Files and file name extensions in the Tekla Structures model folder
These tables list the folders, files and file name extensions of files located in a Tekla Structures model folder.
Files in the Tekla Structures model folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.db1 |
Model database |
.db2 |
Numbering database |
environment.db |
Database for user-defined attribute definitions |
xslib.db1 |
Contains information about user-defined connections and details, and default component descriptions. |
.idrm |
Mapping file, which handles IDs. Note: Do not modify this file.
xslib.db2 |
Contains numbering information. |
options_model.db and options_drawings.db |
Contain values for model-specific options from the Options dialog box and values for model-specific advanced options from the Advanced options dialog box. When a model is created, Tekla Structures reads model-specific options and advanced options values from the standard.opt file and .ini files in the environment folders and saves them in these two databases. |
history.db |
Model history database. |
xsdb.xs |
This file is used to show the name of the model in the Open dialog box. |
xs_user.<username> |
Contains interface settings specified by the user. This file contains settings for many of the options in the Options dialog box and the settings for the icons on the Selecting and Snapping toolbars. Each time a model is saved, an xs_user.<username> file is created or updated. These settings are user-specific. If the xs_user.<username> file is not found in the model folder when you open the model, Tekla Structures searches for the xs_user.default file in the following folder search order:
If this file is not found, the default settings for Tekla Structures default settings are used. |
drawing_user.<username> |
information about which snap switches are switched on or off in
the drawing mode. This file is user-specific.
Note: Do not
modify this file. |
save_history.log |
Each time the model is saved, Tekla Structures stores the information in this file. The file includes the time and date that the file was saved, and information about any conflicts during saving. |
notification_report.xsr |
This file is used to show a notification report of assignments when you open a model. |
TeklaStructuresModel.xml |
Contains a copy of basic details about the Tekla Structures model, such as the model name, the version it was last saved with, and the Tekla Structures environment that was used. Tekla Structures overwrites the details in this file each time the model is saved. The model details that you see when you select a model on the startup screen are read from this file. The file can also be used as an information source for external tools, such as scripts. |
dotlog.txt |
A log file that contains information about Tekla Open API application use. |
.locked |
A temporary file that locks the files in the model folder to prevent modifications while the model is in use. |
.bak |
A backup copy of a file with a corresponding name. For example, the |
assert.txt |
A log file that contains information about assertion errors. |
ClashCheck.txt |
A log file that contains information about clashes found in the most recent clash check, and the date and time of the clash check. |
ClashCheck.history |
A file that contains information about clashes found in all past clash checks, and the dates and times of the clash checks. |
wizard.txt |
Tekla Structures stores information in this file when you run a drawing rule set (wizard) file. The file contains information such as errors, the number of drawings created, and information about which commands were used. |
.lis |
Export files for catalogs. You can export catalogs and import them to different Tekla Structures models as .lis files. These catalogs include profile, material, and bolt catalogs. |
.tsc |
Export files for shapes. You can export shapes and import them to different Tekla Structures models as .tsc files. |
.This_is_multiuser_model |
Contains information about the PC that is running the Tekla Structures multi-user server. Note:
In normal circumstances, do not alter or delete this file. If you move the model to a different server, you should delete this file. Tekla Structures generates a new file for the new server. |
ComponentCatalog.xml |
Contains the model level catalog definitions of the Applications & components catalog. |
<user>_ComponentCatalogUserSettings.xml |
Lists the recently used applications and components, and their location in the Applications & components catalog structure. |
Worktypes.xml |
Lists available task types. This file is created when you start the Task manager. |
WorkTypeProperties.xml |
Lists allowed property types and their units. |
.tmp |
Stores temporary data. |
.cnv |
Maps Tekla Structures profile and material names with names used in other software. |
.colorset |
