Obsolete advanced options

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Obsolete advanced options

This page lists the advanced options that have become obsolete in Tekla Structures versions 2024 - 2018.

This page is updated when an advanced option becomes obsolete in a Tekla Structures version.

Tekla Structures 2024

Advanced options related to DGN export

The following advanced options related to the DGN export do not work and have been removed from Tekla Structures:

XS_​DGN_​EXPORT_​PART_​AS - This advanced option was used to specify how Tekla Structures exports solid objects to DGN format.

XS_​EXPORT_​DGN_​ROUND_​SEGMENTS - This advanced option was used to define the number of segments Tekla Structures uses to display round tubes.

XS_​EXPORT_​DGN_​USE_​CLASS_​AS_​COLOR - This advanced option was used to set the color for exported parts by the part class

XS_EXPORT_DGN_INCLUDE_INNER_CONTOUR - This advanced option was used to include or exclude inner contours of tubes in DGN exports.


Advanced options defining Special hatch color

The following advanced options that were used for defining the Special hatch color for printing or export have been removed from Tekla Structures:

XS_​HATCH_​SPECIAL_​COLOR_​ACI - This advanced option was used to set the AutoCAD color index for the Special color in hatches in drawing export.

XS_​HATCH_​SPECIAL_​COLOR_​R - This advanced option was used to define the red value of the hatch color that is not converted to black when printed. The defined color was be printed as color or grayscale, depending on the selected printer settings.

XS_​HATCH_​SPECIAL_​COLOR_​G - This advanced option was used to define the green value of the hatch color that is not converted to black when printed. The defined color was be printed as color or grayscale, depending on the selected printer settings.

XS_​HATCH_​SPECIAL_​COLOR_​B - This advanced option was used to define the blue value of the hatch color that is not converted to black when printed. The defined color was be printed as color or grayscale, depending on the selected printer settings.

You can define custom RGB colors and use those in hatches instead. Models created with Tekla Structures versions older than 2024 containing values for the removed advanced options are still supported.


Advanced option defining colors

In Tekla Structures version 2024 and newer, the following advanced options have been replaced by new advanced options that also accept RGB values:

XS_​POP_​MARK_​COLOR - This advanced option was used to define the color of a customized pop-mark symbol that is displayed in a drawing. Instead, you can now use the advanced option XS_​POP_​MARK_​COLOR_RGB, which also accepts RGB values in addition to single color index values.

XS_SECTION_LINE_COLOR - This advanced option was used to add extra lines in different colors around automatic hatching in section views. Instead, you can now use the advanced option XS_SECTION_LINE_COLOR_RGB, which also accepts RGB values in addition to single color index values.

XS_​SHORTENING_​SYMBOL_​COLOR - This advanced option was used to set the color of the view shortening symbol. Instead, you can now use the advanced option XS_SHORTENING_SYMBOL_COLOR_BGB, which also accepts RGB values in addition to single color index values.


Advanced options related to CIMSteel import and export

After the removal of the CIMSteel export and import in Tekla Structures 2021, these advanced option are no longer needed and have been removed from Tekla Structures versions 2022, 2023, and 2024:

XS_CIS_DEP1_DATABASE_PATH - This advanced option was used to define a path to the temporary database thatTekla Structures creates while converting a model from/to CIMSteel STEP format.

XS_CIS_DEP1_DATABASE_NAME - This advanced option was used to define the name of the temporary database used in CIMSteel transfers.

XS_CIS_DEP1_DATABASE_PASSW - This advanced option was used to define the password for the temporary database used in CIMSteel transfers.

XS_CIS_DEP1_EXPRESS_FILE - This advanced option was used to specify the name of the EXPRESS file describing the CIMsteel DEP1 logical product model. This file was when converting a Tekla Structures model to/from CIMSteel DEP1 STEP format.



This advanced option is no longer needed. It was used to specify the location of the help files in the .chm (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help) format, which was used for some components. Some of the old component .chm files are still used, but the path is read from the registry, not from this advanced option.



These advanced options have been removed.


Tekla Structures 2023


The advanced options that controlled clash check content have been removed. You can now control the clash check content in the Clash check manager dialog box using the existing settings Between parts, Between reference models, and Objects in reference models.



