Properties of the objects.inp file

Tekla Structures
Modified: 25 Jul 2024
Tekla Structures

Properties of the objects.inp file

User-defined attribute definitions in the objects.inp file follow this structure.

For general information about modifying the definitions, such as file locations and reading order, see Define and update user-defined attributes (UDAs).

You can also hide or dim user-defined attributes. For more information, see How to hide and grey out user-defined attributes.

This example shows the main properties of objects.inp:

attribute("MY_INFO_1", "My Info 1", string, "%s", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
	value ("", 0)
picture("image_name", 8, 2, 260, 25)

General properties

Property In the example Description
attribute or unique_attribute attribute

Specifies whether the attribute is a regular attribute or a non-copyable attribute.

attribute is a regular attribute, which is copied with other part properties.

unique_attribute is a non-copyable attribute. The value of the attribute is never copied to another part. For example, part checking status attributes usually cannot be copied.

attribute_name MY_INFO_1

The attribute name is used to find the attribute value.

Ensure that Tekla Structures does not already use the attribute name that you use. Consider using a prefix to make the name unique, such as your initials, or an abbreviation of your company name.

The attribute name is case-sensitive. Do not use spaces or reserved characters in attribute names. The maximum length of the name can be 19 characters.

To include the attribute in a report or template, add the name of the attribute to your layout in the Template Editor. When you run a report or create a drawing, Tekla Structures shows the current value of the attribute.

label_text My Info 1

A label that Tekla Structures shows in the dialog box.

Some default attributes have prompts such as j_comment, meaning that the prompt comes from the joints.ail message file.

value_type string

The type of value that the field can contain.

If you need to change the value_type, create a new user-defined attribute instead of modifying the current one in the objects.inp file.

For example, if you change the value_type from string to option, the value cannot be changed for parts that have the property specified with the old value type, and the value is shown incorrectly in reports or when you inquire objects.

When the advanced option XS_DIAGNOZE_AND_REPAIR_WRONG_UDA_TYPE is set to TRUE, you can use Diagnose & repair > Diagnose and change attribute definitions to detect and repair the incorrect UDA value types by reverting the value types to the default values. The command checks that the UDA value types, such as string or option, defined in the objects.inp file match their values defined in environment.db. A mismatch can happen if you change the value types after the UDA values have been assigned.

field_format %s

The format of the field in the dialog box

  • %s for strings

  • %d for numbers

special_flag no
  • For parts: Specifies whether the part is considered in numbering.

  • For drawings: Specifies whether the attribute value is shown in the Document manager.

  • For other elements: This property has no effect.

Enter no or yes .

The special flag is not considered for the FixedMainView attribute.

check_switch none

This property is not used. Always enter none.

attribute_value_max 0.0

This property is not used. Always enter 0.0.

attribute_value_min 0.0

This property is not used. Always enter 0.0.

value("attribute_value", default_switch) value ("", 0)

The value of the attribute and whether the value is the default value.

The attribute_value text between the quotation marks is the value of the attribute. The type of value that you can enter depends on the value type of the attribute. If there is no text between the quotation marks, the value is left empty.

When the value type is option, one of the values in the list of values can be set as the default value. The default_switch number after the comma specifies whether the value is the default value:

  • 2: The value is the default value, but it is not stored in the database.

    We recommend using 2 in most cases to avoid increasing the size of the database unnecessarily.

  • 1: The value is the default value, and it is stored in the database.

  • 0: The value is not the default value.

    When the value type is something other than option, always use 0.

If none of the values are set as the default value, the first value in the list is automatically the default value.

Picture properties

Property In the example Description



picture is used for adding images in user-defined attributes dialog boxes.

image name image_name The name of the image
width 2 The width reserved for the image
height 8 The height reserved for the image
horizontal offset 260 The horizontal distance of the left edge of the image from the left edge of the dialog box
vertical offset 25 The vertical distance of the top edge of the image from the top edge of the dialog box counted from the lower edge of the tab section

Value types in user-defined attributes

Value type Description Allowed values
angle Angle (degrees) Numbers that include a decimal point
area Area (mm2) Numbers that include a decimal point
areaperlength Area per unit length (mm2/m ) Numbers that include a decimal point
bolt_size Bolt size Numbers that include a decimal point
bolt_standard Bolt standard Text
date Date with a small calendar Dates consisting of day, month, and year.
date_time_min Date and time in hours and minutes [12:00] with a small calendar Dates consisting of day, month, and year, and times consisting of hours and minutes.
date_time_sec Date and time in hours, minutes, and seconds [12:00:00] with a small calendar Dates consisting of day, month, and year, and times consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.
deformation Deformation (mm) Numbers that include a decimal point
density Density (kg/m3) Numbers that include a decimal point
dimension Dimension (mm) Numbers that include a decimal point
distribload Distributed load (N/m) Numbers that include a decimal point
distribmoment Distributed moment (Nm/m) Numbers that include a decimal point
file_in Input file Text
file_out Output file Text
float A number with a decimal point Numbers that include a decimal point
force Force (N) Numbers that include a decimal point
integer A whole number Whole numbers
label The label for the field Text
material Material type

