Category in Advanced options dialog box: Model views
Note that this advanced option works only in model views that use the legacy OpenGL rendering instead of the DirectX rendering.
In model views, the distant objects appear
progressively darker than the close ones. Use the advanced options XS_RENDERED_GL_FOG_START_VALUE
to control the shade of objects.
Use values from 0.0 to 1.0 to control the shade
of objects. The higher the value, the darker the distant objects. Value 0 disables
the fog effect. The default value for XS_RENDERED_GL_FOG_START_VALUE
is 0
This advanced option is user specific and the setting is saved in options.bin under the user folder, for example, in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\UserSettings. Restart Tekla Structures to activate the new value.