Translate content information in Tekla Warehouse to other languages

Tekla Structures
Modified: 17 Sep 2024
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Translate content information in Tekla Warehouse to other languages

You can translate the information on the pages for your organization's collections and content items in Tekla Warehouse to different languages.

You can translate content such as titles, descriptions, and metadata. You can translate either single pages or multiple pages at the same time. The translated pages are shown to the users in the language that they use on the Tekla Warehouse website if the appropriate translation is available.

Translate information for an individual collection or a content item

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Go to the collection or content item page.
  3. To activate editor mode, click On.
  4. Click Translations.
  5. In the Edit translations dialog box, select the language that you want to translate to from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter translations for the content information.
  7. Click Save.

Translate information for multiple collections or content items

If you have several collections and content items in Tekla Warehouse, you can download the metadata of multiple collections or content items, translate it to multiple languages, then upload it back to Tekla Warehouse.

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Go to the collection or content item page.
  3. To activate editor mode, click On.
  4. Click Batch translations.

    The Batch translations dialog box opens.

  5. Select collections and content items in one of the following ways:
    • Click the + symbol next to an item to show content in a tree structure, then select the check box next to each collection or content item that you want to translate.
    • Select Select all.
  6. Click Export.

    A .txt/.xml file that contains the information for the selected content is generated and downloaded to your computer.

  7. In the .txt file, enter the translations for each collection or content item, language, and parameter.

    You can have the text in the file translated by a translation agency, or you can translate it yourself.

    Note: The translated .txt file must have exactly the same syntax as the original file.
    • Each collection or content item has a section in the .txt file. Collection sections start with "collection_xxx", and content item sections with "package_xxx".
    • A language code, such as "en" for English, "cs" for Simplified Chinese, or "de" for German, indicates where the collection-specific or content-item-specific section for each language starts.
    • Enter each translation after the corresponding parameter or field name in quotation marks " ".

      In this example, the translations are shown with bold:

      "es": { "title": "Spanish title", "description": "Spanish description", "copyright": "Spanish copyright", "details": "Spanish details" },

      Note: If you do not need translations for certain texts, you can leave the fields empty. Do not remove the quotation marks " ".
  8. Save the translated .txt file in the same folder as the downloaded file.
  9. Import the translated .txt to Tekla Warehouse.
    1. In Tekla Warehouse, in the Batch translations dialog box, click Import.
    2. Select the translated .txt file to import.
    3. Click Import.
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