This file is created when you export a color set from the Organizer. |
DocumentManager_<user>.xml | Stores the Document manager window layout changes. |
DocumentManagerDataGridSettings_<user>.xml | Stores the Document manager user interface layout changes. |
DocumentManagerCategories_<user>.xml | Stores the Document manager category changes. |
.dwg, .dxf | Files exported through Export 3D DWG/DXF. |
Files in the \Analysis folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.ifc |
The analysis model exported in IFC format. |
.stp |
The analysis model exported in CIS/2 format. |
.map |
A file used for debugging analysis models. |
analysis_results.db5 |
Database that contains saved analysis results for all load combinations. |
.db6 |
Analysis model database. |
Files in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.rmcs |
Comparison set files used in reference model change detection. |
.rmct |
Property set comparison tolerance setting files used in reference model change detection. |
.rop |
Reference object properties |
.rop.more |
Reference object user-defined attribute properties |
.m10000017 |
FabTrol XML import properties |
.m10000015 |
Import attribute properties |
.ncf |
NC file properties |
.ExportIFC.MainDialog |
IFC export properties |
.dwgsetting | Drawing export properties (Export drawings as DWG/DXF) |
.m440000004 |
3D DWG/DXF export properties |
.dwgExport.json | 3D DWG export properties |
.m440000003 |
3D DGN export properties |
.dgnExport.json | 3D DGN v. 8 export properties |
.m1000004 |
FEM export properties |
.m170000068 | ELiPLAN export properties |
.HmsExport.HmsExportForm.xml | HMS export properties |
.m160000079 | Unitechnik export properties |
.BvbsExport.BvbsExportForm.xml | BVBS export properties |
.ExportSketchup.MainDialog.xml | Sketchup export properties |
.m1000007 |
CAD export properties |
.m10000016 |
Cover sheet export properties |
.SObjGrp |
Model selection filter properties |
.VObjGrp |
Model view filter properties |
.OrgObjGrp |
Organizer filter properties |
.PObjGrp |
Object group filter properties |
.IFCObjGrp | IFC object group filter properties |
.grd |
Rectangular grid properties |
.grd.more |
Rectangular grid user-defined attribute properties |
.rgrd |
Radial grid properties |
.rgrd.more |
Radial grid user-defined attribute properties |
.grdp |
Grid line properties |
.grdp.more |
Grid line user-defined attribute properties |
.cnl |
Construction line properties |
.cncrl |
Construction circle properties |
.cnarc |
Construction arc properties |
.cnplycrv |
Construction polycurve properties |
.mvi |
Model view properties that you have saved for the model. The default 3D, part, component, custom component, assembly, and cast unit view settings files must be saved with the names used in common environment: 3D view: basic_view 3D part view: part_basic_view Part front view: part_front_view Part top view: part_top_view Part end view: part_end_view Part perspective view: part_persp_view 3D component view: component_basic_view Component front view: component_front_view Component top view: component_top_view Component end view: component_end_view Component perspective view: component_persp_view Custom component front view: custom_object_editor_front_view Custom component top view: custom_object_editor_top_view Custom component end view: custom_object_editor_end_view Custom component perspective view: custom_object_editor_perspective_view 3D assembly or cast unit view: assembly_basic_view Assembly or cast unit front view: assembly_front_view Assembly or cast unit top view: assembly_top_view Assembly or cast unit end view: assembly_end_view Assembly or cast unit back view: assembly_back_view Assembly or cast unit bottom view: assembly_bottom_view Assembly or cast unit perspective view: assembly_persp_view |
.gvi |
Saved properties for creating views along grid lines |
.rep |
Object representation properties |
.clm |
Steel column properties |
.clm.more |
Steel column user-defined attribute properties |
.prt |
Steel beam properties |
.prt.more |
Steel beam user-defined attribute properties |
.sb |
Steel spiral beam properties |
.sb.more |
Steel spiral beam user-defined attribute properties |
.crs |
Orthogonal beam properties |
.crs.more |
Orthogonal beam user-defined attribute properties |
.dia |
Twin profile properties |
.dia.more |
Twin profile user-defined attribute properties |
.cpl |
Contour plate properties |
.cpl.more |
Contour plate user-defined attribute properties |
.blp |
Bent plate properties |
.blp.more |
Bent plate user-defined attribute properties |
.lpl |
Lofted plate properties |
.lpl.more |
Lofted plate user-defined attribute properties |
.ips |
Item properties |
.ips.more |
Item user-defined attribute properties |
.cpf |
Pad footing properties |
.cpf.more |
Pad footing user-defined attribute properties |
.csf |
Strip footing properties |
.csf.more |
Strip footing user-defined attribute properties |
