analysis & design (EN1992/EN1997)
  • Masonry column design (EN1996)
  • Masonry wall panel design (EN1996)
  • RC 2D analysis & design (EN1992)
  • RC beam design (EN1992)
  • RC column design (EN1992)
  • RC design toolkit (EN1992)
  • RC wall design (EN1992)
  • Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN1996/EN1997)
  • Rigid diaphragm force distribution
  • Snow loading (EN1991)
  • Steel 2D analysis & design (EN1993)
  • Steel beam analysis & design (BS5950)
  • Steel member analysis & design (EN1993)
  • Steel member design (BS5950)
  • Steel member design (EN1993)
  • Tata Steel RoofDek analysis (EN1993/EN1999)
  • Wind loading (BS6399)
  • Wind loading (EN1991)

Engineering library (Europe)

​Steel simple connection design (EN1993)

  • New calculation for the analysis & design of simple beam to beam and beam to column steel connections. The calculation checks for shear and tying design forces and will automatically size the connection for the specified beam sizes. In accordance with EN1993 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

RC pile cap design (EN1992/EN​1997)

  • New calculation for the design of pile caps supporting a single column with up to 9 piles. The column may be subject to axial compression or tension, shear loads and biaxial bending. Steel, concrete or timber piles can be defined with compression, tension and shear capacity. The calculation checks positive and negative bending in the pile cap, shear, column punching shear, pile punching shear, punching shear for pile pairs, and corner pile shear as appropriate. In accordance with EN1992, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

Timber joist design ​(EN1995)

  • New calculation which checks the design of a solid timber or glulam joist subjected to uniformly distributed loads and a point load. Line loads can also be included at the end of cantilever spans. Permanent, imposed, snow and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected. The joist may be either a simply supported single span or a continuous span beam. In accordance with EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

Timber rafter design (​EN1995)

  • New calculation which checks the design of a solid timber or glulam rafter subjected to uniformly distributed loads and a point load. Permanent, imposed, snow and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected. The rafter may be either a simply supported single span or a continuous span beam propped by purlins. In accordance with EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

Timber stud desig​n (EN1995)

  • New calculation which checks the design of a solid timber or glulam stud subjected to uniformly distributed and point loads. Permanent, imposed and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected. In accordance with EN1990, EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch video demonstration

Rolling lo​ad analysis

  • Enhanced calculation for the analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train which can include unlimited wheel point loads. A Eurocode version is included in addition to the British Standards version. The user interface has been significantly improved with all options available on a single dialog, preview results and moment, shear and deflection envelope diagrams. The output options have been enhanced to include a user defined title, user defined notes and geometry, moment, shear and deflection diagrams. The calculation can also be used with the Tedds batch design spread sheets to rapidly compare multiple design scenarios.

    Watch video demonstration

Batch ​design

  • Enhanced to allow the output for each design case to be saved to PDF or Microsoft Rich Text Format. Enhanced to include the option to select an existing example and have the fields automatically populated. New working examples for Rolling load analysis, Steel simple connection design (EN1993), Steel member design (EN1993), RC beam design (EN1992) and Timber member design (EN1995) are now included. A new option has been added to completely disable the user interface of a calculation if that calculation has a dedicated Calc API (Application Programming Interface), i.e. the calculation can be used to design check only with no manual user interaction. Refer to the calculation notes for specific calculations to determine whether they support a Calc API. If the user interface is completely disabled the calculation performance improves significantly, however the input data will not be validated in any way. An option has also been added to set the input variables in the user interface of the calculation to be read only thus preventing input which has been defined in the batch design work sheet from being subsequently amended in the user interface of the calculation.


Gabion retaining wall analysis & design (EN1997)

Masonry wall panel design (EN1996)

Masonry bearing design (EN1996)

Pile analysis (EN1997)

RC stair design (EN1992)

Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN​1996/EN1997)

Steel sheet piling design (EN1997)

Timber connection design (EN1995)

Timber frame racking panel design (EN1995)

  • Enhanced output to include an optional summary table showing key results and an optional user defined note.