Whole numbers that represent the material type:

  • 1: Steel

  • 2: Concrete

  • 5: Timber

  • 6: Miscellaneous

modulus Modulus (N/m2) Numbers that include a decimal point
moment Moment (Nm) Numbers that include a decimal point
momentofinertia Moment of inertia (mm4) Numbers that include a decimal point
option A drop-down list of options. Each option must be specified using the value ("", 0) property. Text
profile Profile Text
radiusofinertia Radius of inertia (mm) Numbers that include a decimal point
ratio Ratio Numbers that include a decimal point
rotspringconst Rotation spring constant (Nm/rad) Numbers that include a decimal point
sectionmodulus Section modulus (mm3) Numbers that include a decimal point
springconstant Spring constant (N/m) Numbers that include a decimal point
strain Strain Numbers that include a decimal point
strength Strength (N/m2) Numbers that include a decimal point

Text that is shown in the field.

The value in the field is saved when the user clicks Apply or modified when the user clicks Modify.


The maximum length is 79 characters.


Non-editable text that is shown in the field.

When a field has the string_not_modifiable property, the field is always shown as dimmed. Users cannot change the value in the field.

The value in the field is not saved when the user clicks Apply or modified when the user clicks Modify.

Text for which modification is prevented

The maximum length is 79 characters.

surfaceload Surface load (N/m2) Numbers that include a decimal point
temperature Temperature K (°C) Numbers that include a decimal point
thermdilatcoeff Thermal dilation coefficient 1/K (1/°C) Numbers that include a decimal point
torsionconstant Torsion constant (mm4) Numbers that include a decimal point
warpingconstant Warping constant (mm6) Numbers that include a decimal point
weight Weight (kg) Numbers that include a decimal point

Examples of value types in user-defined attributes

These examples show how to use some typical value types in user-defined attributes.

  • area

    unique_attribute("ADReinfArea", "", area, "%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0", 260, 440, 120)
         value("", 0)
  • date

    unique_attribute("CHECKED_DATE", "j_CheckedDate", date, "%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
         value("", 0)
  • distance

    attribute("xs_shorten", "j_xs_shorten", distance, "%d", yes, none, "0.0", "0.0")
         value("0.0", 0)
  • float

    attribute("PRODUCT_WEIGHT", "j_Product_weight", float,"%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
         value("", 0)
  • force

    unique_attribute("shear1", "", force, "%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0", 260, 180, 120)
         value("-2147483648.0", 0)
  • integer

    unique_attribute("NUMBERING_ORDER", "j_Numbering_Order", integer, "%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
         value("", 0)
  • label

    attribute("start", "j_AD_start_node", label, "%s", no, none, "0.0", "0.0", 300, 20)
  • moment

    unique_attribute("moment2", "", moment, "%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0", 460, 210, 120)
         value("-2147483648.0", 0)
  • option

    unique_attribute("OBJECT_LOCKED", "j_Locked", option,"%s", no, none,"0.0", "0.0")
         value("", 2)
         value("j_No", 0)
         value("j_Yes", 0)
  • string

    attribute("comment", "j_comment", string, "%s", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
         value("", 0)

Copy settings for part UDA

Some user-defined attributes, such as the model checking status, should not be copied when parts are copied. These attributes are called non-copy able and they are defined as "unique_attribute" in the object.inp file.

See the examples below. If the definition lines are added to the beam's attribute list in the object.inp, a new UDA text "Check status" is shown in the Beam (1) properties dialog. As a result, the value given in the Check status field is not copied when the beam is copied. Corresponding definition for a normal, copy able attribute is shown below for comparison.

An example of a non-copy able attribute:

unique_attribute("check_status", "Check status", string, "%s", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
        value("", 0)

An example of a normal, copyable attribute:

attribute("comment", "j_comment", string, "%s", yes, none, "0.0", "0.0")
        value("", 0)

About the tab_page property

The definition of the tab_page must be in the part section, and the sections for specific attributes, such as column or beam, must have only a reference to it.

/* Part attributes */
 /* User defined tab page */
 tab_page("My UDA tab")
 /* User defined attribute */
 attribute("MY UDA", "My UDA", string,"%s", no, none, "0,0", "0,0")
 value("", 0)
 tab_page("My UDA tab", "My UDA tab", 19)
 modify (1)
 /* Column attributes */
 /* Reference to the user defined tab page that is defined above in */
 /* the part() section: */
 tab_page("My UDA tab", "My UDA tab", 19)
 modify (1)}

The maximum length for the tab name is 39 characters.

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