.ccl |
Concrete column properties |
.ccl.more |
Concrete column user-defined attribute properties |
.cbm |
Concrete beam or concrete polybeam properties |
.cbm.more |
Concrete beam or concrete polybeam user-defined attribute properties |
.csb |
Concrete spiral beam properties |
.csb.more |
Concrete spiral beam user-defined attribute properties |
.csl |
Concrete slab properties |
.csl.more |
Concrete slab user-defined attribute properties |
.cpn |
Concrete panel properties |
.cpn.more |
Concrete panel user-defined attribute properties |
.lsl |
Concrete lofted slab properties |
.lsl |
Concrete lofted slab user-defined attribute properties |
.ipc |
Concrete item properties |
.ipc.more |
Concrete item user-defined attribute properties |
.rbr |
Reinforcing bar properties |
.rbr.more |
Reinforcing bar user-defined attribute properties |
.rbg |
Reinforcing bar group properties |
.rbg.more |
Reinforcing bar group user-defined attribute properties |
.rcu .rcu.more |
Curved reinforcing bar group properties and user-defined attributes |
.rci .rci.more |
Circular reinforcing bar group properties and user-defined attributes |
.rbm |
Reinforcement mesh properties |
.rbm.more |
Reinforcement mesh user-defined attribute properties |
.rbs |
Reinforcement strand pattern properties |
.rbs.more |
Reinforcement strand pattern user-defined attribute properties |
.rsp |
Reinforcement splice properties |
.rsp.more |
Reinforcement splice user-defined attribute properties |
.rst |
Rebar set properties |
.rst.more |
Rebar set user-defined attribute properties |
.rst_ls |
Rebar set leg surface properties |
.rst_pm |
Rebar set property modifier properties |
.rst_pm.more |
Rebar set property modifier user-defined attribute properties |
.rst_edm |
Rebar set end detail modifier properties |
.rst_edm.more |
Rebar set end detail modifier user-defined attribute properties |
.rst_sm |
Rebar set splitter properties |
.admodel |
Analysis model properties |
.admodel.more |
Analysis model user-defined attribute properties |
.lm1 |
Point load properties |
.lm2 |
Line load properties |
.lm3 |
Area load properties |
.lm4 |
Uniform load properties |
.m10000028 |
Wind load properties |
.lm6 |
Temperature load properties |
.lco |
Load combination properties |
.adnode |
Analysis node properties |
.adnode.more |
Analysis node user-defined attribute properties |
.prt_ad, .prt_design |
File types associated with steel beam analysis property settings. .prt_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .prt_design contains information associated with the actual steel beam design. |
.crs_ad, .crs_design |
File types associated with orthogonal steel beam analysis property settings. .crs_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .crs_design contains information associated with orthogonal steel beam design. |
.clm_ad, .clm_design |
File types associated with steel column analysis property settings. .clm_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .clm_design contains information associated with the actual steel column design. |
.dia_ad, .dia_design |
File types associated with steel twin profile analysis property settings. .dia_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .dia_design contains information associated with actual twin profile design. |
.cpl_ad, .cpl_design |
File types associated with contour plate analysis property settings. .cpl_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .cpl_design contains information associated with actual contour plate design. |
.cpf_ad, .cpf_design |
File types associated with pad footing analysis property settings. .cpf_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .cpf_design contains information associated with the actual pad footing design. |
.csf_ad, .csf_design |
File types associated with strip footing analysis property settings. .csf_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .csf_design contains information associated with the actual strip footing design. |
.ccl_ad, .ccl_design |
File types associated with concrete column analysis property settings. .ccl_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .ccl_design contains information associated with the actual concrete column design. |
.cbm_ad, .cbm_design |
File types associated with concrete beam analysis property settings. .cbm_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .cbm_design contains information associated with the actual concrete beam design. |
.csl_ad, .csl_design |
File types associated with concrete slab analysis property settings. .csl_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .csl_design contains information associated with the actual slab design. |
.cpn_ad, .cpn_design |
File types associated with concrete panel analysis property settings. .cpl_ad contains information associated with the analysis part properties and .cpl_design contains information associated with the actual concrete panel design. |