Wind loading (EN1991) Snow loading (EN​1991)

  • Enhanced output to include options for a user defined title and user defined notes.

RC slab design (E​N1992)

  • Enhanced user interface for an improved user experience. The output has also been enhanced to include an optional summary table showing key results and an optional user defined note.

Timber member analysis & design (EN1995​)

Timber 2D analysis & design (EN1995)

  • New Timber member analysis & design calculations which are fully integrated with the 2D analysis calculation. The calculations check the design of solid timber, flitch, glulam and LVL members subject to major axis bending, shear and axial tension or compression. The design checks are in accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch Timber 2D analysis and design (EN1995) video

    Watch Timber member analysis and design (EN1995) video


    The 'Timber member analysis & design' calculation can be used to design a single member or the 'Timber 2D analysis & design' calculation can be used to model a small frame or truss and then design one or more members in that frame as required.
  • Image

Timber member desi​gn (EN1995)

  • New version of the existing Timber member design calculation which checks the design of solid timber, flitch, glulam and LVL members subject to major axis bending, shear and axial tension or compression. Solid timber, glulam and LVL members can also be subject to minor axis bending. The design checks are in accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

    Watch Timber member design (EN1995) video

RC beam analysis & desi​gn (EN1992)

  • Enhanced to simplify the user interface and to improve the calculation performance for an overall improved user experience.

    Watch video

​Timber beam analysis & design (EN1995)

Timber member analysis & design (EN1995)

Timber 2D analysis & design (EN1995)

Timber member design (EN1995)

Timber connection design (EN1995)

  • All Eurocode timber calculations enhanced to allow for designs using C16+ timber grade.

Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "Updated (Tedds 2018)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the preview window.

  • 2D analysis
  • Bearing pressures for rectangular footings
  • Bolt group analysis
  • Foundation analysis & design (EN1992/EN1997)
  • Masonry column design (EN1996)
  • Masonry wall panel design (EN1996)
  • RC 2D analysis & design (EN1992)
  • RC beam design (EN1992)
  • RC column design (EN1992)
  • RC design toolkit (EN1992)
  • RC wall design (EN1992)
  • Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN1996/EN1997)
  • Rigid diaphragm force distribution
  • Snow loading (EN1991)
  • Steel 2D analysis & design (EN1993)
  • Steel member analysis & design (EN1993)
  • Steel member design (EN1993)
  • Tata Steel RoofDek analysis (EN1993/EN1999)
  • Wind loading (EN1991)

Engineering library (USA)

Wind loading (ASCE7)

Snow Loading (ASCE7)

Se​ismic forces (ASCE7)

  • All loading calculations enhanced in accordance with ASCE7-16.

Steel 2D analysis & design (AISC360)

St​eel member analysis & design (AISC360)

Steel member design (AISC360)

Steel beam analysis & design (AISC360)

Steel column design (AISC360)

Composite beam design (AISC360)

Column base plate design (AISC360)

  • All steel calculations enhanced in accordance with AISC360-16.

Wood beam analysis & design (NDS)

Wood connection design (NDS)

Wood ledger design (NDS)

Wood shear wall design (NDS)

  • Enhanced in accordance with NDS 2018.

Retaining wall anal​ysis & design (ACI318/MSJC)

Wood ledger design (NDS)

Wood shear wall design (NDS)

Footing analysis & design (ACI318)

RC pile cap analysis & design (ACI318)

  • All calculations enhanced to incorporate load combinations for ASCE7-16/IBC 2018.

Flagpole embedment (IBC)

Pile analysis ​(FHWA)

  • Enhanced to incorporate IBC 2018.

Wood member desig​n (NDS)

  • New version of the calculation which checks the design of solid wood, glulam and structural composite members subject to major and minor axis bending, shear, bearing and axial tension or compression, and flitch members subject to major axis bending, shear and bearing. All design is in accordance with the provisions for Allowable Stress Design (ASD) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methods and NDS 2018, NDS 2015, 2012 or 2005.