After the improvements in rebar shape recognition, these advanced option are no longer needed and they have been removed. Tekla Structures 2023 works the same way as the previous versions with these advanced options set to the default value TRUE.

XS_REBAR_COMBINE_BENDINGS_IN_EVALUATOR was used to control how multiple sequential bendings in reinforcing bars are handled in Rebar shape manager. XS_REBAR_USE_POLYCURVES_IN_EVALUATOR was used to control how polycurve geometries of reinforcing bars were handled in Rebar shape manager.

TTSD-55772, TTSD-56008


This advanced option has been hidden from Tekla Structures user interface. It is only for use by administrators.

This advanced option was used to also clean the int arrays when you used the Repair model command.


Tekla Structures 2022


This advanced option is deprecated, but still supported in Tekla Structures 2022 and older versions.

XS_DIR was used for pointing to the folder for Tekla Structures data, source, and binary files. Instead of XS_DIR, we recommend that you use XSDATADIR to find the root location for the installation, or XSBIN to find the location where binaries are found.


This advanced option is deprecated, but still supported in Tekla Structures 2022 and older versions.

XS_MESSAGES was used for defining the location of the message files. Instead of XS_MESSAGES, we recommend that you use XS_MESSAGES_PATH, which allows you to define several message file locations.


This advanced option is deprecated, but still supported in Tekla Structures 2022 and older versions.

XS_APPLICATIONS was used for defining the folder that contains the connection, detail, and detailing tool applications. Instead of XS_APPLICATIONS, we recommend that you use XS_APPLICATIONS_PATH, which allows you to define several application file locations.


This advanced option is not used anymore by the macro engine, and has been removed. For macro scripting, use "#pragma reference" instead, either with absolute path, relative path, environment variables, or in the model folder.

XS_MACRO_REFERENCES was used to define a path to an additional library that is used when a macro is compiled.

This advanced option was marked as obsolete in Tekla User Assistance for Tekla Structures version 2022, but Tekla Structures stopped using it already in version 2016 when the new macro engine was introduced.


This advanced option has been removed, which means that you can no longer set Tekla Structures to automatically calculate and update the pour units in shared models during writing out and reading in. Instead, each user has to run the Calculate pour units command in their local version of the shared model to update the pour units. This has been the case also in Tekla Structures 2021 where the default value of this advanced option was changed to FALSE.


Tekla Structures 2021


The advanced options XS_HATCH_OVERLAPPING_FACES_IN_DX and XS_USE_DASHED_HIDDEN_LINES for controlling the DirectX rendered model views have been removed. Instead, you can now use the Hatching of overlapping surfaces and Dashed line for hidden line options in Tekla Structures basic settings in File menu > Settings > Switches.

XS_HATCH_OVERLAPPING_FACES_IN_DX was used for controlling whether hatching is shown for overlapping surfaces in the DirectX rendered model views.

XS_USE_DASHED_HIDDEN_LINES was used for controlling whether the part hidden lines are visible in the DirectX rendered model views.



The XS_​LINE_​WIDTH advanced option did not work as expected and therefore it has been removed. It was meant for controlling the width of lines in model views.



You no longer need to set the advanced option XS_IFC4_EXPORT_PLEASE to TRUE in the teklastructures.ini file to start the IFC4 export. The command to start the IFC4 export is always available in Tekla Structures File > Export if allowed by your configuration.


You no longer need to set the advanced option XS_CREATE_MISSING_MARKS_IN_INTELLIGENT_CLONING to create marks to a cloned drawing also for parts that could not be mapped to the cloning template drawing. The functionality is available in the cloning settings (Other marks > Create) and in the Master Drawing Catalog cloning settings (Marks > Create).


Tekla Structures 2019


This advanced option has been removed. You can now control the grid font size in the grid properties in the property pane instead of using the advanced option.


This advanced option has been removed. You can now control the grid color in the grid properties in the property pane instead of using the advanced option.


This advanced option has been removed. You can now control the line type of construction lines and construction circles in the property pane instead of using the advanced options.

Tekla Structures 2018


This advanced option has been removed. The new support tool released in Tekla Structures version 2018 no longer uses this advanced option, but automatically reads your name, email address, company name, and support email address from your Trimble Identity profile.

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