.srf |
Surface treatment properties |
.srf.more |
User-defined surface treatment attribute properties |
.srfo |
Surface properties |
.srfo.more |
User-defined surface attribute properties |
.cha |
Edge chamfer properties |
.cha.more |
User-defined edge chamfer attribute properties |
.scr |
Bolt properties |
.scr.more |
User-defined bolt attribute properties |
.wld |
Weld properties |
.wld.more |
User-defined weld attribute properties |
*.udwcs |
User-defined weld cross sections (UserDefinedWeldCrossSections.udwcs) |
.m1000009 |
Control number properties |
.m1000010 |
Control number locking properties |
.num |
Numbering setup properties |
.rpr |
Report properties |
.4d |
Project status visualization properties |
.sas |
Assembly properties |
.pas |
Precast cast unit properties |
.ias |
Cast-in-place cast unit properties |
.ras |
Rebar assembly properties |
.punit .punit.more |
Pour unit properties and user-defined attributes |
.pour .pour.more |
Pour object properties and user-defined attributes |
.pbreak |
Pour break properties |
.it |
Report template used in Custom inquiry |
.ColorPalette.xml | Custom color palette file saved in color palette editing mode. |
standard.opt |
Settings are saved in standard.opt in the \attributes folder only when you save your own settings in the Options dialog box using Save. There is a standard.opt file in the environment folder that gives the initial values to be loaded when a model is created. |
Tekla PowerFab export settings in the \attributes folder
The standard Tekla PowerFab export settings file is saved with the name standard.TeklaPowerFabPluginSettings.xml in the \attributes folder under the model folder. If you save the settings with another name, the settings file is saved as <name>.TeklaPowerFabPluginSettings.xml.
Component properties files in the \attributes folder
Properties files for components in the Applications & components catalog, such as .j310000063 for 2L Splice (63) component properties. These files are stored in the attributes folder under the model folder.
Object-level drawing settings saved in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.dprt |
Object-level part properties |
.dim |
Object-level dimension properties |
.dimension_mark |
Object-level dimension tag properties |
.rdim |
Object-level rebar dimension mark properties |
.pm |
Object-level part mark properties |
.jm |
Object-level connection mark properties |
.sm |
Object-level bolt mark properties |
.rm |
Object-level reinforcement mark properties |
.mrm |
Object-level merged reinforcement mark properties |
.pom |
Pour object mark properties |
.surfm |
Object-level surface treatment mark properties |
.note |
Object-level associative note properties |
.wls |
Object-level weld mark properties |
.lev |
Object-level level mark properties |
.rev |
Object-level revision mark properties |
.drmsh |
Object-level reinforcement mesh properties |
.drbr |
Object-level reinforcement properties |
.po |
Object-level pour object properties |
.sc |
Object-level bolt properties |
.dsrf |
Object-level surface treatment properties |
.dgr |
Object-level grid properties |
.sbl |
Object-level symbol properties |
.wls |
Object-level weld mark properties |
.drtxt |
Object-level text properties |
.gln |
Object-level line properties |
.grt |
Object-level rectangle properties |
.gci |
Object-level circle properties |
.gar |
Object-level arc properties |
.gpl |
Object-level polyline properties |
.gpg |
Object-level polygon and cloud properties |
View-level drawing settings saved in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.vi .vi.copt |
View-level view properties |
.vclassif .vclassif.copt |
View-level detailed object-level settings |
.viewdim | View-level dimension properties |
.vpm |
View-level part mark properties |
.vsm |
View-level bolt mark properties |
.vnpm |
View-level neighbor part mark properties |
.vsurfm |
View-level surface treatment mark properties |
.vjm |
View-level connection mark properties |
.vrm |
View-level reinforcement mark properties |
.vnrm |
View-level neighbor reinforcement mark properties |
.vpom |
View-level pour object mark properties |
.vp |
View-level part properties |
.vs |
View-level bolt properties |
.vnp |
View-level neighbor part properties |
.vsurf |
View-level surface treatment properties |
.vw |
View-level welding properties |
.vr |
View-level reinforcement properties |
.vnr |
View-level neighbor reinforcement properties |
.vrmp |
View-level reference object properties |
.vpo |
View-level pour object properties |
.vg |
View-level grid properties |
.vf |
View-level filter properties |
.vnf |
View-level neighbor part filter properties |
.GridsDimXml .ShapeDimXml .HolesDimXml .FilterDimXml .OverallDimXml .RecessesDimXml .SecPartsDimXml .NeighborDimXml .SpiralBeamDimXML |
Dimensioning rules |