    Watch video demonstration

Rolling load​ analysis

  • Enhanced calculation for the analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train which can include unlimited wheel point loads. The user interface has been significantly improved with all options available on a single dialog, preview results and moment, shear and deflection envelope diagrams. The output options have been enhanced to include a user defined title, user defined notes and geometry, moment, shear and deflection diagrams. The calculation can also be used with the Tedds batch design spread sheets to rapidly compare multiple design scenarios.

    Watch video demonstration

Batch ​design

  • Enhanced to allow the output for each design case to be saved to PDF or Microsoft Rich Text Format. Enhanced to include the option to select an existing example and have the fields automatically populated. New working examples for Rolling load analysis, Steel member design (AISC360) and RC beam design (ACI318) are now included. A new option has been added to completely disable the user interface of a calculation if that calculation has a dedicated Calc API (Application Programming Interface), i.e. the calculation can be used to design check only with no manual user interaction. Refer to the calculation notes for specific calculations to determine whether they support a Calc API. If the user interface is completely disabled the calculation performance improves significantly, however the input data will not be validated in any way. An option has also been added to set the input variables in the user interface of the calculation to be read only thus preventing input which has been defined in the batch design work sheet from being subsequently amended in the user interface of the calculation.


RC beam analysis & design (​ACI318)

  • Enhanced to simplify the user interface and to improve the calculation performance for an overall improved user experience.

Wind loading ​(ASCE7)

  • Enhanced to include output options for a user defined title and output notes.

Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "Updated (Tedds 2018)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the preview window.

  • 2D analysis
  • Anchor bolt design (ACI318)
  • Bearing pressures for rectangular footings
  • Bolt group analysis
  • Masonry wall panel design (MSJC)
  • RC pile cap design (ACI318)
  • RC two way slab design (ACI318)
  • RC wall design (ACI318)
  • Retaining wall analysis & design (ACI318/MSJC)
  • Rigid diaphragm force distribution
  • Tilt-up wall panel design (ACI318)

Engineering library (Australia)

Rolling load a​nalysis

  • Enhanced calculation for the analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train which can include unlimited wheel point loads. The user interface has been significantly improved with all options available on a single dialog, preview results and moment, shear and deflection envelope diagrams. The output options have been enhanced to include a user defined title, user defined notes and geometry, moment, shear and deflection diagrams. The calculation can also be used with the Tedds batch design spread sheets to rapidly compare multiple design scenarios.

    Watch video demonstration

Batch d​esign

  • Enhanced to allow the output for each design case to be saved to PDF or Microsoft Rich Text Format. Enhanced to include the option to select an existing example and have the fields automatically populated. New working examples for Rolling load analysis, Steel member design (AS4100) and RC beam design (AS3600) are now included. A new option has been added to completely disable the user interface of a calculation if that calculation has a dedicated Calc API (Application Programming Interface), i.e. the calculation can be used to design check only with no manual user interaction. Refer to the calculation notes for specific calculations to determine whether they support a Calc API. If the user interface is completely disabled the calculation performance improves significantly, however the input data will not be validated in any way. An option has also been added to set the input variables in the user interface of the calculation to be read only thus preventing input which has been defined in the batch design work sheet from being subsequently amended in the user interface of the calculation.


RC beam analysis & design ​(AS3600)

  • Enhanced to simplify the user interface and to improve the calculation performance for an overall improved user experience.

Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "Updated (Tedds 2018)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the preview window.

  • 2D analysis
  • Bearing pressures for rectangular footings
  • Bolt group analysis
  • RC 2D analysis & design (AS3600)
  • RC beam analysis & design (AS3600)
  • RC beam design (AS3600)
  • Retaining wall analysis & design (AS4678/AS3600/AS3700)
  • Rigid diaphragm force distribution
  • Seismic loading (AS1170)
  • Steel 2D analysis & design (AS4100)
  • Steel member analysis & design (AS4100)
  • Steel member design (AS4100)
  • Tilt-up wall panel design (AS3600)

Engineering library (Canada)

Rolling load anal​ysis

  • Enhanced calculation for the analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train which can include unlimited wheel point loads. The user interface has been significantly improved with all options available on a single dialog, preview results and moment, shear and deflection envelope diagrams. The output options have been enhanced to include a user defined title, user defined notes and geometry, moment, shear and deflection diagrams. The calculation can also be used with the Tedds batch design spread sheets to rapidly compare multiple design scenarios.

