Advanced options

Tekla Structures
Modified: 14 Nov 2024
Tekla Structures

Advanced options

Advanced options customize your version of Tekla Structures. For example, they set various file names and locations, define symbols used in drawings, change how numbering is done, and so on.

Check and change advanced option values

Most advanced options are available in the user interface. To access the options, click File menu > Settings and in the Settings area select Advanced options.

Some advanced options are not shown in the Advanced options dialog and can only be set in initialization files; the documentation of the option mentions when this is the case.

The default values given for the advanced options in the documentation are for the Default environment. The values may be different in localized environments. If you want to change the defaults used in your projects, add the advanced options in an initialization file that is located in a project or firm folder. Settings in the initialization files do not change existing selections in models. They are used when you create a new model and when you add values for options that have no previous value in the model.

To list all advanced option values set in the current model, including those set in initialization files, click the Write to file button at the bottom of the Advanced options dialog.

Find the documentation for advanced options

To see the documentation for those advanced options that are shown in the Advanced options dialog, select an advanced option in the dialog and press F1 on your keyboard. This opens the correct help page for the option, and often provides additional information even for those options that have a short description directly in the dialog.

Here in the documentation, we list the advanced options alphabetically (see the attached listing), ignoring the initial letters XS. For example, under A you will find the advanced option XS_AISC_WELD_MARK, under B, XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR,and so on. Advanced options starting with XSR are listed under R.

Search for advanced options

The regular search is configured to find advanced options.

When you type "XS_WELD", you will see suggestions to choose from. When you perform the search, you will see all advanced options containing "XS_WELD" first and then after that those containing "WELD".

If you search for advanced options but only know a part of the name, first select the Functionality filter: Advanced options and then type your search word, for example "WELD". You will get a list of all advanced options containing that word.

List of obsolete advanced options across Tekla Structures versions

The list of obsolete advanced options provides information about the advanced options that have become obsolete in Tekla Structures in version 2018 and newer.

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