Files related to drawing level properties for single-part drawings saved in \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.wd .wd.copt |
Single-part drawing properties |
.wd.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined attributes |
.wdf |
Single-part drawing filter properties |
.wdnf |
Single-part drawing neighbor part filter properties |
.wdl |
Single-part drawing layout properties |
.wdl.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined layout attributes |
.wdv |
Single-part drawing view properties |
.wdv.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined view attributes |
.wdc |
Single-part drawing section view properties |
.wdc.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined section view attributes |
.wdd |
Single-part drawing dimension properties |
.wdd.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined dimension attributes |
.wdcd |
Single-part drawing dimensioning properties |
.wdcd more |
Single-part drawing user-defined dimensioning attributes |
.wpm |
Single-part drawing part mark properties |
.wsm |
Single-part drawing bolt mark properties |
.wnpm |
Single-part drawing neighbor part mark properties |
.wdsurfm |
Single-part drawing surface treatment mark properties |
.wdsurfm.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined surface treatment mark attributes |
.wjm |
Single-part drawing connection mark properties |
.wdp |
Single-part drawing part properties |
.wds |
Single-part drawing bolt properties |
.wds.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined bolt attributes |
.wdnp |
Single-part drawing neighbor part properties |
.wdnp.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined neighbor part attributes |
.wdsrf |
Single-part drawing surface treatment properties |
.wdsrf.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined surface treatment attributes |
.wdgr |
Single-part drawing grid properties |
.wdgr.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined grid attributes |
.wdr |
Single-part drawing protection properties |
.wdr.more |
Single-part drawing user-defined protection attributes |
.wsection_mark_a1 - a5 | Single part drawings: section mark properties in section views |
Files related to drawing level properties for assembly drawings saved in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.ad |
Assembly drawing properties |
.ad.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined attributes |
.adf |
Assembly drawing filter properties |
.adnf |
Assembly drawing neighbor part filter properties |
.adl |
Assembly drawing layout properties |
.adl.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined layout attributes |
.adv |
Assembly drawing view properties |
.adc |
Assembly drawing section view properties |
.add |
Assembly drawing dimension properties |
.add.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined dimension attributes |
.adcd |
Assembly drawing dimensioning properties (Integrated dimensioning) |
.adcd.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined dimensioning attributes |
.apm |
Assembly drawing part mark properties |
.asm |
Assembly drawing bolt mark properties |
.anpm |
Assembly drawing neighbor part mark properties |
.adsurfm |
Assembly drawing surface treatment mark properties |
.adsurfm.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined surface treatment mark attributes |
.ajm |
Assembly drawing connection mark properties |
.adp |
Assembly drawing part properties |
.adp.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined part attributes |
.ads |
Assembly drawing bolt properties |
.adnp |
Assembly drawing neighbor part properties |
.adnp.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined neighbor part attributes |
.adsrf |
Assembly drawing surface treatment properties |
.adsrf.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined surface treatment attributes |
.adw |
Assembly drawing welding properties |
.adw.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined welding attributes |
.adgr |
Assembly drawing grid properties |
.adgr.more |
Assembly drawing user-defined grid attributes |
.adr |
Assembly drawing protection properties |
.asection_view_mark_a1 - a5 | Assembly drawings: section mark properties in section views |
Files related to drawing level properties for cast unit drawings saved in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.cud .cud.copt |
Cast unit drawing properties |
.cud.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined attributes |
.cudl |
Cast unit drawing layout properties |
.cudl.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined layout attributes |
.cudv |
Cast unit drawing view properties |
.cudv.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined view attributes |
.cudc |
Cast unit drawing section view properties |
.cudc.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined section view attributes |