    Watch video demonstration

Batch ​design

  • Enhanced to allow the output for each design case to be saved to PDF or Microsoft Rich Text Format. Enhanced to include the option to select an existing example and have the fields automatically populated. New working examples for Rolling load analysis are now included. A new option has been added to completely disable the user interface of a calculation if that calculation has a dedicated Calc API (Application Programming Interface), i.e. the calculation can be used to design check only with no manual user interaction. Refer to the calculation notes for specific calculations to determine whether they support a Calc API. If the user interface is completely disabled the calculation performance improves significantly, however the input data will not be validated in any way. An option has also been added to set the input variables in the user interface of the calculation to be read only thus preventing input which has been defined in the batch design work sheet from being subsequently amended in the user interface of the calculation.

Adobe PDF support


  • The Tedds application now allows documents to be saved in PDF format (File\Save As\Save As PDF).
  • Tedds for Word allows documents to be saved in PDF format using the built in PDF support included in Tedds which outputs the sketches created by Tedds calculations better than some PDF software including Microsoft Office (Ribbon\Tools\More\Export\Portable Document Format).
  • The Tedds batch design has been enhanced allowing the output for each design case to be saved in PDF format.
  • The Tedds API has been enhanced allowing the output generated by the calculator to be returned in PDF format.
  • Tedds for Word also has improved support for PDF output by using the new sketch output format option which determines the format used to output sketches to the document. Normally sketches are output in the Enhanced Metafile Plus format which provides the best quality of output, however some PDF software including Microsoft Office do not correctly convert EMF+ data to PDF (sketches may appear at the wrong scale). The new option which is located at "Tedds Options\Calculating\General\Sketches\Output format" causes sketches to be output in the Enhanced Metafile format which is better supported by PDF tools but may result in lower quality images and some drawing features being omitted.

Tekla Support Tool

Contact your local Tekla support team directly from the Tedds application or Tedds for Word. Your document and other necessary information which will help our technical support team to resolve your problem as quickly as possible are all automatically and safely included in one support request.

Tekla Online Side Pane

Content easily at hand: Using the Tekla Online Side Pane which is new for Tedds for Word, you can search for support material in Tekla user assistance and Discussion forums content and see what's new in Tekla online services directly Tedds for Word - get the most out of your Tekla maintenance.



Tekla Structures - Tekla Tedds Integrator

The Tekla Tedds Integrator allows Tedds documents to be linked to Tekla Structures models. You can link existing documents or create new documents which your or other Tekla Structures users can then easily modify or review during your BIM workflow.

Watch video demonstration

The Tekla Tedds Integrator can be downloaded from the Tekla Warehouse

Tekla Structural Designer

Tekla Structural Designer 2019 allows the timber members in Tekla Structural Designer models to be designed to the Eurocode (EN1995) or the US design code (NDS) using Tekla Tedds. Seamless integration transfers the design forces to the Tedds Timber member design (EN1995) calculation or the Wood member design (NDS) calculation where you can check and refine your design, the final properties for the member will then be transferred back to the Tekla Structural Designer model.

Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Tedds Eurocode Timber design (EN1995) video demonstration

Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Tedds US Wood design (NDS) video demonstration

Tedds for Word

  • Added new commands to the Variables menu for importing and exporting variables to and from a Tedds XML variables file. These commands allow input in Tedds for Word to be exported for use in an API scenario or the results from an API scenario to be imported and replicated in Tedds for Word. The commands can also be used to transfer variables from one Tedds for Word document to another.

Tedds Application

  • [TEDDS-472]1 Fixed Tedds application showing an additional Tedds icon on the Windows taskbar when the Start page dialog was open.
  • [TEDDS-3126]1 Modified the default location for file/open save to be the most recently used location rather than the default document location.


  • [TEDDS-3135]1 Fixed DataGraph, DataTable and Section Designer applications not showing Help if applications were running during the calculation process.

