Tekla Structures
Modified: 21 Sep 2023
Tekla Structures


Category in Advanced options dialog box: Concrete detailing

Set this advanced option to TRUE to calculate the length and weight of the reinforcing bars in Rebar shape manager using formulas in the fields L and WEIGHT.

If you set this advanced option to FALSE, the length and the weight are automatically calculated according to the center line of the reinforcing bars. The default value is FALSE.

To read the length and weight from Rebar shape manager, you also have to set XS_USE_USER_DEFINED_REBARSHAPERULES to TRUE.


This setting only affects reports. If you set this advanced option to TRUE and you have not defined the formulas for length and weight in Rebar shape manager, the values in the reports show zero (0).

This advanced option is model specific and the setting is saved in the options database.

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