.cudd |
Cast unit drawing dimension properties |
.cudd.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined dimension attributes |
.cudcd |
Cast unit drawing dimensioning properties (Integrated dimensioning) |
.cudcd.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined dimensioning properties |
.cupm |
Cast unit drawing part mark properties |
.cusm |
Cast unit drawing bolt mark properties |
.cunpm |
Cast unit drawing neighbor part mark properties |
.cudsurfm |
Cast unit drawing surface treatment mark properties |
.cudsurfm.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined surface treatment mark attributes |
.cudrm |
Cast unit drawing reinforcement mark properties |
.cudrm.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined reinforcement mark attributes |
.cudp |
Cast unit drawing part properties |
.cudp.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined part attributes |
.cuds |
Cast unit drawing bolt properties |
.cuds.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined bolt attributes |
.cudnp |
Cast unit drawing neighbor part properties |
.cudnp.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined neighbor part attributes |
.cudsrf |
Cast unit drawing surface treatment properties |
.cudsrf.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined surface treatment attributes |
.cudr |
Cast unit drawing reinforcement properties |
.cudr.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined reinforcement attributes |
.cudw |
Cast unit drawing welding properties |
.cudw.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined welding attributes |
.cudgr |
Cast unit drawing grid properties |
.cudgr.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined grid attributes |
.cudrp |
Cast unit drawing protection properties |
.cudrp.more |
Cast unit drawing user-defined protection attributes |
.cuf |
Cast unit drawing filter properties |
.cunf |
Cast unit drawing neighbor part filter properties |
.cusection_mark_a1 - a5 | Cast unit drawings: section mark properties in section views |
Files related to drawing level properties for general arrangement drawings saved in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.gd .gd.copt |
General arrangement drawing properties |
.gclassif .gclassif.copt |
General arrangement drawing detailed object-level settings |
.gd.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined properties |
.gdl |
General arrangement drawing layout properties |
.gdl.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined layout attributes |
.gdv |
General arrangement drawing view properties |
.gdv.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined view attributes |
.gdd |
General arrangement drawing dimension properties |
.gdd.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined dimension attributes |
.gdcd |
General arrangement drawing dimensioning properties |
.gdcd.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined dimensioning attributes |
.gpm |
General arrangement drawing part mark properties |
.gsm |
General arrangement drawing bolt mark properties |
.gnpm |
General arrangement drawing neighbor part mark properties |
.gdsurfm |
General arrangement drawing surface treatment mark properties |
.gdsurfm.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined surface treatment mark attributes |
.gjm |
General arrangement drawing connection mark properties |
.gdrm |
General arrangement drawing reinforcement mark properties |
.gdrm.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined reinforcement mark attributes |
.gnrm |
General arrangement drawing neighbor reinforcement mark properties |
.gpom |
General arrangement drawing pour object mark properties |
.gdp |
General arrangement drawing part properties |
.gdp.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined part attributes |
.gds |
General arrangement drawing bolt properties |
.gds.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined bolt attributes |
.gdnp |
General arrangement drawing neighbor part properties |
.gdnp.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined neighbor part attributes |
.gdsrf |
General arrangement drawing surface treatment properties |
.gdw |
General arrangement drawing welding properties |
.gdw.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined welding attributes |
.gdr |
General arrangement drawing reinforcement properties |
.gdr.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined reinforcement attributes |
.gnr |
General arrangement drawing neighbor reinforcement properties |
.gpo |
General arrangement drawing pour object properties |
.gpbr |
General arrangement drawing pour break properties |
.gdrmp |
General arrangement drawing reference object properties |
.gdrmp.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined reference model attributes |
.gdgr |
General arrangement drawing grid properties |