2D analysis

  • [TEDDS-2665]1 Added new solver function SolvDeleteAllCombinations which will delete all of the existing load combinations in the analysis model.
  • [TEDDS-3013]1 Add new solver function SolvDeleteAllLoadcases which will delete all the defined load cases and all the load combinations (which are dependent on load cases) in the analysis model.
  • [TEDDS-2664]1 Enhanced solver to allow a rolling load train to be added to a single design member. Load cases are added which simulate the load train travelling across the member. Results can be accessed using the normal solver query functions.

Writing calculations

  • [TEDDS-3119]1 Library Access System - Enhanced the so that when a Calc Library is imported the items are automatically put into a group which allows all the items to be copied to another set in one go.
  • [TEDDS-1027]1 Library Access System - Fixed edit item properties dialog showing the current library in the drop list twice.
  • [TEDDS-857]1 Interface Designer - Fixed buttons in user interfaces not updating if the text for the button is determined by an expression and that text changes as a result of another control on the same page of the user interface changing.
  • [TEDDS-471]1 Calc Designer - Fixed the command to open the Library Access System, the LAS would open but if it was not already open then it would immediately shutdown.
  • [TEDDS-3008]1 Fixed WatchVar function ignoring the expression command argument when no formatting units are defined.
  • [TEDDS-3029]1 Fixed WatchVar causing Tedds to crash when calculating is finished if a temporary variables was being watched.
  • [TEDDS-1373]1 Fixed WaitMessage function sometimes showing the message window off the screen.
  • [TEDDS-2644]1 New function "VariablesWindow" which will show the variable manager window (only available when the Tedds Debug option is enabled on the Tedds Developer tab of the Word ribbon).

Tedds API

  • Enhanced Calculator interface to include VersionMajor and VersionMinor properties which can be used to determine what version of Tedds is installed.
  • Enhanced Calculator interface to include VersionLibraryMajor and VersionLinbraryMinor properties which can be used to determine what version of the Tedds Engineering library is installed.
  • Enhanced Calculator interface to include a Status property which can be used to determine whether the end user cancelled the calculation process.
  • [TEDDS-3121]1 Enhanced Calculator interface method GetOutput to allow output to be returned in PDF format.

+ Many more enhancements and improvements…

Trimble Connect

Tekla Tedds integrates with Trimble Connect, for construction project collaboration on desktop, mobile and web. Store your Tedds documents in the cloud using Trimble Connect for effective project collaboration on all your projects.

  • To start using Tedds with Trimble Connect simply complete the following 3 simple steps:
  1. Create an online account to Get Started using Trimble Connect
  2. Download and Install the Trimble Connect Sync tool for Windows
    • Open Tedds for Word, ensure you are signed in to your Microsoft Office account, select the File tab and then select Account. Click Add a Service, select Storage and then select Trimble Connect.

Once setup the file open and save commands in Tedds and Tedds for Word will include additional options for saving to your default Trimble Connect synchronisation folder.

Software Update Service

The Software Update Service allows you to get the latest improvements to Tedds as soon as they are available. Providing you have an active internet connection you will be notified by Tedds whenever a new update is available. You can check for updates at any time from the Tedds help menu.


Tedds includes a comprehensive help system and documentation that are accessible from the application Help menu.

Tekla User Assistance

The Tekla User Assistance service is a 24/7 online support channel for fast self-service, where you can find all the product guides, additional knowledge-base articles and instructional videos.

Tekla Discussion Forum

The Tekla Discussion Forum is the place to meet other users and discuss topics related to Tekla products. You can ask questions, contribute to the community by sharing your knowledge or get answers from support personnel.


The Tekla Helpdesks support your daily operations so that our systems function as expected and any problems are solved as quickly as possible.


Feedback directly influences the development of Tedds and many of the new and enhanced features in this version are a direct result of feedback from existing users. If you have a suggestion to improve Tedds then please let us know. Feedback can be sent to the development team at any time by emailing feedback@tedds.com.

Thank you for using Tekla Tedds,

The Tedds product development team


1 This number is an internal reference number and can be quoted to your local Support Department should further information on an item be required.

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