Category in Advanced options dialog box: Dimensioning - unfolding
Use this advanced option to define the precision of angle dimension text. Enter an integer 1 - 10. The default value is 10. Enter one of the following values:
1 = 0.00
2 = 0.50
3 = 0.33
4 = 0.25
5 = 1/8
6 = 1/16
7 = 1/32
8 = 1/10
9 = 1/100
10 = 1/1000
Values 1 - 4 are intended for defining precision with rounding. For example, with precision 0.33 the actual dimension 50.40 is shown as 50.33. Values 5 - 7 are used for imperial units only. Values 8 - 10 are used for defining precision without rounding.
This advanced option is model specific and the setting is saved in the options database.