.gdgr.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined grid attributes |
.gdrp |
General arrangement drawing protection properties |
.gdrp.more |
General arrangement drawing user-defined protection attributes |
.gdf |
General arrangement drawing filter properties |
.gdnf |
General arrangement drawing neighbor part filter properties |
Files related to drawing level properties for multidrawings saved in the \attributes folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.md |
Multidrawing properties |
.md.more |
Multidrawing user-defined attributes |
.mdl |
Multidrawing layout properties |
.mdl.more |
Multidrawing user-defined layout attributes |
.mdr |
Multidrawing protection properties |
.mdr.more |
Multidrawing user-defined protection attributes |
Files common to all drawings and files in the \drawings folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.dg |
Drawing files |
.ldb |
Drawing export layer properties |
.ldr |
Drawing link properties |
.cs |
Section mark properties |
.detail |
Detail mark properties |
.fas |
Text file properties |
.fhl |
Hyperlink properties |
.dsf |
Drawing selection filter properties. This file is saved when you select the Filter or Selection Filter properties. check box in the |
.dg.DPM |
Drawing snapshot files in the \<model>\drawings\snapshots sub-folder. The files are created either automatically or based on a user request. To create a
snapshot of a drawing automatically at the same time that you
create the drawing, set the advanced option XS_DRAWING_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_ON_DRAWING_CREATION to
Files created in the \DataStorage\ref folder
When a reference model is inserted or updated, reference model data is automatically copied to the <current model>\DataStorage\ref folder. There is no need to manually copy reference models to the model folder. Duplicated data can use a large amount of disk space and might make copying or sharing the model using Tekla Model Sharing unnecessarily slow.
File or file name extension |
Description |
.trb |
A TrimBIM file converted from the reference model file |
.ifc, .ifc4, .ifcZIP, .ifcXML, .tcZIP, .3dd, .dxf, .dwg, .dgn, .xml, .LandXML, .stp, .igs, .skp, .pdf | Reference model files in different formats |
.logxml | Reference model import log |
Files created in the \Plotfiles folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
Printed PDF files |
.plt | Printed plotter files |
.dwg | Drawing DWG files exported through Export drawings as DWG/DXF. |
Files created in the \DGN folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.dgn |
Files created through the 3D DGN v8 export. |
Files created in the \Drawing Details folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.ddf |
Details created in 2D Library in drawings together with metadata. |
Files related to IFC export in the \IFC folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.ifc, .ifcXML , and .ifcZIP |
Exported IFC files |
Files related to NC (numerical control) in the \DSTV_Profiles folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.nc1 |
NC (numerical control) files |
Files in the \ModelSharing folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
ModelSharingService.key |
Key file that is needed to share models in Tekla Model Sharing. |
FileSharing.ini |
File sharing settings in Tekla Model Sharing. |
FileSharing.xml |
File needed for file sharing in Tekla Model Sharing. |
Files in the \ProjectOrganizer folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.db |
Created when the Organizer is opened for the first time. Contains all property template and category information used in the model. The database name shows the version of the database, such as ProjOrg000020.db. |
.propertytemplate |
Created when you export a property template from the Organizer. |
.category |
Created when you export a category from the Organizer. |
Files related to reports in the \Reports folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.xsr |
Tekla Structures reports |
Files in the \SessionFileRepository folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
Files in the SessionFileRepository folder |
Backup copies of the files that are updated or deleted during a Tekla Model Sharing read in. |
SessionFile.db |
Database for managing model folder files in Tekla Model Sharing. |
.storage |
Configuration file for SessionFile.db. |
Files related to shapes in the \ShapeGeometries and \Shapes folders
File or file name extension |
Description |
.tez .xml |
Shape geometry descriptions in the \ShapeGeometries folder. |
.xml |
Shape descriptions in the Shapes folder. |
Files in the \screenshots folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.png |
Screenshot taken in Tekla Structures. |
Files related to Unitechnik export in the \UT_files folder
File or file name extension |
Description |
.uni |
Exported Unitechnik files |