Lock models and delete model versions in the Management Console

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Lock models and delete model versions in the Management Console

In the Management Console, you can lock models for investigation and delete versions from models to resolve issues with changes in the model.

Lock a model for investigation

If a shared model has changes that might cause problems, you can lock the model to prevent any further changes in the model. While the model is locked, a user can investigate the model to identify the problem.

  1. In the navigation pane of the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing, click Models to list all of your organization's shared models.
  2. Click the icon on the model's row.

    The Lock/Unlock model dialog box opens.

  3. In the Lock Comment box, add a comment about why you are locking the model.
  4. To inform users that the model has been locked, select Send email to users.
  5. Select one user as the lock owner.

    The lock owner is responsible for investigating the model to find the problem, and is the only user who can read in and write out packets while the model is locked.

  6. Click Lock.

    Locking the model changes the availability of the sharing commands in Tekla Model Sharing:

    • The Read in and Write out icons have yellow arrows . Only the lock owner can use the commands.

      Placing the mouse pointer on the Write out icon shows the lock comment that the administrator has added in the Management Console when locking the model. The message also shows who the lock owner is.

    • On the File menu, the Read in, Write out, Create baseline and Users commands are available for the lock owner.

    • In the Shared models dialog box, the Edit model, Manage users, and Remove model from cloud commands , and joining a particular model are available for the lock owner.

    For other users, the sharing commands are not available.

  7. To close the dialog box, click Close.

Next, the lock owner investigates the model. When the model version that caused the problem has been identified, you can delete it.

Delete a model version

Before deleting a model version, the lock owner can investigate the model to identify which version caused the problem. It is also possible to delete a model version without further investigating it.

When you delete a model version, the shared model reverts to the version before the one that you deleted. If there are newer versions than the one that you deleted, the newer versions are also deleted.


When model versions are deleted, the changes that have been made in those versions are lost from the model. You must make the changes that should be included in the model again and read them in.

  1. In the navigation pane of the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing, click Models to list all of your organization's shared models.
  2. In the Versions column for the model, click the icon.
  3. Select one or more versions to delete.
  4. In the Add Comment box, add a comment about why you are deleting the versions.
  5. To inform users that the versions have been deleted, select Send email to users.
  6. Click Delete versions.
  7. To close the dialog box, click Close.

If a user of the shared model has already read in or written out any of the deleted versions, the Write out and Read in icons have red arrows for the user, and the user must rejoin the model.

If no users are using any of the deleted versions, the users do not need to rejoin.

A user can reserve the next write out in the model. Other users cannot write out while the next write out is reserved. If needed, you can release the write out reservation in the Management Console by unlocking the model.

After you have deleted the model versions, unlock the model.

Unlock a model

To allow users to read in and write out changes in the shared model again, unlock the model.

  1. In the navigation pane of the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing, click Models to list all of your organization's shared models.
  2. Click the icon on the model's row.

    The Lock/Unlock model dialog box opens.

  3. In the Lock Comment box, add a comment about why you are unlocking the model.
  4. To inform users that the model has been unlocked, select Send email to users.
  5. Click Unlock.
  6. To close the dialog box, click Close.

Users can now read in and write out changes in the shared model.

Example: Locking a shared model and reverting to a previous model version

In this example, the administrator locks a model for investigation to identify a model version that causes problems, and to revert to the last valid version.

For example, a user might have accidentally deleted too many objects. When locking the model, the administrator can select one user as the lock owner who can investigate the model, and read in and write out normally. Other users of the model cannot write out while the model is locked.

When the lock owner finds the model version that causes problems, the administrator deletes the model version in the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing to restore an earlier version of the model. After the versions have been deleted, the administrator unlocks the model.

In this example, the administrator does steps 1, 3, and 4 in the Management Console. The lock owner does step 2 in Tekla Structures.

  1. As the administrator, lock the model and select a user as the lock owner.
    1. Sign in to the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing using a Trimble Identity with administrator rights.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Models to list all of your organization's shared models.
    3. Click the icon on the model's row.

      The Lock/Unlock model dialog box opens.

    4. In the Lock Comment box, add a comment about why you are locking the model.

      Example: "The model is locked to investigate which packet contains the missing columns."

    5. Select one user as the lock owner.

      The lock owner is responsible for investigating the model to find the problem, and is the only user who can read in and write out packets while the model is locked.

    6. Click Lock.
    7. Inform the lock owner that the model can now be investigated.
  2. As the named lock owner, investigate the model.
    1. Open the locked model in Tekla Structures.
    2. Read in and write out packets to find the problem.
    3. When you have identified the problem, inform the administrator which model version to delete.
  3. As the administrator, delete the model version that caused the problems.
    1. In the navigation pane of the Management Console for Tekla Model Sharing, click Models to list all of your organization's shared models.
    2. In the Versions column for the model, click the icon.
    3. Select one or more versions to delete.
    4. In the Add Comment box, add a comment about why you are deleting the versions.
    5. Click Delete versions.
  4. As the administrator, unlock the model.
    1. Click the icon on the model's row.

      The Lock/Unlock model dialog box opens.

    2. In the Lock Comment box, add a comment about why you are unlocking the model.
    3. Click Unlock.
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